the battle

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Jace could feel his body weakening the longer he was in the cell. They had made sure he only ate as little as possible. Just enough food to keep him alive but his body craved more. Being a werewolf, he was able to eat more than a human toddler. He looked up as there was the sound of a door coming from down the hallway. He listened as the foots steps hurried down to his cell. Suddenly the light outside of his cell turned on and he could see Steve standing there with an eerie grin on his face.

"what's with that stupid look in your face?" Jace says, knowing his comments were the only way he would get to him. he would fight to the end whether it be verbal comebacks or physical confrontation. Since he was so weak the first option would have to do. "what cat got your tongue?"

"well normally I would retaliate but in too good of a mood. The moment I have been waiting for is finally here. Your mates pack is sanding on the outer line of my territory and guess who is leading them into battle." Steve says pausing only a moment. "your dear sweet mate. She is making it too easy."

"you won't get to lay a hand on her." Jace yells.

"I told you I would kill her right in front of you. I intend on doing just that. So I'll be back." Steve laughs. He then turns to leave and head out to the war.

"well where are you going rouge. I'm right here, you can't be that stupid." A voice says next to Jace and he jumps when he sees his mate standing beside him.

"Kaylee Rivers." Steve says coming back and unlocking the cell. "you're just making this too easy. How did you even get down here? Better yet how did they let you come alone." Steve chuckles.

"Kaylee you need to get out of here." Jace yells clearing confused on how she did it. He would not allow her to ruin her life for him. If only one of them was going to make it out of Steve's compound, then it was going to be her.

"oh hush, he can't hurt me." Kaylee says as she leans down and pulls at Jace's chains with incredible strength and freeing him. Jace was amazed. The silver chains that were previously boning his skin were now in pieces next to him and his mate didn't even have a mark.

"impossible." Steve says as he lunges at Kaylee with his claws extended. Jace goes to jump Infront of Kaylee but she manages to send him flying to the other side of the cell and Jace watches as Steve's claws penetrate Kaylee's skin.




Outside there was blood covering the ground outside of the rouge compound. Wolves were fighting everywhere. The rogues although more prepared for the battle than predicted were dropping quickly. Not one wolf lost on the packs side. Leo stood by the tree there were first standing by with a few other wolves. His eye flickering between the bloody battle before him and Kaylee's limp body.

If he didn't know the plan, then he would say she was dead. Her skin now a very pale shade of white. Her heart beat was non excitant. Not a single movment of her body not a twitch of a finger or the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Nothing, nothing more than an empty body. He may have expected to be more involved in the battle but when they had informed him of the plan, he knew his job was to protect his best friend.

A howl brings him out of his thoughts as two rouges make their way towards the group. Non of their men had shifted, all choosing to stay alert in their human form. "men into position, don't let them anywhere near the body." He orders. Two of the other men shift into their wolves and take down the rouges with ease.

"that was too easy." Mark one of the men says when he shifts back to his human from.

"too easy, keep an eye out. I have a feeling there is a lot more to come. It's going to be a long battle." Leo says taking a quick peek at Kaylee. After noticing no change, he turns his eyes back to the battle before him.

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