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Michael was lying there in shock; unable to move. His mind was completely blank and he wasn't even able to react to whatever happened right now.
But soon the kiss broke apart and Lucifer looked at him with a shocked expression himself. "Oh my- Michael I am sorry! I am so, so sorry!" While he apologized he stood up, his eyes were still opened wide and he started to walk backwards. "I really didn't mean to!" He waited for Michael to react but he was still frozen and unable to understand what happened, so he just stared at him with a blank expression. Lucifer took it the wrong way and he started to walk faster, his voice sounded almost insecure. "I- I really should go now ..." And with these words he turned around and started to run.

Michael didn't even react to that, he just stared at the sand on the shore he was lying on and waited for his brain to start working again.
It took him quite some time to be able to understand the situation, but then his heart started to race and his entire body felt warmer than before. "What- wow- why? What?" He stuttered, still confused. "Why ... Did he kiss me?"

Lucifers heart was beating faster than usual and he stared with an empty expression at the ground, while he was running. What did I do? What did I do? He will hate me now, right? Michael will start to hate me again! That was such a stupid idea. Why did I do that? Why did I kiss him? He will push me away again! I always make so many mistakes ...
His vision started to get a bit blurry; tears were streaming down his face.
The blonde angel was totally sure that his older brother would start to hate him again and that would hurt him more than anything else that ever happened.
He shook his head and started to brush the tears away, still running and staring at the ground.
How can I explain that to him if he asks me why I did that? I can't just say that I love him, even if I already told him that! He probably thought I was overreacting, but how am I going to explain the kiss?! How?! And why are so many leaves on this beach?
He stopped and looked around.
There were surpisingly many leaves on the ground, but there was a simple explanation for it: He wasn't on the beach anymore.
When he looked around he realized that he was standing in a forest. "When ... Did that happen?" He started to shiver. While he had been running, he didn't realize that he entered a forest ... When did that happen?
The archangel started to get a weird feeling and decided to follow his own steps. Then he would find back to the beach, right?
He was rather at the beach, facing Michael then in a forest that suddenly appeared ...

Michael was by now sitting on a stone on the beach, waiting for Lucifer to come back. He had to come back, right?
Michael really needed to talk to his younger brother. He needed to know if Lucifer really kissed him because he was in love with him, like he said before he pushed him. Yeah, Michael remembered that by now. He also remembered all of his dreams and asked himself if they had something to do with this place and the thing that happened between them some minutes ago.
While he was waiting for the fallen angel to come back he started to draw some things into the sand with a stick, but nothing he drew made sense. Especially not, because he wasn't really paying attention to his own work; he was still confused and kept thinking about the kiss. To be specific, he thought about how good it actually felt.

That can't be possible ... Lucifer followed his own steps; hoping to get back to the beach, but right now he was just confused. His steps ended ... In the middle of the forest and he couldn't see anything else then the dark forest around him.
It wasn't something new to him that the cage was a place full of mysteries, but that was something that almost scared him.
I shouldn't have done that ... I should've stayed and faced Mike ... But now? If I am unlucky I am lost, forever! Michael won't search for me, I am sure he won't. After me kissing him he will be happy if he never sees me again, right?
He sighed and looked around. "Well, guess I have to guess where I have to go ..."

Michael was standing on the beach by now and looked over into the direction in which Lucifer had been running some time ago.
Too much time had passed by, in his opinion and he started to get worried, so the archangel decided to follow him.

Between Abomination And Affection - MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now