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"Come on Kaylee you have been stuck in your room for a week." Emma says standing beside Kaylee's bed. Kaylee hasn't been out of her room since she returned.

"Emma, I told you already I don't want to go to the mall." Kaylee says sitting up on her bed. She pulls her shoulders onto her shoulder since they had fell.

"Come on Kay we miss you." Emma whines sitting down on her bed.

"I just want to be alone." Kaylee says but rests her head on her friend shoulder.

"I know it seems like this is it for you but remember you don't need a mate to be happy. You will find someone who loves you for you and I promise you that day will come. Remember your grandparents all didn't end up with their mates and they got to live a happy life." Emma says to her friend. Of she ever saw Jace again he was going to pay for making her friend so upset.

"I know but it just hurts so much." Kaylee says. She feels as if she lost her wolf along with her mate. she hasn't felt her wolf since the mall.

"Ok well I got to go. I'm meeting up with the others in about ten minutes and I'm already going to be late. I'll see you later." She says standing up and leaving the room. She goes down stairs and finds Summer standing at the bottom.

"No luck eh?" Summer comments.

"No sorry. Its as if the Kaylee we all know is gone. I don't know what to do anymore."

"I know but we just need to give her time. You go have fun." Summer says and Emma agrees leaving the house.

"Hey." Emma hears when the door shuts. "So, did you tell her yet?" Toby asks.

"No, I can't. we should have told her before the trip." Emma admits wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I wanted to but you convinced me to wait. I can't stand not being able to be tell my parents I met my mate." Toby admits tucking some of Emma's Hair behind her ear.

"I know it sucks. But we just have to wait to tell her just a bit longer. Now I have to go I'm meeting my friends at the mall and I'm late." Emma says.

"Ok I'll call you later." Toby says and leans in giving her a kiss.

"Oh, sorry. Emma, you... forgot your phone." Kaylee says sadly standing in the doorway. She couldn't help but let tears fall from her eyes after seeing her best friend kissing her brother. They both looked so happy.

"Kaylee, I can..." Emma starts as she takes the phone that Kaylee was handing her. Kaylee just shakes her head and runs upstairs. She runs past her mom and ignores her question before she lays on her bed letting the tears fall freely. After she cries for a bit and then she notices a new note taped to her window. She walks over and untaps the note before sitting down on her window seat. she reads the note.


Nice save last time not telling your mom about the letter. Remember every wrong move you make Jace is will be affected. Once I get a hold of him he will be punished. You should try to look a little more presentable for when I stop by.


After reading the letter she lets out a sob and pulls out the letter she received a week ago. she compared the writing and she knew it was the same person. Both notes were signed with the name John. However, this time they actually knew her name and it scared her. Kaylee so badly wanted to tell someone about the letters but knew better. She would not be the cause of Jace being hurt even if he had hurt her by rejecting her. She still cared for her mate, whether the bond was making her or not. It was in her personality to do so.

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