smiling and kissing (meanwhile someone screams furiously in the background)

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"Okay Lucifer, what exactly ... Is that?" Michael pointed at the small square in Lucifers hand. "That ... Thing." He seemed to search for the right words but he couldn't just say that square thing, right? But honestly, he didn't know another name so he just stayed silent. "Oh, you are so great if you have to describe things, Mickey! I am so impressed, you can't believe it!" He looked up to his, still standing angel brother with a sarcastic face expression. "Come on, Lucifer, you know exactly what I mean and I think you also know exactly what it is, so please stop acting so superior and tell me what that square is and what it can. Also, don't call me Mickey." It must be able to do something; otherwise Lucifer wouldn't have searched for it. "This 'square thing' is a key, Michael." He holds the square, that was a key, up and looked through a tiny hole in it; something the older one hadn't recognized until now, probably because he wasn't holding it in his hand. "This thing is a key? And if yes: A key to what? What will it open? Where will it open it? And especially: How will it open it?" When he looked back at Lucifer he had to realize that he smiled at him. Michael couldn't tell if that smile was made out of sarcasm, if he was making fun over him in his mind or if he just enjoyed it that he knew something he himself didn't; but he smiled. And it irritated the black haired angel a lot. He never really smiled and now he couldn't even tell why. "Lucifer, stop that. It is weird." Now the face expression of the younger one became more normal again; he looked a bit perplexed and his blue eyes looked at Michael without that ... sparks? Yes, Lucifers eyes seemed to sparkle in that moment when he watched him with that unusual mimic. "What is weird?" "Seeing you smile. You have no reason to smile in a happy way; you're probably just arrogant again. Stop it." Honestly, Michael knew that he shouldn't tell Lucifer that he should stop being arrogant, since he literally said that he, himself, was perfect not a long time ago, but he couldn't change his view of the devil. He used to see him as arrogant, and that was why he told him to stop acting like that. "W-why am I arrogant? Just because I smile?" Lucifer's voice sounded surprised and way to benign while his confused face was something you could describe as pure. He really didn't get why Michael called him arrogant and Michael didn't want to explain his opinion about him to his brother again, so he just shook his head and asked a question: "It doesn't matter. Now, would you be kind enough to tell me what this key does?" Now the blonde angel looked totally normal again. "It opens the cage." "It was that easy?" The older one couldn't believe what the archangel just told him. It couldn't be that easy, right? Lucifer had to be wrong! "No, you idiot, it's not. It is one of thirteen keys." The other one rolled his hazel eyes. "Great and this number isn't even a total cliché or something like that, no not at all ..." He looked at Lucifer in a judging way and he raised his hands in defense. "Hey, I didn't pick that amount of keys! Believe me, if I would've than this would be enough and we wouldn't have to search for twelve more." "Yeah, but that doesn't matter right now. When are we going to search for the other ones?" If you would have asked Michael he would have searched for them right now. He doesn't want to spend that much time in this eccentric prison and he doesn't want to spend that much time with his younger brother; he still thought he was annoying and a child on the inside, which made him appear immature and that was something that annoyed Michael. He raised him good, until the day he somehow started to think it would be a good idea to start a rebellion that will kick him out of heaven. How could he turn out so wrong if Michael taught him so many good things? He never understood that. "We won't search now. It's raining every day, so it's better if we go back to the cave and sleep, before we can search for the other ones." Now Michael was the one that felt the confusion. "But it isn't even noon?" "The time here works in a different way too. The night is shorter and as well is the day. If the humans have 24 hours per day we have like ..." He was silent for some seconds, trying to figure out how many hours a day had in the cage, "18, I guess. Also, we will go when it stops raining and the rain doesn't care if it's day- or night time, Micha." The older one sighed. He hated that his younger brother gave him all these nicknames that he used when he was younger, but he was pretty sure that he only used them because he knew that it annoyed him, so if he would correct him, nothing would change so he should ignore it. Maybe Lucifer would stop then. "Fine, let's go back ..." "Great decision, Michael. Well, of course the decision is great because I made it." He smirked at him and started to walk out; the older archangel followed him and rolled his eyes.

As soon as they arrived in the cave again both went to their beds, at the other ends of the room. When Michael layed down on the mattress he remembered the strange dream he had in the last night ... Or the last day, he didn't really know when it was, but he knew that this dream was weird and he hoped that he wouldn't dream about something like this again. Then he closed his eyes ...


He was in the ocean again. It was the same place where Lucifer kissed him. Lucifer was there too, and he was still kissing him. His hands were placed around Michael's waste and he could feel his hands there. He tried to move away but he couldn't. He didn't know why, but he had no control over his body anymore. He had back then, when they both ran to the sea but now, he seemed to have lost it and he really disliked that. Lucifer, move away, in the name of our father! Stop kissing me, I am your brother! Finally he could feel how both broke apart and he sighed in relief, but only on the inside because he still couldn't control his body. They just looked at each other for some seconds and both stayed silent, which made the Michael that seemed to be trapped inside the other Michael's mind honestly uncomfortable. Could you please move an inch away from each other? I think you two are standing way too close ... And stop looking at me like that Lucifer, this puppy like eyes are really ... I don't even know what they are but they make me uncomfortable, please stop that. But it just got worse. His body started to move, and unfortunately not away from the fallen one. He moved closer and they kissed again. Meanwhile Michael was screaming on the inside. Come on, move away! Why do you have to hug him that tight, why do you two have to kiss? I don't even know how to explain this feeling it is just weird! And I guess it's pretty wrong to kiss your brother like this. Why aren't you moving away? I don't even really like that and I don't want to feel all of that stuff and- Lucifer! Hands back to my waist! If you have to kiss me let your hands stay there and don't let them wander down! Oh dear father, Michael stop brushing his hair with your hands! Is anyone even listening?!

Between Abomination And Affection - MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now