Book 3: The Death Cure: Chapter 1

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It was quiet. A car was speeding on the dirty road, going closer and closer to it's goal..


"They are late"Ronin said, checking his watch. Kai, who was sitting right next to him checked his too, Skylor behind him stole a glance too. The three looked forward and saw the train coming

"Let's go"Kai said. Ronin nodded, putting a metal shield on his side of the car to protect him from bullets, then started the engine. He sped up down the hill and towards the train. He managed to catch up with it, going to the first part of it. There, two people were driving it

"Skylor, it's your turn"Ronin said and Skylor nodded. She checked her shot gun, then opened the window on the top of the car and popped her head out. She went half out and pointed the shot gun towards the two men, then shot the window. The two man noticed her

"Get down!"one of them yelled. The two hide behind the door and one of the took a walkie-talkie

"Code 22. We need a back up!"he yelled

"On it"the pilot on the other side answered. He changed the directions of the berg and followed the train

"Jay you better come faster"Kai said via the walkie-talkie

"Don't worry, we are here"Jay answered. Him and Vince were driving right behind the train. Jay went out and on top of the lid of the car. He took the hook and pointed it front

"Get me closer!"he yelled to Vince. He did what he was told and Jay hooked the car and the train, then jumped on the ladder. He turned to see Vince going out of the car and standing on the lid too

"Jump!"Jay yelled. Just as Vince was going to jump, the tire explode, making Vince to fall, his face inches from the place where the tire was supposed to be. He got up again and looked at Jay

"JUMP NOW!"Jay yelled and Vince jumped, holding onto the ladder right when the hook fell from the train and the car explode. Jay and Vince looked at each other, then started running forward. The two heard something like a plane coming towards them and turned to see the berg. Jay took out the walkie-talkie

"Kai, you've got company"he said

"Then you are on your own now"Kai said"Be carful, don't die"

"Great pep talk, now get your asses away from here"Jay said and heard Kai chuckle, then put the device away. He turned forwards again and saw WICKED soldiers running their way. Him and Vince took out their guns and started shooting them. Vince jumped between the two parts of the train and put a bomb there

"WHATCH OUT!"he yelled to Jay who jumped next to him. The two went behind some metal parts and the bomb went off, braking the connection between the two parts. The train continued, while the parts Jay and Vince were on started to stop

"Attention, we are missing 5 parts, stop the train"one soldier said and the train started to slow down

Jay and Vince jumped on the ground when the train stopped and looked to some rocks

"LLOYD! COME ON!"Jay yelled and Lloyd jumped out from behind one rock, along with Harumi and a burner on his back. The two ran towards the broken train and Lloyd put on some glasses and a scarf, then started braking the lock with the burner

"Jay look"Vince said, pointing at the stopped train in front of them. Soldiers coming their way

"Lloyd, I think it will be best if you are faster!"Jay yelled, taking out his gun

"Don't rush me!"Lloyd yelled back. Harumi stand next to them with a gun in her hand and the three started shooting towards the soldiers

Ronin, Kai and Skylor went to a dead end. Ronin stopped the car and soldiers came down from the berg with launchers in their hands

"Leave the car with hands up!"one of them yelled. The three did what they were told and left the car walking towards the soldiers

"Don't move!"the same guy yelled and the three stoped, then started taking backwards steps

"I SAID DONT MOVE!"the guy yelled, then Skylor scratched with her fingers, activating a trap. The ground opened, some of the soldiers falling in it, some remaining still. They were ready to shoot the three but...

"I don't think you want to do that"Zane suddenly said, coming out from under a big cloth, Pixal by his side, both of them having shot guns in their hands. Skylor smirked then took the walkie-talkie from Kai

"Jay, we are coming to get ya"

Jay and Harumi climbed on the carload and continued shooting. The soldiers were coming closer, Vince remained on the ground

"Lloyd go up!"Vince yelled to the blond boy

"I am almost done!"he yelled back and just then there was a cracking noice and the lock was broken"YES!"Lloyd cheered

"Go up, NOW!"Vince yelled and Lloyd obeyed. The Berg came above them and a hook was let down. Jay took it and hooked the carload, then it started hovering

"Vince come on!"Jay and Lloyd yelled. Vince shot one last time, then ran to the ladder and jumped, climbing up to the others

"WHOOOHOOO! We did it!"Lloyd yelled, giving high five to Jay

"Hold tight guys"Ronin said on the walkie-talkie"We are going home"

Hey guys! I FINALLY WATCHED THE FILM! YAY! It wasn't what I expected. The book was a lot better, but the film wasn't bad either, but I hate both of them because Newt died😭(TMR fans will understand). I cried...a the ending. Newt's letter is so strong😭❤️. Anyways I will stop with my rambling, I will just let you know that I am back with that book, yay! Yeah, hope ya like it. *DAB*

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