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Michael looked around in confusion. Where was he? He remembered that he was in the cave that Lucifer made his home, but now? He was in a strange area. The lightning was well so he decided to take a closer look at the place. It looked like a ... Hotel? At least it was very tidy and clean, but still not familiar. Where am I? He was confused again. Twice on the same day and honestly, the archangel disliked it a lot. "Michael?" He turned around when he heard something familiar; the voice of his brother Lucifer. He turned around and looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing here, Lucifer? Where are we?" He wasn't happy to see his brother but at least he saw a familiar face. The cage was kind of creepy and it felt good to know that someone that knew this place very good was close to him. "Come with me. I'm gonna show you something." He didn't answer his question and grabbed his arm, pulling Michael over to a big window. "Isn't it beautiful?" The blonde angel smiled and looked out. He had been right, that was something Michael had to admit. The view was amazing. Out there was a beach, perfect beige sand and the ocean was perfectly blue. When he looked at the sky he could see the sunset that was reflected on the farer away part of the sea. "Yes ... Yes it is." He didn't know where he was but suddenly he felt very calm and peaceful. He didn't thought about the cage anymore. He didn't thought about the fact that his father abandoned him or that he stood there with the brother he usually hated so much. "You know what?" Michael turned his gaze away from the landscape and looked over to his younger brother. "We should have a race to the sea. One, two, three, go!" He turned away and started to run out of the door. "Hey!" Usually Michael would have shouted that because Lucifer was too childish and immature but right now he did it in due to something else. "Come back! That's not fair at all, Lucifer!" Before he was able to realize what he did he followed the blonde angel, through the hallway and out to the beach, running through a big glass door that opened up from alone. The archangel didn't even question it. He was too busy to catch his little brother that was nearly at the sea. When he was out of the weird place he felt the soft and fresh breeze on his skin, he could smell the sea and the sand. He could feel the warm sunlight on his skin. But he didn't concentrate on that; he wanted to win against Lucifer.

Since the race hasn't been fair at all Lucifer was the first one at the ocean and looked at Michael grinning. "You're slow. Is there someone getting old?" Michael looked at him indignantly and crossed his arms. "Excuse me, Lucifer?" "You're getting old ..." The fallen one started to walk backwards, straight into the water while he was still smirking. He already seemed to know what Michael would do, because Michael ran after him and tried to catch him again. "Come here you idiot with wings!" "Never! You have to catch me." And now the two adult archangels, two of the most terrifying weapons of heaven chased each other through the water like two little children.

After some minutes of laughing and running Michael finally grabbed Lucifer's wrist and pushed him into the water. "I dare you to call me old!" He looked down to the angel that turned up from the surface again and spluttered out the water he swallowed while he fell into the water. "You dare me, Michael? You dare me?" "Yes, I do." Now he was the one that grinned but suddenly Lucifer grabbed his wrist and dragged him down, into the water, next to him. Luckily both of them were able to sit in the water easily. But Lucifer did something Michael thought that would never happen. He kissed him. While Michael was halfway laying on top of Lucifer.


He woke up in shock, his heart racing and feeling disgust and confusion inside of him. Where am I? He looked around, seeing the dark grey surface of the cave. He felt the mattress underneath and the blanket around him. He was in Lucifer's cave. He was in Lucifer's cave inside Lucifer's cage. Was that ... A dream? It has to be but it was definitely a nightmare. Well, I never had one, but if someone would ask me what kind of dream that was it is a nightmare. No doubts. He slowly sat up, looking around curiously. He could see Lucifer sleeping in his own bed in some distance. He was hugging his pillow and looked surprisingly peaceful. He carefully stood up and walked back through the tunnels, over to the first cave where the two ran into when the rain started. It was still raining when Michael arrived there and he decided to sit down, watching the raindrops falling to the ground. He started to get lost in his thoughts during that. Why do I even sleep? I mean, I haven't slept before, only on the mountain-thing today ... Or yesterday. I don't know what time it is. And why do I dream? ... If I am honest I am pretty weak here in general. Lucifer is stronger than me. That is something that shouldn't be possible ... And where are my wings?! He was a bit alarmed and tried to let his wings appear, but nothing happened. Oh father, oh father, no! No, just no! Don't let this be true! No, no, no! He started to feel scared. What if his wings were ripped out? What if they burned? What if they were away forever? Maybe he was human now? His heart started to beat faster and his breathing was heavier than before. "I really need to ask Lucifer some things ..." He sighed and tried to calm himself down a bit while he hugged his own legs; still watching the raindrops.

