the day after

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The next day Kaylee awoke around nine. She stretched her arm out to the side and feels the empty space beside her. She rolls over and inhales his scent that is now starting to fade. Kaylee lest out a sigh before getting out of bed and going straight into the shower. She showed before getting dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. She tied her hair into a braid and put on some mascara. She looks into the mirror and she could see that the bags under her eyes are gone and that she doesn't look ill anymore. Her stomach growled letting her know that she was hungry so she left the bathroom and headed to the stairs. She skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where her family was making breakfast and chatting. "Good morning." Kaylee chirped as she came in and took her spot at the table.

"Good morning." Summer says to her daughter. She looks to Dean and see's that he has the same look of confusion on his face as she feels. When they saw their daughter the other day she didn't even want to get out of bed and change her appearance for a family dinner. Now she is dressed and even has makeup on.

"So, what's for breakfast I'm starved?" she asks looking around at her family.

"Pancakes." Dean responds turning his attention back to the stove.

"Kaylee!" Emma squeals when she walks into the kitchen followed by Toby and Leo and runs over to give Kaylee a hug.

"Hello to you too." Kaylee laughs hugging her friend back.

"Ok I haven't seen you in forever so we are having a mandatory shopping trip."

"yes, we need to go." Kaylee agrees. "Can I daddy?"

"Yes, you can go but Toby and Leo are coming with you. With the increase of rouges in the area the last couple days, we are going to take precaution even if they are gone now." When dean says that Kaylee knows that Jace managed to get them away from her and she hopes that he stays safe.

"Ok dad." Toby says pulling Emma into his embrace.

"Yes sir." Leo says before he comes and sits beside Kaylee. "Good to see you are alive." He jokes as he pokes her in the side.

"Thanks. So, you have to go to the mall with me again and this time I don't have beg you to stop there." Kaylee says to Leo. She had missed him while she was hiding in her room. They may not be mates like their parents had thought but Kaylee knew that they had a special bond. One that too strong to be broken over something small.

"You know I would do anything for you Kaylee. You're like my little sister." Leo says putting his arm around her and pulling her into his side for a hug. Kaylee wraps her arms around his waist.

"Here you go Kaylee." Dean says placing a plate with six pancakes on it in front of Kaylee. Kaylee looks at the late then to her dad. Werewolves do eat more than the average person but its more like they digest it faster so they need to eat more often not more at once.

"Dad." Kaylee whines." I cant eat all that." She says as Dean places a plate in front of Leo with four pancakes.

"Kaylee, you haven't really eaten in days now eat. He says going back to the stove. He then gives Emma and Toby plates and then cooking more.

"Here." Leo says and switches their plates when Dean wasn't looking. They both dig into their food before Dean notices.

After breakfast everyone goes to change for the mall except Kaylee who was already dressed. "Kaylee can we talk to you for a minute?" Summer and Dean ask coming in the living room where Kaylee was waiting for her friends.

"Of course." Kaylee says taking a seat on the couch and tucking her legs underneath her.

"Kaylee your father and I are concerned. You scared us the last little bit." Summer starts off once her and dean were seated in the room. "You weren't eating and you wouldn't leave your room."

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