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Alex's POV

I wake up under green sheets with something wrapped around me. I turn around to see John Laurens holding me and gently snoring. SHIT I FORGOT I SLEPT WITH HIM. I blush. I snuggle up to his chest, and stare at him for at least 10 minutes before he wakes up. His eyes gently flutter open, and smiles when he sees me.

Does he like me?

John's POV

I wake up to see a beautiful Alexander looking at me with his chocolate and gold eyes. I smile at him, since I don't know what to do. "Good morning Lexi." I say in my ugly, low morning voice. He blushes and averts his eyes. Did I do something wrong?

"Good morning." He says back. Aww he's so cute in the morning. He get's out of bed, and tugs the bottom of his sleeves lower around his wrists. Hm...

I roll out of bed after him, and let him use the bathroom first while I get changed. I put on a mint button up with turtles all over it on, and match it with black jeans and white Converse. I decide to leave my hair down today, because I think it looks good with this shirt like that.

Alex comes out of the bathroom with a lavender long sleeve shirt on with a flower on it, and faded skinny jeans. He has his glasses on, and half of his hair is pulled into a ponytail.

Holly hell. Let me kiss him already.

"Wow..." I say under my breath. We both blush. "U-uh do you want to go get some breakfast?" He looks at his feet, then back at me with a hopeful look on his face. How can I say no to that! I nod, and then we walk out the door.

Time skip because I'm lazy af—

We get to the coffee shop and order our usuals. We talk and talk for a while, until we finally finished our coffee. We threw away our cups, and begin walking home.

(Oh shiitt, it's about to go downn)

Alex's POV

I look up at his eyes, and know what I have to do. I have to tell him. I have to ask him.

I have to be with him.

"Hey, um can we stop at the park for a bit?" I ask bashfully. He looks at me and smiles. "Oh, sure!" We walk towards a bench and sit down to look at the park. Alexander, don't throw away your shot.

"Um, John?" We look at each other, and we stand up. "John, I know we just met yesterday, but I really like you." I look at the ground and grab both of his hands. He looks at me sincerely. "John Laurens, I like you a lot. You outshine all things around you, and are as beautiful as the night sky. I want to spend my life with you, and get to know you better." He looks at me like he's about to start crying. "John, will you be my boyfr- mph!"

I'm cut off by him kissing me. He wraps his arms around my waste, and pulls me close. We pull apart, and stare into each others eyes. "Alexander Hamilton,  you are amazing. Let's go back to the dorm, okay?" He pecks my cheek, and grabs my hand. We walk to the dorm in silence, but a nice silence.

As soon as we get into the dorm, he pushes me on to the wall and kisses me. He puts one hand on my waste, and locks the door with his other one. Surprisingly, I don't pull away. I love this. I love him.

He leans forward on me to deepen the kiss, supporting himself by his elbow on the wall. He slips his tongue in my mouth. I don't even try to be dominant. I don't want to. He takes the hand he was holding my waist with, and grabs my hair with it to deepen even more. I accidentally let a moan escape my mouth. "U-uuuhHh" John pulls away from the kiss, and I whimper. "Johhnnn I was enjoying thatttt" I tease. He looks at me lustfully. "I need to stop and control myself before I take things further than they should go." I look at him in a pouty face. "Okaayy"

Time skip brought to you by a hair pulling kink—

John's POV

Me and Alex were underneath a fuzzy blanket on the couch watching a Disney movie. He snuggles up to my side, and I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

Even now, I'm still thinking about that kiss. About us. About what might happen in the future. I kiss the top of Alex's head, and whisper into his ear. "I love you so much already." He blushes and kisses my cheek.

Half way through the movie he falls asleep on me. I gently pick him up bridal style, and put him in his bed gently. I climb into my own bed, and peacefully fall asleep thinking about my baby boy.


WOOH! My boys are finally together! Sorry if the kissing scene was bad, I've never wrote anything like that before ;-;... hope you're even enjoying the book so far. Bye loves!

-E 🏳️‍🌈

879 words

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