Torn apart, unraveled at the seams ...

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Please don't kill me for this.


Michael sighed. It was the fifth time that he walked through the library and every time he had to realize again that he was alone there. And he had to realize over and over again that he had no idea where Lucifer was. He only knew that he started to feel worry, and also a bit guilty. Where could he be? Why hadn't he noticed it? He should have watched out. He was his little brother, he was the one that took care over him since he existed, he raised him and yet ... He still lost him somehow. In an area that couldn't be stranger. "Luci, come on where are you ..."

Another round later he gave up and sat down on the ground. Lucifer was away. He already knew it but he had to accept it ... He was alone there and no one would or could help him to find his little, missing brother. He sighed again and slowly sat down on the ground and leaned his back against one of the shelves in the wall. "What happened? ... I can't believe that he just ... went away. He has to be somewhere ... Or ... No, he can't be dead. Calm down Michael, don't be too worried ... Okay, what am I talking I have a reason to worry ..." He looked around, hoping he would find a clue that would help him finding Lucifer and his eyes saw something that he hadn't seen before. There was a symbol inside the wall, right next to him. It was carved into the wood. "What is that?" He tilted his head and stood up, staring at the symbol. It looked like a coin, but why would that be in a library? He hesitated a bit but decided to touch it. Nothing bad could happen, right? And he was somehow right. Nothing bad happened to him, but he saw something next to him. Two shelves from the wall started to move ... He slowly walked closer and could see what was behind them. It was a small cabin, the walls were made out of stone and it was dark inside; the only thing that lightened up the cabin was an old torch. Michael decided to reach for it and he walked in. The only thing inside was an old, wooden table with an old scroll on it. When he walked closer to read it, he had to realize that nothing was on it. It was just empty. "... Why would someone leave a scroll here? You could use it!" He wanted to walk back out of the cabin but suddenly he heard something. "Turn around Michael ..." Lucifer?! That was his first guess, even though the voice didn't sound like Lucifers. So he actually turned around, only to see that the wall turned into a mirror. "What? Who spoke to me then ..." He looked around in confusion, thinking that he would find the one that talked to him, but he was still alone in the library. "You won't find anyone else ... But it's funny to see that you haven't learned from your mistakes, Michael ..." Something grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and he looked up; only to see his own reflection reaching through the mirror that smirked at him. "You are such an idiot ..." And then he pulled him with him, inside the mirror.

When his reflection grabbed him he thought they would swap places for a second but now he stood in a dark area. That was not the mirror. The archangel turned around and couldn't see the cabin; he saw a wall made out of stone. "Oh, great ... Looks like I am trapped again ..." He sighed and turned around. He hated Lucifers cage so much ... And he hated the place even more when he realized that he stood in front of a gigantic maze. "Oh father no ... But maybe I will find Lucifer here! Okay, fine, I will walk through it ... If I will follow the left wall the whole time I will find the exit, so it shouldn't be a problem ..." That was the first time he was thankful for something heaven taught him. Yes, he loved heaven, but he had never been grateful for something that they taught him before ... "Okay, here we go ..." He slowly entered the maze and he was thankful that he still had the torch in his hand, because it was even darker there than it was in the room that brought him here.

How much time had passed? The dark haired angel had no idea, but it felt like he walked through the maze for hours. Maybe he did; maybe only some minutes had passed. Somehow he started to lose his sense of time every time he was trapped somewhere. And the area made it only worse. The walls were black and the ground was made out of stone. The only splashes of color were some dark red rivers, made out of lava that you could see on the walls. At first he wanted to know if the lava was actually hot, but if it was it wouldn't be a great idea to touch it. Please just let me find Lucifer and the exit ... I don't like it here ...

More time had passed by and Michael felt lost. Usually you would always get out if you just follow one side of the walls, but now he felt like he won't find out at all. Where the hell am I? I can't see the exit, but neither the entrance ... I can't see anything besides the corridors I am walking through ... That can't be normal. I feel like someone is playing a game with me ... And I am about to lose ...

Okay, now the ex ruler of heavens army felt like he was about to lose his sanity. He lost his orientation and he felt paranoid. He had to turn around every ten steps because he felt like someone was behind him. He could even feel the cold breath against his neck ... Or was it the wind? Had it always been that cold here? Or was there really someone that followed him? Maybe he had been right and the shadow behind the last corner was not only imagination, maybe it had been the shadow of a person he almost caught! He tried to calm himself down again but it didn't really work; he was still breathing fast and he could feel the rapid heartbeat in his chest. He felt vulnerable. He never felt like this before. Where was Lucifer? He needed his brother ... He would make him feel save. Honestly, Michael had no idea where the thought came from, but he was by now quite sure that it was true. He needed his brother right now, more than ever before ... But he lost him ...

More time had passed by and Michael felt nothing else than fear by now. How long had he been down there? An hour? Four? A whole day? He couldn't remember. "Calm down Michael, calm down ... You're an adult ... An Archangel ... A grown up man ... And you are just trapped in a maze ..." He laughed nervously while the grip around the torch in his hand got tighter. He never felt that lost in his entire life ...

Something caught Michael's attention. He smelled something; something familiar. It smelled a bit metallic and the first thing that came to his mind when he smelled it was the color red ... But how could that be? Had he been right? Had he been down there with someone else? The archangel had no idea if he should turn around and should walk back, walk faster or walk slower ... So he continued to walk in the same speed through the corridor. When he turned around the next corner he could see that his sense of smelling was still alright. He had been smelling blood; but after he found out why he did that he almost screamed in shock and his torch fell down – luckily it continued to burn somehow. He stood in a small puddle of dark red blood. The body where the blood came from was only some inches away from him ... And it was the body of his brother; Lucifer.

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