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„So, Lucifer", Michael started to talk while he walked through the woods, that he already explored yesterday, with his little brother. "Would you mind telling me how we can escape?" "There are several ... "keys", let's call it keys, I guess that is a good definition for them ... Ehm, anyway, I don't know how many there are. I read about them in an old ruin when I ended up here for the first time." Lucifer's hands were in his pockets and he always looked around, like a person that was suffering from paranoia. "What's wrong? Are you paranoid? No one is here, except for you and me. And I guess if someone else would be here we both would have recognized it. Especially you, since you are here very often." "I didn't volunteer for that, Michael." His brother answered in a cold tone. Now everything was silent. The siblings stopped talking to each other for some time, but Michael's mind wasn't as silent as he and the other angel were. Oh dear, no. How could you promise that Lucifer will get out of the cage too? You shouldn't have done that. There will be problems and a lot of deaths too! It wouldn't be possible to catch him again. He wouldn't let that happen. Oh no, the other's will think so bad about me. They will blame me, because it truly is my fault if someone will get hurt. And I can't break the promise because then I won't come out. But if I will help him he will always find a way out again ... But, maybe I could lie to him the whole time and backstab him when we have all the keys ... But, I have to admit, Lucifer isn't stupid. He could recognize it. He will recognize it. I don't like it but he knows me very well. And, like I already said, he isn't stupid ... He sighed and crossed his arms. "Mikey, where are you? I can clearly see that you're not with me right now." The hand, which was obviously his brother's, was waving in front of his face. "I'm away." Now Michael's voice was the one that sounded cold. Lucifer had no rights to know what he was thinking about so he wouldn't tell him about that. The only reason why he spends time with his little brother was, because he wanted to get out, and that was also what Lucifer wanted. It was the only reason why Michael seriously needed his brother. When he would get out he would ignore him again. He deserves that kind of treatment. Their path was not the same. "Oooh! What a detailed answer! Would you please tell me the exact coordinates?" "No." Now Lucifer acted like he was sad, because he wouldn't get the information he asked for. "Why no-oot?" "You are super annoying!" Now Lucifer looked like he was actually hurt for a second, but soon he looked more casual and a bit offended again. "Come on, that's nothing new and nothing bad." "Of course it's bad. You do not do anything that is help- or useful. "If I am not useful, then why are you working with me?" Lucifer stopped and looked at his brother slightly outraged while he placed his hands on his own hips, glaring at Michael. The dark haired angel stopped walking too and was quiet for some seconds, organizing the thoughts in his mind. That was something he did most of the time before he said something. I don't like him and that's nothing new to him. So why is he asking? Was that even a real question or more like a rhetorical one? I mean, I told him that several times and sometimes even more than once a day, so, he should know the answer. It's quite obvious. "I work with you because you can help me to escape." That wasn't exactly the answer Lucifer wanted to hear and he stared at his older brother like he wants to murder him right now. "So, that's the only reason?" His voice sounded lurking, his gaze was irritated. "Yes, that is the only reason. Why should I have another one?" "Oh, I just thought that maybe you wanted to be a better brother this time and wouldn't want to be a bitch towards your brother again as you were the last time?!" His voice sounded uppity and his light blue eyes suddenly looked darker. But Michael stayed as cold as he already was. "No, I don't see a reason why I should behave different to our last meeting. I didn't do any mistakes. I had a good reason to act like that towards you, you remember that? I do what people tell me to do, not like other people that think they're brilliant and act how they want and ruin everything, just because they can't deal with the fact that not everyone agrees with them." After this sentences the older one turned around and walked away; leaving a confused, mystified angel behind him. Lucifer stood there, frozen in surprise for some seconds until he started to follow Michael again. He knew this place way better than the other archangel and he didn't want to save him. Again.

They both walked through the forest in silence. Michael put his hands in his pockets; Lucifer had his crossed arms placed behind his head. But now something catches their gaze. In some distance they both spot an old temple. It had something from the ones that were build in Japan. "Lucifer, what's that?" Michael tilted his head while he looked at the building that appeared out of nowhere. He actually thought it looked quite nice and it's aura seemed to be very warm and welcoming. But that was only how it looked for Michael, because Lucifer thought that it looked quite dark and intimidating. But he didn't say a word because he and Michael would probably start to argue again and it annoyed him. "It's a temple. Japanese architecture, I would say in the human world it would have been built around the 15th century." Lucifer answered without hesitating and left Michael in surprise. "Hey, don't look at me like that, there were times were I thought that the primates' culture was interesting." He crossed his arms in front of him and walked over to the temple. "Lucifer, they are called Homo Sapiens Sapiens, not primates." Michael managed it to look less surprised and he followed the blonde male again. "If you look at them you'll find out that there is nothing intelligent about them, so I'm not gonna call them like that." They both walked into the temple, arguing. When they entered it Michael stopped breathing for a second. The temple wasn't only pretty from the outside; the inside was actually even more impressive. If he was honest he could actually understand why Lucifer thought that this was interesting. On some of the walls were arras hanging down, which were brocaded with different pattern. He could see sculptures of animals and sometimes he could find a window that was barred with curlicues. Michael turned around while he walked through the halls, the temple looked amazing and breath taking. While he inspected the building he slowly started to realize how nervous his younger brother looked. He was even more paranoid then he had been in the wood. It seemed like he thought that something or someone would attack them. "Lucifer, why are you so stressed? It's beautiful here, calm down a bit. Hell was probably worse." He opened his arms and turned around one time. "It's wonderful here. I can't understand why you seem to be so tensed." Suddenly, without answering Michael's sentences, the fallen angel ran over to his brother and pressed one of his hands on his mouth. Michael glared at him angrily through his hazel eyes and looked up to the younger one. "Pshh! Shut up, Mikey!" Now the eyes of the soldier got bigger in surprise. He wasn't used to that tone, and he never ever thought that someone would talk to him like that. Now Lucifer lowered his hands. "I'm gonna explain that later to you, but, please just do what I tell you ... Just, run. Now. We can talk later." "You're not able to command me something." He stared at his brother as he thought he was insane. Actually Lucifer was kinda insane but right now he did something for a good reason. "I'm older than you. You are fallen. And here is not a single reason why I should run. "Michael, please, just ... trust me this one time. I have a valid reason to react like that but we don't have enough time, so, please just run." Michael looked up, in the light eyes of the other one. He looked so serious that he actually thought it might be a good idea to trust him this one time. So both of them started to run.

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