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John's POV

Alex was unpacking and getting things together, when I started staring at him. Why is he making me feel like this? I just met him a few minutes ago, yet I already feel like I want to spend my whole life with him. He's so fucking adorable. He turns around and looks at me, and now he's blushing. Shit! He noticed.

Alex's POV

I began putting my things away, when behind me I here John mumble to himself. "He's so fucking adorable..." I turn around and we stare into each others eyes before he turns away, clearly blushing.

"S-sorry if I w-was staring..." he says before turning away and continuing to draw. Oh my god, this will be a long 3 years.

Time skip brought to you by turtles—

I finish hanging up the fairy lights wrapped around the end of my bed, and tap John on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm done! Want to go grab some coffee?" John turns around and smiles at me.

Oh my god.

This man is fucking perfect.

"Sure!" He stands up and flips his sketch book closed. With that, we walk out the door.

John's POV

As we walk down the hall way, I grab his hand oh accident. Shitshitshitshit. He's probably straight. He probably has a girlfriend. Oh my god I just fucked EVERYTHING up. Surprisingly though, he looks down at our hands, and then just squeezes tighter. We blush, but then I let go.

If I ended up getting a boyfriend and my dad saw, he would probably kill me. And that would suck.

I try to bring something up. "So where do you come from?" He looks down and frowns a little. "I come from the Caribbean..." I can tell he feels uncomfortable, so I change the subject.

"Hmm... what's your favorite hobby?" His face perks up and he smiles. "Oh, I love to write! It's my favorite thing to do. What about you?" I smile at him. " I love to draw. I'm majoring in art, actually! What are you majoring in?"

We go back and forth talking until me get to the coffee shop. When we walk in we get in line. It's pretty empty in here today, except for when I here a familiar yell.

"Mon ami!" I turn around to see Lafayette sitting a table with the Schuyler sisters and Hercules Mulligan. I smile and wave at them, and then I lead Alex to the table. We sir across from each other, and Peggy immediately perks up. "Alex! Hi! What's up?" Alex smiles at her and scratches his wrist. Weird. "Not much! Are these your sisters?" He gestures towards the two other girls next to her.

Alex's POV

I see the two girls next Peggy and assume they're her sisters. One is wearing her brown curly hair down and around her shoulders, and rocks a black leather jacket and bright red stilettos. Work it girl! The other one is wearing a baby blue dress, and half of her hair is in a bun.

Peggy looks at her sisters. "Oh yes! This   is Angelica," the one in red waves. "And this is Eliza!" The one blue smiles brightly.

"Ahem..."'I see the tall skinny boy with his brown curly hair pulled in a high ponytail say. John laughs. Oh my god that laugh. "This is Lafayette, and this is Hercules Mulligan." They both wave, and everyone stares at me. Oh yeah, I forgot I'm new.

"Oh yeah, hi! I'm Alexander Hamilton, but you can just call me Alex." "Bonjour  mon ami! Je mappele Lafayette." All of a sudden I get really excited. "Oui! Vous parlez français aussi?!" Laf looks super happy. "Enfin, une autre personne qui parle ma langue!" John looks really confused. "Uh, what are they saying?" Herc shrugs. "I have no idea."

John's POV

"Hey Alex, what do you want?" Alex looks at me and I almost melt. "Can I just have a black coffee? I'll pay." He reaches into his bag and I put my hand on top of his. "Oh no, don't worry about! It's my treat." Alex looks up and blushes when I realize what I did. My hands on his. We look at each other, both blushing. I quickly get up and go order our drinks to avert the awkward situation.

Alex's POV

Did that seriously just happen? He gets up and goes to get in line. Oh shit.

Peggy and Laf look at me and raise an eyebrow. Peggy whispers in my ear. "I love you, but f you hurt that boy, I will destroy you." I gulp, and then Herc wolf whistles.

John looks back at us and shoots Herc a look.

Time skippp—

By the time we leave, it's already been an hour. Me and John walk silently, until I make a bold move. I lay my head on his shoulder as we walk. I feel him tense up, but then calm down again. I smile and look at the autumn leaves. "I had a lot of fun tonight." I say in a hushed tone.

When we get to the dorm room I go in the bathroom to change so John can change in our room. When I'm finished I come out the bathroom quietly to see a topless boy. His muscles are defined and deep, and his husky figure makes me want to squeal. I blush hard, and then walk into the bathroom again.

I give him time, and then come out again to see him laying in bed sketching peacefully. I sit in bed on my laptop and open Tumblr, when I hear a crack of lightning and rain. I jump up and close my laptop. I curl up in a ball and begin crying in the corner of the bed. John immediately looks up at me and runs over to my bed.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? I'm here. I'm right here." His voice is so calm and soothing, yet urgent and strong. He holds me in his arms until I stop crying and I lay me head on his lap. We sit in silence, and he holds me tighter. "Are you okay Lexi?" I stutter on my words, still trying to calm down. "Y-yeah... I'm really s-scared of storms..." He looks at me softly and whispers. "Oh Alexander..."

He gets up and crawls in his own bed. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?" I don't answer. "Hey John...?" He rolls over to look at me. "Yeah, what's wrong?" I'm so glad it's dark because I'm blushing. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I hear John breath in sharply. "If you want to." I blush even harder. I slowly and quietly crawl in to bed with him, and he holds me in his arms protectively. "John, I really like you. I like you a lot." He holds me tighter. "I like you too Alexander. Good night." And with that, we drifted to sleep peacefully in each others arms.


Hi guys! Thanks for sticking around for the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! It took me a while to write, but I'm happy with it. So remember what I said about things moving slowly?? Well never mind. I need good fluffff!!! Anyway, I'll update soon! Bye loves!

-E 🐢

1222 words

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