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  "If Jin was the only one who knew you took them..... how did the texter?" The boys looked towards Hoseok, confusion painted on their faces
"I don't know...." Taehyung softly replied and hung his head low, his hair covering his eyes
"Well let's just ask him then!" Jungkook stood up and marched out of the room leaving the three others there stunned by his sudden decision before jumping up and running after him themselves  
"Hyung!" The younger's loud voice echoed through the house as he made his way into the kitchen and met the curious gazes of Jin and Namjoon
"You have to be more specific there Kook" 
"Jin Hyung, How did the texter know about Taehyung's medications" Jin stood there looking puzzled 
"What do you mean?" 
"Taehyung said you were the only one who knew about them-" Yoongi walked in answering the question, Jin titled his head  to the side looking even more confused
"That's not true-" Everyone's went wide and looked at Taehyung before returning to hear Jin out
"Both Namjoon and Jimin knew?" 
"I did?" Namjoon questioned furrowing his brows
"yeah, don't you remember? that week I went away I told you to keep an eye out for Tae and make sure he took them" Namjoon's eyes went wide as he looked down suddenly fascinated by the details of their counter-top, Jin deeply sighed and rolled his eyes 
"Annnnd- Since I knew you'd forget I also asked Jimin the same thing" 
"Someone mention me?" Jimin walked back into the room clinging onto Taehyung's arm as he looked around at everyone in the room
"Jiminie, did you look after Tae for a week when Jin was gone, making sure he took his medication properly"
"Ofcourse I did!" Jimin nuzzled his cheek playfully into his friends arm
"You think this guy could manage without someone for a whole week, maybe a few days" he let out an airy laugh, Taehyung scratched the back of his head
"I guess I forgot... I'm sorry Jin for casting any suspicion on you" Jin looked at him, confused once again
"Well yeah, if no one else knows about Taehyung's medication how does the texter?" the room fell silent as Hoseok's words fell heavily onto them 
"So..... what you're saying is.... you think the texter, could be one of us?" Yoongi pointed out, his voice was flat, everybody visibly tensed
"No.... that can't be.." Jungkook looked on at everyone, carrying a sorrowful expression
"Well what else is there!? Who else could it be if not one of us!?" Yoongi began to shout 
"Yoongi shut the hell up, why the fuck would you think that!?" Jin stood up and marched towards him
"Open your fucking eyes Jin, one of us is behind this-"
"Hey! You can't speak to him like that!" Namjoon place his arm between the two
"Oh! fucking typical of you to stand up for him Namjoon, you're always kissing his ass, I don't care if he's the reason we're all here, for all we know he could be out to get us!" the sound of skin meeting skin resonated through the room as everyone's eyes went wide, the red hand print flaring up on Yoongi's face
"How fucking dare you Min Yoongi! I saved you! I saved everyone, you all were miserable before I took you in and now you have the audacity to think I'd do something like this!?"
"Stop living in the god damn past Jin! You think you've done such a great job of saving us!? Look where we are Jin! We're all in danger! Jimin ended up in the fucking hospital, the great Seokjin our fucking messiah! fuck this!" Jin stood there shocked as Yoongi turned around and walked out of the room heading towards his bedroom
"Jin-" the male raised his hand to stop Namjoon 
"He... he's right..." Jin's head hung low, tears brimming in his eyes, Taehyung walked up to him and engulfed him in a hug and let him cry into his shoulder
"Hyung... he didn't mean it, please don't be upset he's just scared" Namjoon rubbed Jin's back as Taehyung tried to console him, his attention was drawn to the doorway as he watched Yoongi storm past with a bag
"Hyung!" Hoseok ran after Yoongi as he reached the door
"Yoongi what are you doing!?" he sighed deeply and turned to face him, sadness swirled in his eyes as he met Hoseoks worried pair
"I'm sorry Hobi.... I just.... I can't stay here thinking it could be one of you..." he turned at left the house leaving a broken Hoseok to stand there in the wake of the nights events

AN: Big oof, we getting down to the nitty gritty now, I hopefully won't drag this out much longer, Thank you for 17k reads, I honestly dunno how.....

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