Hell made out of cavities

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It was cold and dark around him. Why? He could feel the wet and cold ground underneath his hands. Was it stone? He thinks it was. Where Am I? Why can't I see? His eyelids shut open. Oh, I guess this is the answer for one of the questions ... It was still kind of dark around him. The ceiling he was looking at seemed to be made out of a hard, grey surface. Stone. Am I in a cave? He sat up rapidly but regrets this movement instantly. A pounding pain started to take over his head and his vision went blurry for some seconds until it stopped, and he was able to see the place he was currently at, normal again. He was in a cave, but he had no idea how he got there. He tried to sit up again, this time slower. The pain was something he doesn't want to feel again. When he was standing the archangel realized that there was no place where the light came from. When he was in a cave, why could he see? There was no crack in one of the walls or something like this. Confused he started to walk around; trying to remember how he got there, but it wasn't possible. He tried to teleport himself out of the strange area, but the only thing he earned with that was that the pain came back into his head. Rubbing the back of his head, he walked around, closer to the walls. There has to be something like an exit somewhere ... And he was right. In a close distance he could see something like a fissure in the walls, big enough so he could walk through it. I do not have something to lose and I can't find another exit, so I guess I have to take this opportunity. Hopefully it will lead me to an exit. The path doesn't lead him to an exit. It only leads him into some situations that would have been awkward if other people would have seen him. He tried to find a better grip on the wall, because the ground was wet and slippy, but he only cut his palms, what made him curse in anger and confusion. "Dammit! Why aren't the wounds healing?" He looked down at his slightly colored hands that started to burn soon. "Shit ..." He looked around but couldn't find anything he could use to bandage his wounds. The angel sighed. "Great ... I will regret this." He pressed his hands against the bottom of his shirt, hoping that the blood would stop to stream out as fast as it currently was. "I hope no one will see me like this ... I would appear inane and that is something I shouldn't." When he thought that he could walk again without a pool of blood following him, wherever he would go, he started to follow the dark and small path again.

Some minutes passed by, some minutes in which he hoped that he would find an exit soon. He wasn't scared, he was worried. He didn't know this place and he always found something familiar in every place he visited. "Where the hell am I ..." He whispered to himself, before he recognized a strange, golden light in the distance. "Please let it be an exit! Please, father, please!" He walked faster, coming closer to the light, and when he finally reached it he was stunned. The angel stood in a stalactite cave, which was nearly glowing. He slowly started to walk around in it, not less impressed when he realized that there where scenes from the past carved into the stalactites and stalagmites. He could find popular scenes from every culture, magical and non-magical. "Wow ..." He stood there speechless for a very long time, until he realized why he was there again. "Okay, come on Michael, concentrate yourself. You need to find an exit, even if the place looks very pretty and whoever created it has a lot of talent for crafting, but that's not important right now." He starts to leave the cave with the golden light reluctantly and followed the path he was walking on again. He wished he would have stayed in the other cave, because the path was still wet and slippy and the stones were still sharp as hell. He sighed while he followed the grey trail. "I don't want to be here ..."

Some minutes later he saw another light, this time it was more gleaming and it was silver and blue, instead of golden like the last one. "Please be the exit!" He was nearly whining. Usually he was to proud to sound like this but he forgot how he got there and where he was, so he had a legit reason to sound like this. Also no one could hear him. Well, he hoped that this was true. This cave was more like a tunnel. A tunnel made out of crystals. The floor, the walls, the ceiling ... Everything was made out of this shimmering, translucent material. When he made some steps into the tunnel he winced a bit, because he recognized a movement right next to him, but when he turned his head around he could see that it was only his imagination. Michael felt relieved for some seconds until he realized what he looked like. His clothes were dusty - since he tripped several times - and his shirt had stains of dark blood on the bottom. His raven black hair was messy and also a bit grey from the dust of the stony path. He looked tired and pale, like an ill human that needed some rest. "Oh lord ..." He swallowed. "I need to find a way out ... I can't walk around looking like this ... Heaven would laugh at me ..." He turned his gaze away from his reflection; unwilling to look at it any longer. Yes, if it comes to his appearance Michael had always been proud and maybe, just maybe, a bit arrogant. But he was the leader of heaven, he had to look powerful and mighty and not like a human that just escaped from death. "Come on Michael ... You will find an exit soon, you will find an exit out of this weird place you don't even know ..."

He followed the tunnel for a long time, trying not to look at his horrible image. He didn't want to see himself like this, it was embarrassing. But luckily, something else catches his attention. Light! The archangel jogged over to the corner where he could spot the light and now he stood in a cavern. The ceiling was further away then it was in the last caves and it was a bigger space. Also, the last caves hadn't had a pond in them. This one had. The water was crystal clear, he could even see to the ground. Even though there wasn't any sun or moonlight the surface of the water was sparkling, as lakes used to on sunny days. Michael looked around. The path ended there. I do not really have to swim, do I? He continued to look around, only to see that there was no other way out of this cave. "But ... I don't want to swim ..." He sighed but started to walk over to the pond, looking carefully in the water. Hopefully there wasn't something that liked to eat archangels for breakfast. But he could see to the ground and there was nothing, not even a single goldfish. "Well ... I guess I have to ..." Carefully, so he wouldn't trip and fall, he walked into the clear water. It was cold; he could feel how it soaked his clothes. He slowly walked through the water until it reached his knees, then he slowly kneeled down, so he could touch the water with his hands. He did exactly that and ran his wet hands over his face. He hoped that it would wake him up; that everything that happened was just a bad dream, but nothing happened. Angels do not require sleep, remember that. He sighed. "Fine, then I'll go swimming ... Wherever I am; I dislike this place a lot."

"Finally, finally, finally!" He saw the other shore and cheered on the inside. The water was cold and he hated it with a strong passion. When he crawled onto the ground he layed there for about a minute until it got too cold and he stood up again; hugging his torso with his hands. The water had been cold but now he stood there with wet clothes and he could feel fresh air. At first he was unhappy but then he realized something. Exit! This was the first thing that came into his mind and he looked around happily until he found the stairs that were carved into the stone. He quickly walked over to them and started to climb them up. About two minutes later he finally stood on the outside, surrounded by the dark presence of the night. The full moon was shining and he could see the stars. "Yes!" Usually Michael wouldn't scream because he saw the sky, but right now he had the urge to do exactly that. He had been walking around in these caves for so long, he was super happy to be out. But then he recognized something. The constellations of the stars looked unfamiliar. Michael procrastinated, closed his eyes and looked at them again. "H-how ... can that be possible? I know every single constellation in the whole universe! This can't be possible!" He started to pant a bit, since this was a really weird and intimidating situation, and he had to sit down, on the ground. "Father ... Please, wherever I am ... Take me back home ..." Michael had no clue if his father actually heard him, but he hoped he did. He never felt scared like that before and he watched the sky, hoping that he would get an answer from his father. He sat there for hours, until the sunrise ...

The angel opened his eyes. What happened now? He found himself laying on the dirty ground. "Have I ... fallen asleep?" The archangel looked around with a confused expression. "But ... Angels don't require sleep ..." He looked at the sky. It was light blue and the sun was up. It had to be noon. "What ..." He wasn't even able to ask a question. He was too confused to find one that would describe his confusion well enough. He slowly stood up. I have to find a way out of this place too ... I want to go home ...

He walked for a long time; it was almost afternoon, when he stood on a familiar place. It was a big garden, something that remembered him of orchards. And in the middle he could see an apple tree. No ... This ... Can't be- He couldn't finish his thought because a familiar voice interrupted them: "Hello Michael ..."

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