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John's POV

I'm sitting in Peggy's room listening to music with her when I get a text from Alex.

Alexander💕: Hi. I'm so sorry for earlier. I know you're probably hanging out with Peggy and talking, but I just wanted to let you know I love you more than anything else. Meet me at Our Spot at 5:00. See you soon, Love.

I look at the message and I smile gently. "John, what's up?? I've been trying to ask you what your favorite pasta is for the past 30 seconds." I look up quickly and blush. "Alex?" I nod as I show her the message.

She sighs. "You need to go. I don't care if you want to or not, but you NEED to go. Go get ready at your dorm." She pushes me off the bed with all her might, and I fall to the floor.

"Ughh... okay," I say as I get off the floor. She gets off the bed after me and we walk to the front door. "Bye! Tell me how it goes, okay? He's smart enough to fix things." I give her a big hug and ruffle her hair. "Bye, Peg Leg!" I sprint out the door and hear her call out behind me. "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" She shouts. I laugh all the way back to my dorm.

I open the door to my room and look at my bed. Looks like Alex left me a note!

My dearest John,

My love, my world, my whole life. If I ever lost you I don't know where I'd be. You saved me in my time of need, you loved me when I didn't even love myself. I'll see you soon, love.


I feel myself start to tear up, but quickly wipe them away. I walk to my dresser and pick out my favorite outfit. I slip on my blue faded sweater and black jeans. I pull on my black sneakers and fix my hair. I check my phone for the time, and leave my dorm to head for the park.

Me and Alex have always had a small special spot. It's the spot where we told each other how we felt. Now that I think of it, we started dating pretty early. Even so, I don't regret that moment at all.

I walk through town until I find the park. I cover my mouth when I see it. The trail is lined with small tea light's and rose petals are sprinkled around. I walk down the path and find the bench where we sat that day. John is sitting on it and has his hands are in a knot on his lap. I run to him and hug him tightly.

"I love you, baby. I'm so so so sorry for saying what I did earlier. Please forgive me..." he says gently. I start crying and pull away. "I will always forgive you. I would trade my life for yours any day. You are the most amazing, poetic, loving person I have ever met. Please never leave me." I kiss him and he wipes away my tears with his thumb. "Never in a thousand years." He whispers. He grabs my hand and stands up.

"Okay. To make it up for you, we can go anywhere you want. Where to?" He smiles a goofy smile and I melt. I stare lovingly into his eyes and lay on his shoulder. "Let's just go home." I say gently. He grabs my waist and kisses me passionately. "Whatever you want."

We walk to the dorm in silence. A peaceful silence. A loving silence. An amazing silence. When we open the door I let him go first. I tell him to get into something comfy while I go grab some blankets.

We both settle in onto the couch and decide to watch The Little Mermaid since it's Alex's favorite film. We cuddle for a while before he falls asleep on my lap. I turn off the movie and pick him up bridal style. I walk to his bed and gently lay him down. I scoot in next to him and lay there, just listening to him breathe and admiring his beautiful face.

My love. My world. My everything. I owe my life to him. If I never met him I probably would've died by now. I realize all the things we've been through together. I Fall asleep peacefully and have the most wonderful dreams about us someday getting married. Too soon? Maybe.


Hi! You look beautiful today. No lie. I hope you liked this chapter. I wrote this one pretty quickly, but I really like how it turned out. Thanks for over 50 reads! I know it's not a lot, but I really appreciate it. Bye loves!


802 words

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