Chapter 15

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Now that I've realized my feelings for Xzavier I feel very awkward and nervous to see him. Thoughts cloud my mind while I question myself with what do I say or even do now that I love him. What if I act strange or say something I'm not suppose to or what if I tell him and he doesn't even feel the same way about me.

I'll literally die from embarrassment if that were to happen.

He's knows when I'm lying always and he reads body language so he's told me. I don't have a chance if I see him he'd know something is wrong with me I can't see him today not yet, until I'm ready.

My mission to avoid Xzavier at all costs was strangely successful seeing as he wasn't in any of my classes at school.

"Hey autumn!" Brittany shows up from nowhere as I walk to the cafeteria.

"Uh hi"

"So are you going to sit with us still"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well Xzavier isn't in school today so I thought maybe we could have lunch together. You know get to know each other more"

I didn't think he was going to ditch school today I wonder if he's okay or why wouldn't he call me.

"Yeah sure"

It's already the end of the day and I was infuriated with Xzavier, he didn't even respond to any of my texts or calls. Jason says he seen him this morning and he was well , so why didn't he come to school or better yet answer me so I know he's okay. Ughh men are difficult.

Why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine.

I smirk to myself and decided that I had a plan to get him angry as I was if not more knowing how Xzavier is he'll freak if I don't answer and ignore him. Thank God it's spring break and now I'll lock myself inside of my home while taking care of my mother , Well not as much because dad decided to take a leave seeing as Jacob could be here any second and he didn't want to miss not one moment of it.

Laying on the couch lazily I decided to busy myself with shopping online for my beautiful little brother. Since I can't spend my spring break with Sarah because she's getting it on with Evan's twin brothers and now I'm giving Xzavier the silent treatment for ignoring me , I have nothing better to do.

Ding dong

"Dad! Someone's at the door!"

"Get it honey"

"Your in the kitchen it's closer, you get it!"

I go back to doing what I was before selecting the cutest onesie I've ever seen for my little brother that reads 'my sister is better than yours' on the front. That couldn't be more true.

"Uh honey could you come here please"

I groan but get up and walk to the front door where my dad stood. I really didn't feel like coming to the door but I knew he would scold me about being lazily all day without trying to get a little exercise.

"Yes dad"

"You never mentioned that you and Matt broke up let alone that your now dating the Black's kid" I knew this day would come and I don't even know why I didn't tell my dad I'm sure he would've understood but now that I've kept it a secret he seems pissed.

I looked out the door at the person standing there and you guessed it. Xzavier stood proud with his hands behind his back looking gorgeous but matured than he usually is , probably because of my father.

"I was going to tell you I just didn't know when but now you know so I guess the problem is over"

"You wish sweetie. Now Xzavier is it?"

"Yes sir"

"What is it that you'd like to ask"

"Well my sister was having a spring break weekend with a couple of girls from school and she would like if Autumn came" he asked in the most polite voice I've ever heard from those perfect lips.

Even though I know he's lying he made me believe it was true myself , how could he be so calm while lying straight through his pearly white teeth. Wonder what else he's lied about?

"I don't think I can I have to take care of my mom so tell Mandy maybe next time" I say , his jaw clenched while he stares straight at me. I know he's pissed but who cares I didn't want to be in his home for spring break even if Mandy was having a party which I'm sure she's not I wanted to ignore him all week.

"Nonsense honey I think you should go I can take care of your mom and brother. You should have some fun" my dad smile at me trying to encourage me to leave the house and be a teenager. Why is it that the one tone I don't want to go anywhere he makes me go.

Stupid parents and their Misreading others.

"Yeah I know Mandy is just dying to have you there autumn" Xzavier smirks at me while I walk away up to my room.

I can't stand this why did he have to come to my home. I'll probably just sleep in the room with Mandy because I'll be damned if I sleep with Xzavier , who knows what he'll try while I'm in his home for a whole week.

Not that it's all bad because Jason and Mandy are going to be there all I have to do is avoid Xzavier. Okay I can handle that.

I pack my bag and hurry down the stairs in search for Xzavier only to see him and my father sitting beside each other laughing like they've known each other all of their lives.

"I'm ready" I said in a annoyed tone without looking their way. I bid a goodbye to my parents and leaving the house to Xzavier's car.

While driving he's tried to start a conversation with me a couple of times but I never replied which made him trip the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

"KITTEN! Answer me" he said in a menacing voice but I didn't pay him any mind I was going to play this out the whole weekend ,well as long as I could.

"Are you hungry? I'll stop for chick fil A if you'd like?" His voice went from menacing to sweet in a matter of seconds.

Truth was I did want chick fil A. It's the most mouth watering food I've tasted from a fast foood place. I wanted so bad to just give up and tell him yes and give him my order but I refused to lose I had to play this out.

Just think about something else not food. Food isn't involved, especially not chick fil A. Be strong autumn you can do this.

I can't over and over again in my head. I couldn't lose to him but I couldn't just stand around not eating, I'll probably eat once I see Mandy or Jason and ask them to take me, sounds like a plan.

Soon I drifted off to sleep while he drove still going on and on about me not talking to him and I couldn't listen to it anymore.

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