the final battle

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Kaylee put all her might into fighting the rouges who threatened her mate. She would make sure they pay for what they did. They took an innocent little boy and kept him locked away from his family and from the real world. Seven minutes later they had managed to kill three of the rouges but john and other were fighting. "Kaylee we are running out of time." Greg yells into the group. They now were one of one with each rouge.

'Kaylee get going ill take care of this' deans voice fills Kaylee's head and makes her miss he rouge who managed to get a swipe of her stomach. John froze noticing that she didn't even have a slightest cut on her. Dean took this chance and pounced on him. 'go!' he yells.

'ok.' Kaylee says as she shifts back into her human form. Jace walks over and joins her.

"come on." He says and pulls her along following Greg who was taking the prisoner back now that they were surrounded. They walked as fast as they could with Jace still hurt.

"Kaylee thank god. Drink it now! If you don't, we lose." Leo says rushing over to the group. Kaylee pulls the bottle out of her pocket and drinks the entire content.

"what's suppose to happen?" Jace asks watching his mate but nothing seemed to happen. He was freaked out when they had arrived, and he saw Kaylee laying on the ground not moving. He knows that the girl standing before was his mate and she was safe, but he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen.

"just give it a moment. Kaylee's ghost should disappear, and she should wake up back in her body. Greg explains but he wasn't sure why it wasn't working. Were they too late? One of the warriors comes over and takes Steve from him and was taking him back to the camp with another warrior.

"Here Jace. You're going to be no good if you pass out." A warrior says handing Jace a sandwich and a bottle of water.

"yes, Jace eat up and sit down and rest. Everything will be ok." Kaylee says but Jace could see the worry in her eyes. Suddenly the clearing was filled with the scream of his mate and the ghost suddenly disappeared. All eyes were on Kaylee's body, waiting for any movement.

"hey, did you make it?" Rachel asks as she and dean join the group in their human forms. Dean had a few scratches on him while Rachel had a large gash on her arm and a few bruises.

"she hasn't moved yet." Greg says as he looks over the wound on his mate. His wolf whimpered inside him knowing she was hurt. He only looks away when he hears a gasp come from Kaylee. Her chest was now moving, and her eyes were fluttering.

"Kaylee!" Jace says as he goes and sits beside her. She finally manages to open her eyes and she sits up. She immediately hugs Jace.

"thank god your safe." They both say at the same time while inhaling their scents.

"thank god." Greg mutters and pulls his mate close.

"Kaylee, I need to tell you something." Jace says letting Kaylee go so he could see her face.

"yeah?" she says looking at her mate with curious eyes.

"we need to send someone back inside. Rose she is alive, and she and her son are locked up in Steve's room. I... I need them to be safe. Rose is like family to me." He explains.

"of course, dean ill send some warriors inside." Dean says to the young boy.

"no." Kaylee says almost immediately says.

"but Kaylee." Jace argues scooting back from her.

"no, its not like that. I not saying not to save her. But if she is family to you and I want to be the one to help and I'm sure she wouldn't like a big guy to come and get her if she was treated anything like you were. I'm going." Kaylee says standing up.

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