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A few minutes later everyone was sat down waiting to hear Jace's story. Dean thought that Toby should be with them to understand what was going on. Along with Toby came Emma who was with Toby and they both agreed that she should hear it too being his mate.

"Ok I don't really remember what happened when I was kidnapped by these rouges and I don't remember my family at all but I can tell you what I remember from then on." Jace starts and he receives a squeeze of the hand from Kaylee who was still sitting beside him. She had moved closer to him so that their legs were now touching sending off the sparks that he craved.

Kaylee was enjoying having the sparks spread through out her body. She wanted to hear hos story from him for a while but she really wanted it to just be the two of them when he had to finally tell someone else. However, if this means that he could sleep better at night then she was all for it.




Age seven

Jace was running around in a field chasing a butterfly. He knew that he shouldn't have been there but he followed the butterfly there. He ran around until he heard a snap coming from the bush. "Momma? Daddy?" he called out but he got no response. He decided to head back to the house and turned to head there but when he turned around he found a large man standing there. Jace could smell an odour, one he knew meant the man was a rouge.

"Hello son." The man said to him. Jace knew he needed to leave but he was frozen to the spot. He had learned about these creatures but he had never saw one up close.

"I have to go. My Momma and Dad will want me home." He says as he was finally able to move. He goes to step around the man but he grabbed onto his shoulder.

"I talked to them earlier. I have a son about your age and we thought that you two would have fun together. So, we said that you could come over for dinner tonight." The large man explained.

"No, they didn't. you're a rouge and you shouldn't be here." Jace explained and then he let out a scream trying to get his parents attention.

"Jace!" he them his parents scream from in the distance.

"Shoot we need to work fast." The man said and then suddenly Jace was grabbed from behind and he felt a prick on his shoulder. He could feel himself being picked up and carried farther away from his parent's voices who were still calling out to him. Soon he lost all his feeling of awareness and the world went black.





"And that was when I was seven." Jace says from beside Kaylee. Kaylee could feel Jace shaking and she stood up and moved so she was sitting in his lap. Having her in his arms allowed Jace to start to calm down a bit. He wasn't just scared about someone finding out his past but he was scared that once they new they would keep him away from Kaylee or that Kaylee wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

"How long ago was that?" Dean ask the boy sitting in front of him.

"well I'm twenty now so it would have been about thirteen years ago. Any way I don't know how long I was out but all I know is when I awoke I was in a room in a cold basement and then I was beaten and left down there to bleed. This went on for years and when I was only a few of the men's 'mates' would have their time with. I have many scars on my body and memories I would like to forget. All up until I was seventeen and it was all because of one girl..."

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