Chapter 35

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I lay on Xzavier's bed on my stomach while his head lays on my butt as he watches tv , I decided to get on my phone and text sarah about her problems.

She doesn't know what's gotten into Derek she says he's flirting with her and every time when Evan is around he's really rude. I just want to tell her it's because he's In love with her but I can't do that they both are my best friends. I couldn't break up Their relationship she'll just have to figure this out herself.

"Baby get up" I wiggle around a bit trying to make his head fall.

"No I like this position" he groans cupping my ass in his hands trying to keep me still.

"My ass is going to sleep and it feels numb we've been like this for four hours" he huff but gets up non the less so I could turn over on my back , once I do he places his head between my legs and continued to watch tv.

When Sarah went to bed I played in Xzavier's hair now watching a basketball game. I didn't know about all the fouls or much players names but everything else I pretty much knew about.

My mind wondered back to earlier and the reason I came over here and a question popped in my head.


"Yes kitten"

"Where are you going to college" I ask, I don't even know what answer I'm expecting but I just wanted to know.

"My parents wanted me to attend Yale or Princeton so they pulled some string and got me accepted into both schools so when the time comes I could make a choice between the two but I'm going to a local college here" he says casually , i was taken aback at his response. I didn't know he was going to those top notch schools why would he turn those down and go to a local college here.

"Why are you going to a local college?"

"I could never leave you kitten , it's good colleges here also we could easily stay here and attend schools together. Start our lives." He places a light kiss to my inner thigh still focusing on the game.

"So hypothetically if I were to go to a school.. I don't know across the country how would you take that" my stomach tingled and my heart raced , I was anxious for his response it's all that was on my mind.

He turned around to face me , he shut off the tv and climbed on top of me but not enough to crush me.

"I don't think I could let you go kitten , I'm finally happy with you and moving across the country isn't going to go well for our relationship I mean what if other guys try and take what's mine I wouldn't be there to defend you through anything and I can't move with you because I'm going to take over my fathers business after high school"

"Wouldn't you trust me"

"I would but I wouldn't trust other people and besides I don't think I could handle you leaving me. Your my other half , my soul mate I don't see me being with anyone else but you I see us having a future together a really great future." He kisses my nose and cheek before flopping down on the side of me , he pulls me into his chest placing another kiss to the back of my head.

"Oh" was the only thing I could say.

So he didn't want to attend his colleges because of me. I still want to move to London but now I know that it will hurt him I feel like absolute shit , he considered my feelings and decided to attend a local college instead of leaving me here and I'm still thinking of leaving when I get the chance.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!I'm the most selfish girlfriend ever!!

"Let's stop talking about that though it'll never happen so we're good" I smile weakly trying to hide my sadness even though it's dark and my back is turned to him.

"Goodnight Xzavier"

"Goodnight kitten"
Beep! Beep!

I open one of my eyes confused and tired , what the hell is that beeping noise.

Beep! Beep!

I whimper just wanting to go back to bed. I feel around with my eyes closed trying to find my warm boyfriend but instead the bed is empty.

Where is he!

I whimper louder then before wanting to feel his warmth next to mine so I can just go back to bed.

"Baby!" I whine out loud , I feel horrible this morning and not the sick kind. I feel like I want to be babied but not by anyone only Xzavier.

He burst through the door and immediately comes to my side with a worried expression.

"What's wrong kitten" he rubs my cheeks , I pull him into the bed and snuggle closer to his chest. He chuckled and tries lifting me up.

"No, I'm tired" I protest holding him tighter so that he wouldn't leave.

"Kitten we have to get to school , come lets get ready" I turn my head away from him and inhale his comforting scent.


"I just want to sleep with you"

"I know kitten but after school okay , your parents will kill me if they knew I let you stay home" he picks me up from the bed and goes into the closet while I latch on him like a koala bear.

"Kitten get down please and get dressed"



"Can I Please go back to sleep with you?" I ask hopefully.

"No you cannot"

"Well then I can't get dressed either" he sighs and puts me down even though I protest , I stay still as he puts me on clothes and shoes as if I were a child.

I know I'm acting like one but it feels nice having him caring for me like this. He dressed me in a white long sleeve crop top and denim jeans with a jean jacket to cover my stomach , he then brushed my teeth and combed my hair putting it into a ponytail with hair hanging on either side of my face.

I looked really cute I must say , I should have him do this more often. He didn't complain or anything it was interesting seeing him run around the house looking for my bag and school work.

He'd make a great daddy some day.

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