"Hello brother"

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„Lucifer ..."Michael turned around and stared into the light blue eyes of his younger brother. "We haven't seen each other in a long time ..." He was only smirking disdainfully at the other one. Okay. That's it. Your sanity broke apart. You're not able to think anymore. Lucifer can't be here. He is locked away since thousands of years. I can't just ... meet him somewhere. Also, I do not know this place so it's impossible that Lucifer does. He looked away from the fallen angel and started to walk away. He had no idea where he was walking, but he knew that he wouldn't spend his time talking to something that wasn't even there. Maybe I am hallucinating. "Hey!" He could hear the voice of the other one, but he didn't turn around. Maybe it's one of Gabriel's tricks ... I mean, he is the trickster ... And he always hated it when we argued. Is this one of his stupid games? Michael rolled his eyes. Well, I am not going to play a part in it. "Come back! I am talking to you, asshole!" Lucifer sounded really annoyed and he could hear footsteps behind him. Realistic illusion. But I won't fall for it. I am not stupid. Michael turned his head and looked over his shoulder, only to see that Lucifer jogged after him. Screw your stupid games, Gabriel. He turned his head around again; back into his normal position, but it was too late. He hadn't looked at the way he walked on and so he couldn't see the small scarp, right in front of him. He tripped and closed his eyes out of reflex.

He expected to slide it down like an idiot, but he didn't even feel the ground. He could feel something else. Hands. One was placed on his shoulder the other one was slung around his waist; conserving him from the fall. The hands were cold; it nearly hurts. Carefully he opened one eye, only to look into the amused face of his younger brother. Okay, maybe it's not an illusion ... He could feel the painful cold on his body, through his clothes. "What irony. I prevent you from falling. I saved an angel, so he wouldn't fall. You get it? Fall - Angel - fallen angel?" Something I am. Thank you Michael. Lucifer didn't say these thoughts out loud. Instead he still grinned at his brother, raising an eyebrow. "Did you get it now?" The older one rolled his eyes. "Lucifer. That's not funny. And now let me go." The blonde angel shook his head while he smirked again. "I don't think you want me to do that." "And you think that why?" "Well ..." Lucifer took a break, trying to make his sentence sound more dramatic than it actually was. "If I let go of you ... You will fall down this hill just like an idiot." He smiled at his brother, but his eyes glowed spiteful. "Then let me go somewhere else, so I won't fall down the hill!" The younger one rolled his eyes. "Fiiine ..." Lucifer gripped him tighter and Michael was pressed against his brother's torso for a second, until Lucifer turned around and he loosened the grip around his waist and now, before he was able to realize what happened, Michael was sitting on his butt, on the ground. He looked up to Lucifer with an angry face expression. "Thank you very much for this ..." He slowly stood up, brushing off the dirt from his shirt. "You don't need to thank me my dear." "Are you really that stupid or do you just pretend to be like that?" "I pretend to be stupid ... Well, I couldn't answer this if I am stupid because I would be too stupid to realize it ... Also, you raised me, so there is only one person that made me that way." He winked at the other one; still smirking. Michael rolled his eyes and let his hands fall down again.

"Michael, you are injured ..." Even though Lucifer's face expression had been invidious not a second ago, now he looked at the dark haired one in surprise and with a hint of ... worry? Inside his eyes. "Yes. Yes, I am." The light haired angel made a step further to his brother, reaching for his injured hands, but Michael made a step backwards. "No. Forget it. You will only hurt me even more." The fallen angel shook his head. "Please, believe me. I will not." Without waiting he grabbed Michael's hands and placed his own on them; soon he could see the familiar golden lighting. But then it started to feel cold on his hands. Cold as ice and it started to hurt him soon. "Lucifer you-" He was about to curse but in the exact same second it started to feel pleasant and this was the reason why Michael decided to not shout at his brother in anger. When the wounds were healed the younger one took his hands away, right after that, and made three steps backward. "Done." "Yeah. I can tell. Anyway. Do you know where we are?" Lucifer looked at his older brother for some seconds until he started to pout a bit. "You really can't remember it? It's the paradise!" The dark haired angel shook his head in disbelieve. "That isn't possible. The paradise is a place I know and this looks nothing alike." The archangel looked at the other one with a perfectly acted sad expression. "You really do not remember it at all?" He placed his hands on his chest, where the heart was beating, If he had one - Michael wasn't quite sure about that - and looked at him with puppy eyes; he did that on purpose, to make him feel guilty. It wouldn't work, but he still did it. Then the younger one turned around and looked at the things around them. "It's my cage. Michael. You choose the looks. You chose something familiar. So I will always remember the good old days and start to feel guilty." The soldier was silent for some seconds until he swallowed. "This isn't true. Father would never leave me here." Lucifer walked closer to his brother. "Oh, my dear. Yes he would. You disappointed him - like I did. He put you down here, something he also did with me. You're lost, Mike." "Don't compare yourself to me and stop calling me like that!" The blonde ones face expression went darker and more evil. "But it's true, Michael. Daddy isn't proud of you anymore. You let him down. And now you're looked in your little brother's prison. With your little brother." "Stop talking. It can't be true." "Accept it, Mike. Daddy left you alone. You're all on your own now."

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