Falling angels

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They both continued to run along the tracks with their hands intertwined. Lucifer continued to look back at the weird girl almost the entire time. She seriously scared him. Like, what was that? Why was there a girl that was cut in half and was already rotting and she could still move and was alive? How was that possible? And how was it even possible that she could follow them so fast? He couldn't find an explanation for that creature. And it creeped him out. "Stop!" Suddenly Michael stopped to hold his hand and held out his arm so Lucifer, who was still looking back, ran against it. "What is wro- Oh shit." If Michael wouldn't have done that Lucifer would probably be dead now, because in front of them was a cliff. "Exactly! What are we going to do now?" Michael looked back at the weird creature that came closer quite fast. Meanwhile Lucifer walked a bit closer to the cliff and tried to find a way how they both could escape. "I mean, we are angels, couldn't we just use our wings?" He looked back at the younger angel in front of him. "Well, they do not necessarily work here. The cage wasn't made for me to have fun and for flying around the whole time. It could just happen that if we fly we fall down and that would be painful. But ..." He walked back to his older brother. "Down there is water. We could try to jump." "Are you sure that this is the best idea?" Tec Tec Tec. "Well, I don't think we should wait for her, so I guess it would be one of the best ideas?" Michael looked down the cliff and sighed. They would fall down at least over 40 meters ... And honestly, that didn't sound like something he liked. But there was water. If they would jump in the correct way they could survive without any injuries ... "Okay, Lucifer, if we have the right position when we jump and if our bodies are entirely straight it could be that we survive."
"Yeah, whatever Michael, I can't be straight."
"Why not? You have to, otherwise it could hurt you!"
"I'm mentally not straight, Michael, gosh, do you never get a joke?"
Michael looked at the blonde archangel in confusion. "I really don't understand it ..."
"Okay, so, long story short: I love you. I'm gay. For you. Because of you. Maybe both. I guess you should know that before we jump."
Michael looked now even more confused and blinked several times. Somehow those sentences sounded strange to him. "Why would you?"
"Okay, time is up!" And with this words Lucifer ruined the cliché moment between him and the dark haired male and he pushed him down the cliff.
Michael was now even more confused and surprised. Even too surprised to yell at his brother for it. He just tried to focus how he would hit the surface so he could survive and get out without any injuries. But before he fell into the dark water he remembered something.
The whole thing with Lucifer loving him and water was something that sounded quite similar to him. The dreams ...
But he couldn't think about those similarities for a long time because his body hit the cold surface of the dark water.

The water was even darker and deeper than he imagined it. When he opened his eyes the only thing he could see were the bubbles he created when he fell into it. And oh, it felt so cold. He thought something sharp was cutting every part of his skin. It felt horrible and he tried to get back at the surface.
When he reached it and was over it he gasped for air. He wasn't underwater for a long time but it felt good to breathe again. Only now he realized that he had been holding his breath after Lucifer pushed him.
Where was Lucifer?
He turned around in the water and tried to see where his younger brother was.
Was he still up there on the cliff with this weird creature? Hopefully not.
"Stop screaming, I am right behind you!" He could hear the familiar but gasping voice behind him so he quickly turned around in the water only to look at the fallen angel.
His wet hair was almost covering his eyes and he tried to push them away with one hand; something that wasn't that easy because every time he tried it he disappeared underneath the surface again.
"Wait ..." Michael quickly used one of his hands to push the blonde hair out of the taller ones face, only to look into the light eyes. "Better ..." "Thanks Michael ..." Lucifers voice sounded calm and soft when he said those words. Michael already forgot that Lucifer just confessed something to him and he smiled. "We should get back to the shore. It's over there." Michael looked around only to spot the shore in some meters distance. "That's true ..."
Both slowly swam over to it and then collapsed on the sandy ground. The water had been unbelievable cold and it was surprisingly hard to swim against the flow.
Michael was lying on his back and looked at the sky; Lucifer was right next to him.
They both were quiet for some time until Michael started to laugh. There was nothing that was funny to him, it was just his reaction to the entire situation. It had been so weird, he just couldn't help but laugh.
"Huh?" Lucifer turned his head to look at the dark haired archangel. "Is everything alright?"
"Sure ..." He continued to laugh for some seconds until he also turned his head to look at the younger one. "Sure ... The whole situation is just so strange ... I don't understand." He chuckled a bit when Lucifer looked at him with a confused - maybe even a bit offended - expression. "I mean, come on, we two are trapped in a prison that is bigger on the inside and we are chased by a girl that has been cut in half and is already dying ... How strange is that?"
Now the light haired one smiled a bit. "That's true ... It really is strange." He actually agreed with Michael, and honestly he was quite happy that Michael was - apparently - not laughing about his confession.
Michael just shook his head and looked back at the sky again. "But hey, I think we are free now. At least from this weird girl."
"That's true again ..."
Now Michael grinned at the other one. "I am always right."
Lucifer only continued to smile. "Of course you are ..."
"You agree with me? Wow, what happened?"
"A lot happened, Micha."
"And ... Could you give me an answer with more details?"
Now Lucifer grinned. "No." And then, suddenly, he moved closer and kissed the archangel.

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