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The two boys arrived home, they had spent the ride in silence both of them too immersed in their thoughts to make conversation, as they opened the door to their house they were greeted by the sounds of laughter and playful fighting, Jin walked into the living room to see Hoseok and Jungkook wrestling over snacks as Taehyung encouraged either side, Jin smiled, he was happy to see that Hoseok was okay, maybe that message meant nothing after all, he looked to his side where his small friend had been, he realized he was suddenly standing by himself, he turned and rushed to the kitchen where he found a frail looking Jimin sitting on the floor, he rushed to his side and held onto him

"Jimin! what is it, what's wrong!?" Jin couldn't control the sound of his voice, it must have been loud because he could hear the sudden movement of feet as the others rushed in to join him, Hoseok had immediately rushed to Jimins side and started feeling over him to make sure he was okay

"Jimin, you're burning up" Hoseok jumped up and went over to the sink where he got a wet towel and a glass of water for the younger

"Jimin what's wrong?" Taehyung lent down and place his hands on his friends' legs, Jimin had been with him from the start, they were the same age and got along well, he was Taehyungs best friend along with Jungkook, the three of them were usually inseparable, it pained them both to see their dear friend like this, Jimin turned to the boys and let out a soft smile, it was genuine and it put the boys at ease

"Guys, I'm okay, I'm just a little tired and stressed, I'll be fine, just let me lie down a little" The boys looked at him in shock, it wasn't like Jimin to be like this, he was usually one to suffer alone and tell the world he was fine as he bottled it up, it put everyone at ease however, him being this honest, they were able to worry a little less

"Is it about the text because dammit Jimin you shouldn't be worrying about something so stupid" The two younger boys looked at the hyung with confusion

"Text?" Jungkook questioned and Taehyung titled his head looking for an answer

"We got these dumb texts about truth or dare, Jimin replied with truth and got a stupid message back that shook him up a little" Jimin looked down, embarrassed by the way Jin described it, he looked up at the two other boys, Jungkook looked confused and judgmental, it was obvious to tell he was probably thinking the red head was stupid for being scared over something as minor as a text, on the opposite side was Taehyung, it looked like all colour had drained from his face after he heard Jin talk, Jimin was about to ask the boy if he was okay but they were distracted by the sound of glass smashing and a shaky Hoseok cursing at his mess, not leaving Jimins side Jin spoke over and asked him if everything was okay, Jungkook jumped up to go and help his hyung with the clean up

"Uh... yeah, I'm... fine" Hoseok spoke like he was deep in thought, he walked over handing the wet towel to Jimin and looked straight into Jins eyes

"You... you said something about a text?" He looked and Jin and then Jimin and settled his gaze on Jin "You said... You said you both got one?" They nodded their heads, Hoseok looked down and gritted his teeth, his jaw tensed up, Taehyung took notice of the behaviour and went to put his hand on the hyungs shoulder but hesitated and pulled it away, Hoseok loosened his jaw and let out a deep sigh, looking once again back at Jin

"Jin, what did yours say?" Taken back by the way Hoseok just not to use honorifics his eyebrows met in the middle and softened quickly, he looked down for a second before looking up

"Hoseok... Did something happen after all" Jin softly asked his voice growing fainter as he spoke on, Hoseok bawled his hand into a fist

"Just, just tell me, what it said" He had an angry expression on his face

"Look Hoseok, there's no need to use a tone with me okay, all mine said was Truth or Dare, I didn't respond after the second time and I never got any follow up messages like Jimin did, is that okay with you!?" Jin snapped back, the others boys looked back and forth between the two looked shocked and worried, Hoseok continued kneeling down next to Jimin, his eyes fixated on Jin, in the back of his head he heard voices, whispers he tried to ignore them but one voice stood out to him

"They used you for an example" the thought of this made Hoseok even angrier, whatever was going on, he was used as their beating toy, nothing more than a point to be proven, everyone was staring at him now, their eyes were wide

"They what hyung? used... who?" Jungkook spoke from behind him, he turned around with a puzzled look on his face, did they also hear the voice

"Did... did you?" Hoseok looked at Jungkook who raised an eyebrow

"Yeah we heard you hyung? what did you mean?" Hoseok turned around again and looked at the floor, he had said that out loud? he thought he was only listening to the voice in his head but it had become words in his mouth, what was happening, quickly he stood up excusing himself and apologizing, he rushed back to his room where he sat on his bed quietly, his room seeming to grow darker with every passing moment, they, they wouldn't right, his friends wouldn't leave him to be some experiment for some stupid game would they? they weren't involved were they? his mind was running at a capacity he felt like he'd never had before, the thoughts, the noise, the voices was too overwhelming, he fell backwards onto his bed and curled over clutching his ears, he wanted just a second of peace, just a second of escape, he thought he was going to scream but then everything flood away and he was enveloped in darkness

Watching Hoseok rush out of the room, Jin scoffed and returned his attention to Jimin, helping him stand he placed Jimins arm over his shoulder

"Hyung, I can walk it's fine" but Jin insisted he be helped to his room, Jungkook had begun to assist the two but Jin said Taehyung needed his attention as he also wasn't look the best so the two quietly went back into the living room, they reached Jimins room and he lied down on his bed while Jin drew the curtains and turned to him

"You need to rest okay! I don't want you looking at your phone, so help me I'll take it off you" Jin was being his stern mothering self again, Jimin chuckled weakly

"I promise hyung, I'm too tired to even look at it right now" Jin made sure the boy was comfortable in bed before he left the room closing the door behind him, Jimin continued to lie there looking at his side table, as if something controlled him he reached for his phone

"I promise I won't Jin, I just have to reply to one message" he softly spoke as his fingers glided over the screen and he fell asleep, phone still in hand

AN- What is it you guys think Jimin replied to? What do you think it is he replied? ;)

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