Books! The Best Weapons In The World!

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Michael honestly disliked it watching himself kissing a person that he disliked with such a strong passion. And it made him even angrier that – somehow – he was not able to control his body anymore. He was like a small audience that could only see what happen, but was not able to change anything about the things he just saw. Lucifer, seriously, please just stop kissing me. I don't care how good this weird and probably brain-dead body thinks it is, I don't like it. It makes me seriously uncomfortable! And again he tried to somehow move his body, but nothing happened. He just stood there and kissed his own brother. The only thing he could hear were the waves around them and he tried to focus on that, because he doesn't want to feel Lucifers lips on his own or Lucifers hands around his waist. And he seriously doesn't want to feel or even admit how great he was at kissing. I wonder if he ever practiced that somewhere- Oh great, now I am losing my mind too. I hate this place. Where are we even? This is not the real world ... And suddenly he couldn't feel Lucifers body against his own. The kissing stopped, the body touch stopped. Lucifer? His eyes opened slowly and now he gained the control over his body back. He felt relieved but also a bit confused when he couldn't stop the blonde angel anywhere. "Lucifer?" He looked around but he couldn't find him. He could only see the beach and the ocean. "Lucifer??" Michael started to feel a bit guilty – and he had no idea where that feeling came from – because his little brother disappeared and he couldn't see him anywhere. The angel started to walk around in the water, which was ice cold by now. The beautiful color disappeared and now it looked dark and the waves were heavier. Before he could really realize what happened, something dragged him underneath the surface and he couldn't see anymore. He only felt how the air in his lungs started to disappear and how cold the water was ...


The archangel woke up with wide eyes. His heart was beating unbelievable fast and he was slightly sweating. "Air!" Was the first thing he gasped, only to realize that he wasn't underwater anymore. He was in the cave again, the cave that Lucifer called his 'home'. Michael started to relax and his heart beat and breathing went slowly back to normal. He wasn't at the beach. He was not drowning. There was no water and Lucifer was not kissing him or missing. Wait, where is Lucifer? Michael sat up and looked around. The other bed, across the room, was empty. What? He carefully stood up and walked through the paths until he stood in the cave where Lucifer was. It was the entrance and exit part and his brother was watching the rain in silence. He had been right, it would rain later. Lucifer was sitting on the ground, legs crossed, hands in his lap. Michael had to admit that he hasn't seen his brother that peaceful for a very long time. Lucifer seemed to enjoy the sound of the rain and the raindrops that fell to the ground and created puddles on the ground that would later look like a small galaxy. After some seconds in which he only watched his little brother he cleared his throat. "I somehow never thought you would wake up earlier than I do ..." Lucifer didn't even turn around. "And I somehow never thought you would be polite in the morning. Or polite towards me in general." His voice sounded ... absent and uncommitted. It was strange to hear him talk like that. Usually he would change his mood and tone within a sentence, but now? He seemed calm, maybe a bit too calm. "Touché ..." Was the only thing Michael answered while he slowly sat down at the exact same place where he stood some seconds earlier. Now both were watching the rain in silence. The older one had to admit that it was actually quite calming and the air smelled fresher now. Maybe he would start to like rain too. "Who told you about the keys?" He turned his gaze away from the nature and over to the fallen archangel. "No one." "And why do you know that they exist?" "I read it." The blonde's answers were short and distant. It was obvious that something was not alright but Michael ignored that, at least for now. "I read about them in a library here." Now the dark haired one looked seriously surprised, nearly shocked. "You read? And I do not have to force you to do that?" Lucifer chuckled but it sounded distant too, just like his voice. Was he hurt? "Of course I read, Michael. It's not like I hate books." "You threw the books I gave you in the fireplace, Lucifer ..." The devils blue eyes focused on something in the distance and he seemed to smile for a second. "That's true ... But the books you gave me were boring and about heaven being the best and greatest place in the entire universe and that nothing angels do is wrong." Michael was about to contradict him, but Lucifer continued to talk before he could even speak a word: "But, if it makes you happy, they are all here." Now his hazel eyes lightened up. "Really? They are?" Now he was the one that sounded like an excited child. "Yes, they are. I can show them to you, when the rain stops." "Yes, please!" Lucifer silently shook his head. His brother was still as much of a bookworm as he had been in his free time back there, at the time where they still got along with each other. It made him happy to see that not that much changed but somewhere, deep in his chest, he felt a sharp, biting pain that he tried to ignore.

"Welcome to your personal heaven, Micha!" Lucifer opened the big, heavy wooden doors. Michael couldn't control himself enough so he looked over Lucifers shoulder in curiosity. The two angels were now standing inside a gigantic library. It was slightly damaged, the dome that was once made out of glass was broken and the sun was shining inside, covering everything with dark golden, red and orange light. The glass of the dome was lying on the ground and looked like a carpet out of smashed glass that looked surprisingly beautiful. The ground that was not covered in small pieces of glass was white and made out of marble. On the opposite, the end of the library stood a big fire place but it hadn't been used within many, many years. To their left and right sides were two staircases that would bring you up to the big shelves of books.
Lucifer turned around and looked at his brother. Michael seemed to forget that his brother was still with him, he was just impressed and speechless. His eyes were wide and they glowed. His mouth was slightly open, showing his surprise. Yes, heaven's library had been big, but not as stunning as this one. The blonde angel couldn't resist and snapped his fingers right in front of the soldiers face. "Wake up and control yourself again. No wet dreams in a library, you nerd." He grinned when Michael's expression went back to the usual, more professional and colder face. "Okay, come on, we have to search for the book about the keys." "But I thought you already found it?" "I found it, that is true ... But I found it 428 years ago and I honestly forgot where It was, so we have to search. Come on!"

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