the storm

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"Coming up from the north. Strong winds and flash floods are expected. Everyone is encouraged to stay in door and should make sure they have an emergency kit near by. Hurricane Dave is set to hit in less than 24 hours." The weather person says on the tv. Kaylee looks up from the vegetables she was cutting and over to the tv watching the weather map showing the storm moving closer.

"they say this storm is supposed to be one of the worst one in our history." Grace says from where she was setting the table. The boys were outside helping the rest of the pack prepare for the storm.

"I know. That's all everyone can talk about right now. I'm just glad we were had time to prepare." Kaylee says. She takes the cutting board from the counter and into the sink, looking out the window. Outside the wind was starting to pick up and leaves were blowing around. The trees were dancing in the wind as if the wind was their music.

"yeah, I'm glad my parents made it home safely." Grace says. Her parents left as soon as they heard the storm was coming. They went to help their pack prepare their land. They heard the bang of the front door as the boys came in from the cold. They took off their boots sticking them in the closet and hanging up their coats before making their way over to the girls.

"wow, the food smells great." Jace says placing a kiss on Kaylee's cheek.

"it better, Kaylee has been slaving away all afternoon." Grace says from her spot sitting at the island. Leo has his arms warped around her shoulders holding her close.

"we just have to let the vegetables simmer for a bit. So, how's it looking out there?"

"Well everyone ahs their outdoor stuff either in their sheds or garages. Emergence kits are ready, and the pack house is stocked." Leo answers.

"yeah the wind is getting stronger by the minute and the sky looks like it about to open up soon." Jace adds in going to sit on one of the island stools. He loved to watch Kaylee cook. She seems to enjoy doing it always refusing when anyone else offered to cook instead.

"it's going to be one for the books for sure." Leo says, they all turn their attention to the tv once again.

"government officials are telling people to be prepared. The storm is expected to last for days and flooding is expected. Be prepared to stay indoors." The lady says.

"ok enough of this. The storm is going to be a bad one we get it." Leo says turning the tv onto the music channel and turning the volume down low, so it becomes more of a background noise.

The wind was whipping around the house as the power shut off leaving the group in complete blackness. "I'll go ger the candles." Kaylee says as she stands up and goes up the stairs to the closet where they keep them.

"I'll get the blankets." Grace says as follows Kaylee upstairs. Jace goes over to the fireplace and starts up a fire.

"well, it looks like we are going to have a camp out here in the living room." Jace says. When the girls come backdown stairs, each couple cuddles up in the bedding from their beds.

"anyone know any scary stories?" grace asks the group.

"oh, I got this." Leo states almost immediately.

"One night two teen girls were leaving their friends house one late night. Their friend had begged them to stay but they refused. The two girls walked through the cool fall night. In order to get home, they had to walk past the dark woods.

They talked while they walked but no one could miss the loud foot coming from behind them however, every time they looked back, they saw no one. They shrugged it off as their imagination as their friend had wanted them to stay. After while they started to hear whistling coming from the woods beside them. Freaked out they started to run as fast as they could. The footsteps behind went faster.

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