Male in the room

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Kaylee heard a thump coming from somewhere in the house but ignore it. she readjusts herself in her bed when she heard a male's voice coming from behind her.



Kaylee paused for a minute but she knew that voice anywhere. Even her wolf recognized it finally coming alive for the first time in days. "Jace?" She asks sitting up. standing by her bed was the last person she thought she would see again. His brown eyes were looing at her in the concern and his brown hair was sticking up like he has been running in the wind for a while. She quickly stands up, adjusting her dad's old hoodie so it was covering her stomach. She quickly walks over to the door and locks it before turning back to Jace.

"Yes." Jace breaths out. The girl standing in front of him seemed to be prettier than when he last saw her. The only problem was the red rimmed eyes and the bags under her eyes. He noticed the light that he first saw in her eyes is no longer there. He wanted to do nothing but comfort her but knew by her stance that he should stay where he was.

"What are you doing here? Coming back to torture me?" Kaylee yells at me walking closer to him and then hitting him on his chest when she was close enough. She continues to hit him not worrying if it was hurting him or not.

"Kaylee stop." Jace says grabbing her wrist to stop her and pulls her close. Kaylee doesn't try to fight his hold and cries into his chest. Jace lets go of her wrists and wraps his arms around her and moves towards the bed while trying to calm his mate. His rubs her back and enjoys having her scent fill his nose setting his wolf at ease. He had dreamt for years of being able to hold his mate in his arms during both times of sadness and happiness.

"Why did you reject me." Kaylee asks once her cries turn into dry sobs not looking up at his but running her fingers along his chest drawing designs which seemed to comfort her.

"Kaylee I did not reject you. I could never do that." Jace says looking down at his mate. he shifts so he could look at her face.

"You left me in the mall. You may not have said the words but you rejected me. I was standing there watching you as you ran and then I ran after you but you were gone. " Kaylee says looking down. Mates don't leave each other unless they reject each other. She knew that there was a chance of rejection because it has happened to those around her and even her family members. As her grandma Jasmine had been rejected by her mate and found love else where. Deep down she knew that the love she craved would come to her. Sometimes you have to go through hell to reach the happiness as an outcome.

"Baby look at me." Jace says lifting up her chin with his index finger. "I did not reject you. You are the most amazing thing to happen to me. I would never do anything to hurt you. Being away from you has been painful. I can explain." Jace responds. He knew she deserved to know why he left her that day and that it broke his heart to do so. "I need to tell you something..."


Jace pov

The tree blur around Jace as he runs through the forest. He could hear the shouts coming form behind him and ignores them and pushing his legs to go faster. He ran and ran and he could feel the wind blowing against the skin on his bare arms. After running for so long he began not to notice the coldness around him. He run until he notices that the trees have ended and he was standing in a parking lot. He looks around and notice that there is a mall and takes a few seconds before running inside.

He runs down the hall and tries to blend in with the crowd. It was then that he notices a smell that drove his wolf crazy. He looks around and he spots a beautiful brown hair girl looking around not watching where she was going. He starts to walk closer to her forgetting about blending in when he spots someone sticking their foot out trying to trip her. He reaches her just in time to catch her when she fell. The sparks were now shooting up his arms and brought a new sense of warmth to his body. The warmth that he has been missing for many years.

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