Chapter 3

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Walking into school later than I would have hoped because a certain someone had to stop by their house for school clothes.

So ignoring him for the day sounds like a good punishment. I know it was killing him that I was giving him the silent treatment but he knows I don't like to be late to class. All eyes stare at you once you walk into the door and than the teacher scolds you for the remaining of the class period and just my luck the teacher who hates me the most is who's class I'll be late to.

"Baby talk to me" I remain silent while heading to the front office for a late pass as Matt follows along side of me.

"I said I was sorry I didn't think to bring clothes with me when I spent the night" I walk into the office not waiting for Matt to enter once I kindly ask the lady behind the desk for a late pass.

Once I have mine I quickly walk away from the office hoping to leave mart behind but of course he caught up with me.

"Damn it autumn look at me" He turns me around so that I'm facing him , I shrug his hands off of my shoulders and watch as his face twist with anger and sorrow.

"Baby it's okay I'm not mad at you" I say soothing him.

"Good because I couldn't handle If you were mad at me"

"Let's get to class" he laces his fingers with my own as we walk hand in hand to class.

Once lunch comes around I get ditched by both the people I talk to.

First it was Sarah and Evan who are sharing their lunch at some cafe together and now Matt has been called to make up some assignments. So now theirs just me and I refuse to sit in the cafeteria waiting for Xzavier to pull that stunt that he did yesterday.

Deciding to walk around the school I make my way into the gym where it's quiet and deserted. My type of place at the moment.

I sit on the bleachers with my head phones in my ears while I busy myself with homework anything to keep me occupied until the bell rings and we still have half an hour left until it ends.

Feeling someone's gaze on me I slowly lift my head and in front of me stands Xzavier in all his night looking delicious as always , sporting his 'bad boy' attire that would make any girl drool.

Rolling my eyes once I see his smug face I close my books quickly putting them inside of my bag I try to make a run for the door. But he blocks me being taller and more stronger than me he has the upper hand in the situation. This is worst than being in the cafeteria because now where all alone no one in sight.

"What do you want Xzavier"

"Well that's an easy question"

"Just leave me alone I haven't done anything to you"

"Oh kitten, if only you knew what you've done to me"

I stare at him confused for a second and than realizing that I didn't care what Xzavier thinks.

"Whatever, excuse me"

"No , no the fun is just staring"


"Shhh, so I've figured out who this mystery guy is"

"Mystery guy"

"You know your 'boyfriend'"

"You don't know sh-"

"Matthew Smith known as Matt who's a seventeen year old senior turning eighteen in two months from now. He dates you and his father is a worker for my dads company , his mom which dislikes you very much by the way is a stay at home mom unless she is needed to comply with my mother and all the other women of this town who think they all feel important to my family but their not."

I stare at him in horror how did he even know all those things about Matt. And his mom doesn't like me that can't be true she always smiles and tells me how happy she is that Matt has found a nice girl like me.

"So kitten I want to make you a deal"

"Like he'll if I ever make a deal with you go to hell Xzavier"

"That's to bad because now all I have to do is tell my dad how much of a conniving, scandals jerk Matt's father is and than like that he's fired they become poor Matt moves away and than your lonely"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh but I would kitten , now how about that deal" I clenched my jaw and fist at his threat against Matt. How did I even get myself into this mess with Xzavier Black , I knew I should've shut my mouth instead of trying to stand up to him now Matt had to pay for my mistake.

"What deal?"

"Well it's simple kitten you break it off with that kid and than be mine is all I'm asking"

"No way I love Matt"

"Don't make me angry kitten I can have Matt's fathers job with the snap of my fingers so its either this deal or say goodbye to Matt forever"

"I- is that all I gave to do" I stuttered tears brimming in my eyes getting ready to spill any minute from now at the thought of Matt's life being ruined because of me I couldn't live with myself.

"Well yes -oh and before we seal this thing I want to clarify that sex is a huge part of this so no holding back" he smirks eyeing me from head to toe making me shiver under his intense gaze on my body.

He pulled some papers for his back pocket and told me to sign but I was smarter than that I decided to read over the words that I understood and make sense of what he wants.

"How long?"


"How long do I have to be yours"

"Until I say you can leave me"

I held back the urge to yell at him but I need to know if all this information is true about what he says. Is Matt's dad working for Xzavier's dads company.

"I'll give you the count of three to decide kitten make your choice wisely.... one"

"Wait! Can you at least give me until tonight to answer"


"I Uh..I need to think of a way to break it off with Matt"

"Your a bad liar but I'll give you the night kitten because I'm nice"

"Thank you"

"Hold on before you go I want a kiss"

"I'm not broken up with Matt yet that'll be cheating so no thank you"

"Kitten! I-" the bell rings signaling for us to make our way to the next class and I couldn't have been more happier.

I quickly run from the gym making my way down the hall way with thoughts that take over my brain. I need to find out now before I make a decision to ruin my life forever. But I couldn't hurt Matt like that either way Xzavier made it clear he'll do anything to get what he wants.

I made the mistake of thinking he would have been a nice guy that people never seen that day when he walked me to class and asked me for something not demand like he is now.

I better find Matt and confirm what Xzavier said was true.


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I was thinking should I do a cast like I do in my other books or do you want me to keep it like it is?

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