Chapter 16

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I'm awoken by someone tapping on my head gently but the feeling irritates the hell out of me. Why don't anyone let me be when I'm tired.

"Kitten get up we're here" Xzavier whispers softly in my ear. I remain still hoping he'll get the message and just leave me alone until I'm ready to get out of the car and go inside of the house.

"Fine have it your way" he picks me up which startled me, I quickly jump from his arms landing in my own two feet but still a little tired and my vision is kind of blurry.

When I finally come to I stare confused at the sight before me. So I decided this time will be right to talk because I deserved to know where he took me at least.

"I thought we were going to your house"

"I thought we were going to your house"

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"This is my home"

"Umm no this isn't"

"Yes it is. I bought it today while you were at school so now we can spend the whole spring break together" he smiles while getting my bag and his from the trunk of his car.

I didn't even have words to describe how I felt at this moment the house was beautiful but the thought that Xzavier went to buy a house still shocks me.

That explains why he wasn't at school but not why he was ignoring me all day.

"So this is why you weren't at school but why didn't you answer my calls today?" I cross my hands over my chest trying to look intimidating. Key word trying.

"I didn't answer because I wanted this to be a surprise for you. So are you surprised?"

"Yes but-"

"No buts we are going to enjoy our spring break and that's final. Now come here kitten" he stands at the front door getting ready to open it. I hesitate a little but decide I'll go seeing as I don't know my way around here anyway.

I walk over and stand next to him as he opens up the front door revealing the inside of the home. I stared with my mouth open slightly at the sight before me, it was more beautiful than the outside with the white cream walls and tiled floor it looked elegant but It felt homey and warm.

"Did you just rent this place?" I ask out of curiosity.

"No I bought it like I said before"

"But why your parents already have a big home"

"I'm eighteen and I'm a senior in high school I think it's about time for me to grow up standing on my own without my parents help"

"Wow" I say impressed with his answer. I never knew he was this mature I actually thought he liked living off his parents money I know if I had parents like his I would.

"It's not much but it's enough for me"

"Are you kidding ,it's beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you" he sneaks up behind me , wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face into my neck. Which now I figured is his favorite spot.

"Why don't you go inside of the living room and start a movie while I order us something to eat" I leave from his embrace looking around this amazing house of his.


"Where ever you want kitten"

"Well you did mention chick fil A earlier"

"So you were listening to me" he smiles and slowly approaches me as I back away.

"Maybe" I challenge him getting ready to make a run for it.

"Now why would my little kitten want to ignore me?" I stay silent knowing that's a trick question. If I tell him he'll get mad and if I lie he'll know.

Soon I make a run for it to the first open door I see upstairs I could find hiding inside of the cabinet of the connected bathroom. He won't look for me here , thank goodness I'm small enough to fit in here anyway.

His footsteps are heard throughout the house getting closer by the second. I knew I should've shut the door. Shit.

"Kitten where are you" I put my hand over my mouth to contain the giggles from how funny his voice sounds.

"I promise if you come out I'll get you whatever you want" the offer was so tempting I wanted to just give up but I didn't want him to win that easily.

"How about this if you come out from wherever you are your punishment won't be to bad"

Punishment? Who the hell does he think he is. Before I know it I come from my hiding place and jump in his face. He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest looking amused at my sudden rage.

"You can't punish me I'm not a baby"

"Your my baby so I think I could do anything I want to you" he approaches me until he's directly in front of me, Towering over my little frame.

I stare up at him not breaking eye contact with him standing my ground looking as tough as i could. Before I know it he picks me up causing my legs to wrap around his waist and my hands go around his neck making us eye level.

"Why are you so disobedient kitten?" He trails light feathery kisses down my neck sending shivers down my spine.

He then places me on the bed softly before hovering over me. His minty breath fans my face while he hovers his lips over mine so close they almost touch. I lean in but he pulls away teasing me with his delicious lips , how evil could he be to keep them away from me when I need them.

"Xzavier" I say annoyed with him and his playful manner.

"What is it"

"Kiss me you idiot"

"Tsk tsk that's no way to ask is that kitten" I huff and turn my head to the other side not wanting to look his way anymore. I can't move because he's pinning me to the bed but I really want a kiss , I've gone all day without one from him and I feel like I'm going crazy.

"Xzavier can I please have a kiss" I ask politely but still turned in the other direction.

He turns my head back to face him and plants his lips on mine kissing me slowly but sensually. The kiss starts to heat up by the second , his big hand snakes under my shirt cupping my left breast while he bits the bottom my lip.

An unexpected moan escapes my mouth. Xzavier takes his shirt off revealing his well sculpted chest causing my mouth to water from the sight of it.  I run my hands over his abs while he continues to kiss up my neck to my jaw until he finally reaches my mouth again attacking as he did before.

Ding! dong!

"Don't worry about it they'll go away" he says and kisses me again. I nod but the sound continues.

I break away from the kiss and look into his eyes.

"It could be important"

"Who cares this is our week"

"Xzavier get the door" he groans but jumps off of me anyway going downstairs to see who's at the door.

"You should put on a shirt"

"One thing at a time kitten"

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