Missing prince, angry princess

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„Lucifeeer ...", Michael looked around the shelf that he was currently searching through and whined. "When does this eeeend?" "Oh, right over there, Micha." Lucifer pointed at something and Michael walked around the shelf to see where the place was. He could see many other shelves, probably more than 16 and he sighed. "I don't want that ..." "But I always thought you liked books?" "I do like books but I don't like to search for one book for several hours! Look up, it's already dark outside!" Michael was right. The sky that they could look at through the hole in the ceiling was dark blue and the stars were shining. "Yes it is, but if we want to get out we have to search for it ... Heck, did we switch roles?" The older one looked at his brother in confusion. "Why should we have switched our roles?" "Well, usually I am the one that complains and whines all the time but now you're the one that does that and I am the one that tells you to stop because we have something important to do – which is something you point out most times. That's pretty confusing and surprising, don't you think that?" Somehow Lucifer was right, but Michael would never admit that, so he just sighed and shook his head while he slowly sat down in exhaustion. They had been searching for a very long time and he needed a break. "I am not complaining, nor am I whining! I am just annoyed because I have to search for something because you forgot where it was!" The blonde archangel smirked a bit. "Aww, just listen to your own words; now you sound like a salty little girl ..."
"Lucifer, stop that, I am not a salty little girl."
"But why do you look like one?"
"What do you mean? I do not look like a salty little girl? I do not even look like a girl? At all?"
"Oh, just look at yourself ..."
Lucifer smirked and snapped while Michael looked down at his own body. He had been right; he didn't look like a girl; not until now. Now he was wearing a pink, long dress. "Lucifer, I will murder you!" He glared at his younger brother that was – by now – lying on the ground, trying to breathe normally because he thought he would die of laughter. "F-fuck Michael ..." He was stuttering because his laugher always interrupted him. "Does the lady want some more bows? O-or a crown?" The older one watched Lucifer that was still trying to breathe again but he was struggling to do so whenever he looked at him again. "I said I will seriously murder you ... Take those things away!" He commanded, but added something quickly because Lucifer took orders too serious on purpose from time to time. "And give me my normal clothes back!" "J-just like you want it, my lady." He snapped and Michael looked normal again. "Better my highness?" Lucifer was still lying on the ground; supporting himself on his forearms and looking up to the sitting archangel. Well, Michael didn't seem to be as amused as Lucifer was, because he jumped up and grabbed Lucifer by the collar of his shirt and pressed him against the shelf behind the younger archangel. "Huh? Did you select me as your prince, princess Micha?" Lucifers voice sounded sarcastic and joking but his eyes were opened wide and his expression was ... weird. He stared at Michael with his bright blue eyes and his lips were slightly divided while he looked at him like he thought he would do something really soon. Well, Michael did something really soon. He glared angrily at his brother and his eyes were glowing. "Lucifer, this is a serious mission! Stop acting so childish, it is annoying! Just because I act more casual around you doesn't mean that I forgive you all the things you did, because I honestly didn't! And I think I never will. So stop thinking everything is fine between you and me again. It is nothing fine between us and it will never be! Stop acting like the child you were thousands of years ago, you are grown up! Start acting like an adult!" He hissed and stared right into Lucifers eyes. "Any other questions?" "N-no ..." The voice of the light haired angel sounded a bit weak and his eyes were dull; they lost their glow. He slowly nodded and looked down. "I understand what you mean, Michael ..." "Good", Michael loosened the grip around the fabric of his brother's shirt and Lucifer walked away slowly. "I-I ... Will look for it over there ..." "Good." Finally he takes it seriously. Michael didn't care about the empty and hurt expression on the younger ones face and he didn't care about his weak voice. He was searching for something; he should find it as soon as possible.

"Lucifer, I am done! And I haven't found anything yet! What about you?" Michael finished his search and waited for a response; but he couldn't hear anything. "Lucifer?" He walked around the shelves and thought he would find his brother; all happy and joking again – and probably hiding behind something so he could jump out and would try to scare the soldier – but he couldn't see him. "Lucifer, I told you I don't like your jokes. Come back and act mature." The angel was silent for almost a minute but he still didn't get a response. The whole library was surprisingly silent. Where is he? He walked along the sides of the shelves but couldn't see his brother. He couldn't hear him either, the only noises he heard where his own footsteps on the old wooden floor. Usually he is never that quiet ... And I can't even see him ... Is he alright? Did he leave? His gaze traveled across the room, to the big and heavy doors. He would have heard it if Lucifer would have left ... Even though he had been mad at his younger brother he felt a bit worried now. This place was already kind of creepy and now an archangel disappeared? That was something that made him feel even more creeped out. When did he say something for the last time? The dark haired angel tried to remember it but honestly, if he thought about it, the last time he heard him say something was after he yelled at him. Oh, great, here we go again. You are not able to take care over your brother ... Somehow his mind was against him now. Shut up, you don't know anything. He is all grown up; he can take care over himself. He doesn't need me.
- Oh, are you sure about that? He is a child on the inside, Michael, stop making up reasons why it won't be your fault this time.
This time? I was a great brother and I still am!
- Yeah, you are such a great brother, you lost your little devil in a library and now you can't find him anymore ...
Oh, just be quiet! I will search for him, fine! In the name of my father, this place will make me go crazy at one point and my mind will be something that makes it just worse ...

He sighed and started to walk around the library again. "Luce, where are you ..." He whispered. Michael didn't know why he was whispering so he stopped.

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