Chapter 26

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I walk around the party and I still can't find her, I know Xzavier is with Jason and some of the other dick heads from school but where is my baby.

I go outside to the backyard where only a few people linger around I was going to go back in but than I spot the most beautiful girl I've seen tonight sitting all by herself looking up at the stars.

My mind told me to stay back but my feet took me to her until I was sitting next to her.


"Hey Matt" she smiles before looking up at the stars once more.

"You look umm.. beautiful" I nervously scratch the back of my neck.

When is it this hard to speak to her.

"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" I laugh and so does she. God she has the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard , what went wrong with us. With me?

"So why aren't you enjoying the party"

"I did I just wanted fresh air and now here I am"

"Can I dance with you?" I ask her nervously

"I don't think we should I mean xz-"

"Can you not say his name, I asked you to dance not him"

"Matt I can't he'll get angry and fight you I think it's best if we don't touch"

My heart shattered into pieces , I've been going crazy just to see her again and now that she's with him she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. This isn't the autumn I know this is someone else.


My anger boiled at the thought of her saying she loved that fucker. I look at her and see the sympathy in her eyes.

"I-I do love him matt" I close my eyes and reopen them I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He's brainwashed my baby!

"Baby you love me not him, we were together until he came along and brainwashed you. I won't let him get away with this baby I won't" I smash my lips into hers kissing her with everything I've got.

Even though she doesn't kiss me back and tries to push me off I know deep down under all of the things he's done to her my Autumn lays waiting for me to rescue her from a big like Xzavier and that's what I'm going to do.

"I love you" I whisper to her before walking inside of the house.

I race to find him going every which way with autumn behind me telling me to stop. When I finally spot him I charge and knock him down from where he stood.

"How fucking dare you , you've messed with my cousin and now my girlfriend who the fuck do you think you are!" I yell at him , I could tell the whole house was surprised at my outburst.

The whole party gets silent and Xzavier gets up laughing like the fucking lunatic he is.

"Kitten come here" he calls out to her , she runs over to him examining his mouth that's busted. I see this glint flash thorough his eyes almost like he was the devil.

"Autumn baby come here okay we'll go back to my place just stay away from him" I reach out to try and grab her but I'm pulled back by Cassandra.

"Look who showed up Xzavier, his whore and JASON!" She waves her hand in a innocently manner , I was shocked that she would be so calm after the things he's done to her to make her leave.

"Who are you calling a whore you bitch!" Autumn steps away from Xzavier getting ready to attack Cassandra.

I move Cassandra back a little , I know what Autumn is capable of when she's angry and I thought Cassandra would by now after what happened at the mall.

"Your the whore that's sleeping with Xzavier like half the other girls at this party has"

Autumn goes to attack but Xzavier holds her back by the waist , I wanted to pry his hands from my baby but I know if he let her go Autumn would catch a murder case.

"And I bet you've slept with all of them" Jason says as he stands in front of Autumn who's trying her best to get away from Xzavier.

"So he speaks"

"Get the fuck away from us Cassandra this had nothing to do with you"

"This has everything to do with me if it involves my cousin it involves me"

I push Cassandra back because she isn't making this better for me or herself.

"Autumn baby-"

"She's mine!"

"She isn't yours she's didn't even say it" he gets a evil smirk on his face before turning to autumn.

"Kitten Who's are you?"

"I'm yours" they begin kissing passionately in front of everyone.

"You've brainwashed my girlfriend!"

"She's my girlfriend now get your whore of a cousin and leave!" 

Cassandra grabs Jason's hand and pulls him out of the door with her. I stood there confused as to why she did that but I looked back to my baby. Her eyes hold sympathy for me and love.

I know she loves me even more than the jerk she thinks she's in love with. All I have to do is prove it to her that she isn't in love with him like she thinks , or that he isn't the person that she thinks.

If I can get Cassandra to tell her story to Autumn she'll see that Xzavier isn't nothing but trouble who doesn't care about nothing but himself. I wanted to kill him for the way he did my cousin but she told me not to so I refrained from doing it.

"I love you baby" was my final words before walking out of the door.

I will have my baby back I have to get her away from that monster.

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