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John's POV

I wake up and am suprised when I don't feel Alex next to me. I open my eyes to see a note propped up on the stack of sketchbooks I keep on the bedside table. I smile when I read it.

My dearst Laurens,

You are the light of my world and I love you with all of my hearts content. I'm so sorry I'm not here this morning to see your beautiful complexion staring back at me, but I have classes to attend early today. You're wonderful eyes open my soul in amazing ways of which I could never imagine. Plus, last night was amazing. I'll see you soon, my love.


What a goof. I love him so much. What did I do to deserve him? I lay in his bed thinking about him for a bit before checking my phone for the time. I still have 30 minutes until my next class, so I get up and put on some clothes. I walk out the room to see pancakes and bacon on the counter. Once again, my boyfriend's a fucking goof. As soon as I pick up a strip of bacon someone knocks on the door. Who the hell could it be at this hour?

I open the door whilst shoving the rest of the bacon in my mouth to see Lafayette and Hercules smirking in the door way. "Have fun with Alex last night?" Laf says with a wink. I blush and look at Herc. He just shrugs. "H-how the fuck do you know?!" I manage to stutter out. Laf laughs. "Mon ami, we walked by last night to visit, and ended up hearing things we did not need to..." He trails off towards the end. Shit. I feel panicky. "Don't tell anyone, please! Alex would kill me..." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Of course, mon ami." I smile at him and Herc then check my phone again. "Shit! I have 5 minutes until class! I got to go, lock the door on the way out!" I throw them my keys as I run out the door. This'll be a long day...

Alex's POV

Okay. So maybe I don't have early classes. Maybe I don't have classes at all. But John wants to celebrate his birthday early, and I know exactly what to get him; a turtle. I really hope he'll like it, seeing as he's been talking about getting one for ages.

I walk down the street, and feel the cool October wind blow on my face. I see a Starbucks, and grab a a black coffee. I decide to stop by the store first so I can grab some supplies. I find a big green box with a pull-off lid, and ring it up. Perfect! Now all I have to do is get the turtle...

I look on my GPS to see that there's a pet shop right down the street. I check the time to see that it's already 4:00. Damn it! John gets home at 5:00... I hurry to the pet store and choose a turtle and all the supplies he'll need.

I ring up the turtle and ask the cashier if she could keep him there for now. "Um, excuse me? Could you please keep these here ready for pick up? It's for my boyfriend's birthday." I see a flash of disgust go to her face. "Okay. Fag..." I hear her say the last word under her breath. Now I have to slap a hoe.

"Excuse me? I have the right to love whoever the hell I want to, regardless of what you think." I turn around and storm out the store. People stare at me, but I don't care. I just want to snuggle with the man who stole my heart.


JESUS CHRIST IM SO SORRY 😭. I HAVENT POSTED IN TWO WEEEEKKS. Ugh, I'm a terrible mother. Anyway, thanks for 130 reads! Seriously, you guys are amazing. Go check out my collab book with Dragon. She's awesome! Thanks for the support.

-The apologetic E

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