the day of the storm

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"... when your done you two come straight back here." Grace says.

"always." Jace whispers and he kisses Kaylee right on the lips. He gives her one last hug before he leaves the house with Leo. Once the door is shut, they shift into their wolves and head out into the woods. They run into the direction they last heard the noise. When they break through the thick line of tree's they seen many of the warriors fighting rouges. Behind them they could see trees were on fire and the rain fighting the fire, a wolf comes over to them and they notice that its dean, Kaylee's dad. Thunder booms around them and the ground held a layer of water along it. The wolfs were covered in mud from the ground,

'there are about thirty rouges, I don't like how close they are to your house Jace' dean mind links.

'I know, now that I think of it, they do smell familiar.' Jace responds.

'I want men around Kaylee's house now' Dean mind links the pack. He also mind links his wife to put a spell on the house so the girls can't leave. Knowing that his mare is safe Jace jumps into action trying to save the pack from the rouges.

He jumps onto the closet rouge and bites down on his neck killing it instantly. He then turns and runs further into the woods chasing one of the rouges who was running towards the house. The rouge suddenly makes a sharp left turn and runs towards the territory line. Jace skids to a stop when the rouge crosses the border.

"well you may have gotten stronger, but you aren't smarter." A voice mocks form somewhere. Jace shifts into his human form and looks around. He couldn't see anyone, but he could smell them.

"John, too cowardly to confront me face to face." Jace responds.

"oh, I know exactly what I'm doing." john says before he jumps don from the tree landing on Jace. He knocks Jace down when he hits him.

'help I'm caught' Jace yells into the mind link while he rolls himself over and manages to knock john off of him. he manages to land a few blows on john when more rouges enter the clearing he was in, just then he notices Leos wolf jump onto one of the rouges. Jace shifts into his wolf and attacks the rouge to his left. He manages to take down that wolf at the same time another rouge starches his side. Jace collapse from the pain.

"now its time for you to come home." John says as he sticks a needle into Jace. Jace struggles but whatever was in the needle took all his strength and his wolf. He transforms into his human form before he passes out. The last thing he hears is the howl of his friend Leo before he is in complete blackness




Jace awoke in a cell. He let out a frustrated growl, he couldn't believe that Steve managed to catch him again. It was smaller than the one he had grown up in. he couldn't believe that the attack was all a ploy to catch him and Kaylee. Luckily, they caught on to the rouges and had protected Kaylee. He knew that as long as he lived, he would be thankful that they were able to save her from Steve.

"look who finally woke up. Sorry the accommodations aren't to your new standards." Steve laughs as he walks into the cell with a bag. "you were never supposed to be out. Now I would like to be the one to tell you welcome home."

"Steve you won't get away with this. I may die here in your hands, but I will die happy, knowing that Kaylee is away from you, she is safe."

"oh, no one is ever safe. I do however have someone who wants to say hi. John bring the prisoner in. rose's body was covered in cuts and bruises, she also has dried blood on her clothes.

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