"Eww ... Don't tell me that you're an early bird ..." The dark haired angel turned his head around when he heard Lucifer's annoyed and still sleepy voice. "Guess I am ... And you're not even fully awake now." "Oh shut up. It won't get better if you're judging me." Michael rolled his eyes and looked away from his brother, while exactly this person sat down some meters away from him.

They stayed silent for some minutes. Michael was busy watching the rain and Lucifer was busy waking up. When Michael was sure that the blonde angel was fully awake he started to talk to him.
"What is the cage doing to me, Lucifer?" "What do you mean?" Michael didn't turn away his head but he could feel the gaze of the other one. "I am so weak. Like ... A Human. I can't teleport. I can't heal myself. I need sleep. I even dream! And ... Where are my wings? I can't show them ... Are they ..." He wasn't even able to finish his last sentence. He felt too anxious to even say that out loud. "Ripped off? No. But your body is getting weaker. I know how that feels." "But you're not weak!" "Yeah, I am here for several thousands of years. I got used to it. And by the way: Your wings are broken. Damaged." "What ...?" "They are damaged. D - A - M - A - G - E - D." "How are you able to know that?" Lucifer looked at him annoyed. "Well, I am here for several thousands of years, Michael. You have a brain like a goldfish." The black haired one ignored the insult. "How damaged are they? W-would it be possible for you to look at them?" The blonde one nodded. "Yes, it is." He crawled over to Michael, behind him and placed his hands on his brother's back; pressing his fingers against some spots that made Michael's back ache. Then he could feel how his wings appeared on his back, but it hurt so much that he whimpered in pain. When he heard how Lucifer suppressed his laughter he bit his own lip, trying to not sound like a little child in pain again. "They are seriously damaged. I could heal them ..." "Please do that!" The older one sounded more begging than he wanted. He didn't even want to sound begging at all. "Aww, if you're sounding like that I am not able to say no to you, Mikey ..." He could hear that Lucifer was smirking while he said that and he cursed at him in his mind, not saying any of the insult out loud; scared that Lucifer wouldn't heal them if he would.
Soon he could feel the hands on his scapulas; after that they were pressed against his wings. Then he started to feel how Lucifer's energy healed them. It felt tickling, but he didn't make any sound; waiting in silence. Then Lucifer put his hands away and Michael could feel how his wings disappeared again. He wanted to choke on the following sentences but he still said it out loud: "Thank you." "No problem, Mike." He moved away again. "Your wings will be fine in some time again. Don't worry." "How do you know that?" Lucifer didn't answer but Michael could feel a stronger energy entering the room. He looked around in confusion and saw how Lucifer sat right behind him, his wings visible. Usually he controlled everything he said but he was seriously surprised when he saw the ones of his younger brother. The last time he saw them they were small and disheveled. Now they were bigger and well-ordered. "Wow ..." "Michael, close your mouth before you'll swallow a fly." Ashamed of himself he did that and Lucifer's red wings disappeared again. Now they were silent again. But this time it was an awkward silence for Michael.

"Uhm ... Lucifer?" Finally Michael found the courage to ask his little brother the question he had in his head for some time. "Yes Michael?" "Do you know if there's a way out of the cage ... I do not want to stay here." "Me neither, Michael and yes there is a way out." Michael's eyes lightened up when he heard that. "And how do we get out?" "Well, there are two options. The first one is that someone is dumb enough to break the 66 seals and we get out like this, but no one except for Lillith would do that. And Lillith is dead, so option one isn't possible." "And ... What about option two?" Lucifer was silent for some seconds and when he continued to speak Michael could hear how he was grinning. "You know that there is something else I want to hear first ..." Of course Michael knew it. He didn't even had to say anything like that to understand it. "I swear on heaven, my wings and our father: If you tellme how to get out, I'll take you with me." "That sounds like a deal." Hehold out his hand and looked at Michael that seemed to be a bit confused. "That'show we make a deal. I could also kiss you like the demons do, but I am surenone of us actually wants that." Now Michael had flashbacks of his weird dream."No, none of us wants that ..."

Between Abomination And Affection - MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now