Chapter 9

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"Come on baby let's go home"

"No! This is all your fault mom! She dumped me because she didn't want to be with someone who's mom doesn't accept their relationship" I yell out at my mother letting my anger get the best of me.

I was beyond hurt seeing autumn with Xzavier. She was laughing looking happy how could I not be upset. The autumn I know hates Xzavier and would never fall under the spell that all the girls in the school have , she wouldn't leave me heartbroken or cared about what my mother thought but now she's changed and it's all my fault I should've defended her against my mom or at least I could have shown my mom why me and Autumn were so perfect together.

"She's gone and it's my fault"

"Matthew it isn't your fault I'm so sorry honey"

"I don't need your apology mom autumn does. I loved her and I still do I bet Xzavier mom sees how much of a great girlfriend Autumn is why are you so judgmental"

" I'm so sorry I didn't know how much she meant to you I would never hurt you baby. How about I help you get her back"

"You promise?"

"Oh honey I promise I'll make this right again"

I hope she's right because I'll do everything in my power to get my baby back the way we were before and I mean EVERYTHING.

I'll make you mine again autumn just you wait baby.


I snuggle deeper into Xzavier's chest he's so warm I could stay her all morning if I could.

MORNING! I get up in a hurry removing his arms from around me but fail once he pulls me back into his chest.

"Kitten go back to sleep"

"I need to leave Xzavier"




"I have somewhere to be now get up" he groans before releasing his hold on me so that I could get up and leave.

I pick up my shoes and slide them onto my feet while I sit at the edge of Xzavier's bed. He sits up on the bed watching my every move , I'm kind of surprised that he didn't ask where I was going or Insist on going with me but instead of questioning him I let it be.

Maybe I'll have a day to myself without being smothered by Xzavier. It's not even that he follows me everywhere it's the fact that when we are out somewhere he acts so possessive and make inappropriate comments while we are around others.

"I'll see you later" I get up to leave but of course he pulls me back.

"Where's my kiss" I roll my eyes and peck his lips quickly , he wasn't satisfied with it and decided to deepen the kiss which I obliged also. God I love his lips.

"Xzavier... I... really.. have... to.. go" I say in between kisses.

"But I love your kisses"


"Okay one more" I kiss him once more before pulling away and heading out the door before he can think of something else to make me stay longer.

On my way out the door I run into Jason on the stairs. This is going to be embarrassing.

"I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night"

"I know I'm sorry but you know your brother"

"Yeah I know. We should hang out one day"

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