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John's POV

I wake up in bed with Alexander shirtless. What happened last night? I look under the covers to make sure we're both dressed. I let out a sigh of relief when I see we both still have pants on. I roll over to see his cute face facing me, and I smile. What did I do to deserve someone like him?

He opens his eyes and we look at each other for a while. I grab my head to try and stop the throbbing hangover, and he laughs at me. "At least it's Saturday," he says with a grin.

I pull him closer to me and look into his eyes again. "Alexander, do you think we're moving to fast?" I blush and stop smiling. He cups my face with both of his hands. "If you want to go slower we can, but just know that I love you and I always will." I smile again, and answer. "I really dont want to go slow, but I also don't want to make you uncomfortable." He snuggles into my chest. "I'll go whatever speed you want as long as I get to be with you, John."

We cuddle for some time before I sit up. "Hey baby, do you want to go out today? Like, on a date?" I say the last part quietly. He sits up next to me and pecks the tip of nose. "Of course. Let's go to dinner at the new 80's style place!" I smile and nod at his excitement.

He gets up, and I blush at the sight of him shirtless. I've seen him like this before, but I still can't get over how hot he looks. I get up and press my body against his back. I whisper in his ear. "God, you're hot." He blushes a deep red, and replies. "God, you're sexy." We break out in laughter before we hear a knock on the door. "Ugh, Perfect timing!" I say sarcastically before pulling on a random shirt.

I open the door to see a distressed Herc. His hair is a mess, and his eyes are wide and blood shot. "What is it?" I ask frantically. "It's Lafayette. Grab Alex!"

I run back to our room. Alex is pulling his shirt over his head when I come in. "Alexander, we need to go right now. Get ready as fast as you can. Something's wrong with Laf." He slips on his shoes, and we run to Herc's car.

Alex's POV

Me and John hop into the backseat and Hercules gets in the front. I grab Johns hand. He never uses my full name. What's wrong with Laf? I almost calm down before I realize where we're going; the hospital.

We pull into a parking spot and sprint to the desk. What's wrong?

Time skip cuz oh shiitttt—

We're all sitting outside waiting for permission to go see Lafayette. I still don't know what's wrong. From the way John is acting, I can tell he doesn't either.

All of a sudden, a nurse pops out from the hall. She walks over to us. "Here to see Lafayette?" she asks nicely. Herc nods. She smiles. "Right this way." We all walk to his room, and I decide to just ask Laf what happened when we get to the room.

We reach his room, and she opens it. In front of me I see Lafayette in a bed with tubes and monitors surrounding him. Herc rushes over and kisses the top of his head. "Oh baby, I'm so glad you're okay. Don't EVER do that again." Laf smiles gently, and hugs him. Me and John walk over. I gently hug him, and notice his arm.

It's littered with cuts.

My face drops and Laf notices. "I'm so sorry mon amies..." I lean over and whisper in his ear. "J'avais l'habitude de." I look around to make sure Herc isn't looking, and I roll up my sleeve. He gasps at the sight of the almost healed deep gashes in my arm, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Was it just cuts? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." John asks with a sincere smile. Laf nods. "I had cut multiple times before, but I've never taken it this far. I had done it too deep, than overdosed on pills. I'm so glad Hercules walked in at the perfect moment. He caught me right before I passed out, and called 911. I owe my life to him." I can see Him and Herc about to tear up.

John nods and grabs my hand. "Well me and Alex should get going. We'll leave you two to be alone for a while. Bye guys! Get better soon." The two men wave, and me and John walk out into the cool weather.

We walk for a while until we get to our dorm. When we walk in, I look down. "John, do you see us having a future?" He grabs my chin and pulls up my face to look at his. "Of course, Alex. I want to spend my whole life with you. I want spend more than that with you. A lifetime! An eternity!" He stresses his words with his hands, and I giggle at his movements.

I blush and fiddle with my thumbs. "I think I'm ready." He smirks and gets closer to me. "Ready for what, baby boy?" I groan. "... To do it..." I blush again, and he looks me in the eye. "Whatever you say." I guess no 80's diner tonight...


Hey guys! This chapter took me a while to write, so I hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry; there's a reason why I'm stacking up on so much lovey-dovey stuff... You'll have to wait until the next chapter for smut! MUAHAHAHA! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye!

-E 🏳️‍🌈

989 words

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