Chapter 4

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Once school is over I invited Matt back to my place just to question him about a few things. If Xzavier is right about all he said of Matt's family than even though his mom dislikes me I will always love Matt and care about him more than anything.

Someone with such a good heart as Matt shouldn't have to be dealing with this he needs to have a life with his family. My parents barely even be around so I've been on my own for long I really don't have a life outside of Sarah and Matt. I know my choice if it comes down to it.

"Matt , baby can I ask you a question"

"Yeah go ahead"

"Does your dad work for Xzavier's dad"

"Yeah why"

"No reason I think I heard it around school somewhere and I didn't know if it was true you never told me"

"Oh I didn't think of it but he loves his job he says that his boss is a really genuine man so I can't see how Xzavier is the way he is"

"Do you think he'll ever get another job"

"My dad , never that's his dream job"

My heart sunk at those words Mr.Smith was always nice and a very happy man if he loses his job it could be devastating. Ugh why does my life have to be so complicated.

I kiss Matt's lips slightly before straddling his lap and deepening the kiss. He quickly follows my actions kissing me with so much passion I want to cry because I've made me decision and now this would be my last night with Matt I better make it last.
Walking into school I want to  pound myself for what I'm about to do. I look all around until I find Xzavier with a group of his friends and of course your school sluts.

"Eww What is she doing here"

"Amber shut up , Hey autumn how's it going" Brittany says to me , even though I didn't join the cheer team like she wished she was always nice to me and the schools most popular girl. I don't consider her my friend just a nice peer.

"Uh.. I came to talk to Xzavier" Xzavier eyes me for a moment longer before walking away from his friends to a more secluded place for us to talk.

"So did you sleep on it kitten"

"Don't call me that and yes I did"

"Soo the answer?"

"I-I'll do it" his face lights up with happiness but he keeps the same smirk playing on his lips from my answer.

My stomach tightened and did a flip flop when he walked closer to me closing the space between us.

"That was a brave choice kitten"

"Yeah brave"

"Don't kitten , I do not like it when you speak to me like that"

I roll my eyes at his comment before saying the thing that disgust me the most.

"Where's the papers"

He pulls the papers from his back pocket and holds the pen for me to accept. I hesitantly accept both from him quickly signing the papers and throwing it back to him.

"Now leave Matt and his family alone"

"Okay you have my word I won't do anything to harm the 'perfect family' anymore"

I sigh loudly leaving him right in his spot but not before he grabs my wrist to pull me back.

"Break it off with that kid today Okay?"

"Okay" I say , my voice low and sad.

I walked away from Xzavier heading to first period where I'll see Matt and break it off with him. As much as I don't want to I've already signed those papers plus Matt shouldn't have to suffer because of me.

Xzavier is one cruel piece of shit and I hate him for doing this to me.

Once I'm seated in class Matt comes through the door sending me an heart warming smile which I dont return , I look away and instead let my eyes meet the floor of the classroom.

"Hey baby I couldn't find you this morning" he says taking his seat next to mine, I knew he was going to seat next to me so now I have to find a new seat after breaking up with him.

"Matt we- I ... Uh ... we need to talk after class"

"Whats wrong?"

"Can we Just drop it until class is over please?"

He stays silent while class goes by but every once and a while he'll turn and look at me for a split second before continuing his work.

All through class I thought of what I would say to Matt and how would I end things with him. We've been doing so well since the first day we've been together everything was perfect until now because now everything is wrong and it hurts me to think that I won't have Matt in my life anymore.

Maybe we could be friends after.

"Okay I've waited until class was over tell me what's wrong baby"

"Matt I- I don't know any easier way to say this but I'm-"


"What! No I'm not why would you think that"

"I don't know what else could it be and if you are I wouldn't mind by the way so don't be afraid to tell me anything"

"Matt I'm breaking up with you" I said I'm almost a whisper with my head down.

"Your what?"

"I'm breaking up with you Matt I'm sorry"

"Why? W-what did I do because I can make it better baby I know I can just don't end us we are perfect together I've never felt this way about any girl before only you"

"I'm s-so sorry Matt but it has to be done"


"Because.... your mom hates me she wants you to do better than me and I'm not going to be with someone who family can't accept me as mine accepted you"

"My mom doesn't hate you baby. Yeah she can makes some rude comments sometimes but that's because she doesn't know the real you" he says holding my hands in his.

I thought it was a lie that Xzavier made up but now Matt is telling me he knows what his another thinks about me and he never not once gave me a heads up or at least tried telling me. All this time I thought that his mother liked me it was only just to be fake.

"I hope we can be friends still Matt but I'm not taking back what I said before we probably can be better as friends... bye" I said walking away into the other direction leaving him standing in the hallway. It hurts my heart to see him like that but I know I'm doing the right thing for him and his family even if Mrs.Smith hates me my love for her son is stronger than anything and I only want to make him happy as he made me with our time being together.

Now all I have to do is find Xzavier and tell him I've done what he wanted me to do.

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