Chapter 17

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Xzavier opens the door shirtless with an angry looked plastered on his face. I look past him and see autumn with her lips a cheerier color than usual , she still beautiful all the more.

I could tell I interrupted them from probably having sex and I smile happy knowing that I was the one to actually stop them from going all the way.

"Hey bro"

"What do you want Jason?" His voice sounded annoyed and rushed trying to get to the point.

"Since you moved out and all I was wondering could me and Mandy spend spring break here"

"No way in hell" he crosses his arms over his chest. Just than Mandy comes from behind me and smiles widely at Xzavier knowing he could never say no to her.

"Please you know how much your mother and our father are when it's spring break I can't bare it" she begs and using her signature puppy dog eyes while pouting her lips. I couldn't be more proud, though she doesn't know the real reason I'm here.

"Ugh..." he thinks about it for a while before looking back at autumn.

"Fine! But no bothering me"

"Yes! I promise we'll stay out of your way" Mandy says pushing past him and taking autumn's hand before walking off.

"I mean it M!" He yells back to her before closing the door.

We walk into the living room and sit on the couch together. He sighs before running his hand over his face , I could tell something was bothering him and I knew it wasn't only because me and Mandy ruined his time alone with Autumn.

"What's the matter" I ask

"I don't know. I want to be better but...."


"If I tell you this promise not to say a word to anyone about it and I mean anyone or so help me Jason I'll beat the shit out of you"

"Yeah , yeah I won't tell"

"I-I almost slipped today"

"What do you mean almost slipped"

"Cassandra she's back and I seen her today while I was out getting things for the house and she..." I stand up infuriated at my brother how could he let that slut come back into his life again.

"Xzavier you didn't"

"I didn't I swear! But we did make out a little"

I shake my head in disappointment at my brother. Even though I want autumn for myself I didn't expect Xzavier to do something like this I actually thought he changed from his past self but I guess not he's still the player he's always been.

"Autumn doesn't deserve this Xzavier your leading her on" I try and reason with him.

"I know , I know but we didn't do anything more I stopped it" he adds quickly , I believe nothing else happened between them but kissing another girl is enough to break a couple up.

"You need to tell her"

"I can't!"

"If Cassandra is back she's going to be at school once spring break is over do you really think she's going to keep what you to did to herself. She might even lies a bit you know how she is"

"I know and I regret it but how am I suppose to tell her that Jason. I-I never wanted to hurt her, you know how Cassandra is"

I pace the floor back and forth taking in all this information and coming up with a solution for my brother without letting my feelings for Autumn get in the way. A part of me wants to just let it play out and have Autumn for myself but the better part of me needs to help my brother when he needs it.

" I'd never hurt her like this Jason, I love her" he admits with his head in his hands.

"I know.....We have to think of something Xzavier or else she'll hate you"

"I have to tell her you mean"

"Yeah and if she leaves you than-"

"I can't lose her Jason! If telling her causing me to lose her I can't do it"

"Xzavier you can't lie either that's not what a relationship should consist of"

"She can't leave me anyway" he whispers to himself but I hear it anyway.

"Why can't she leave you" I ask out of curiosity.

"What? Nothing I didn't say anything. Just give me until spring break is over to tell her myself , I'll get her to love me and I'll tell her"


"Jason that's the plan don't say a word alright?"

Before I could say anything autumn and Mandy come inside of the living room where we are. They both are laughing and giggling about something oblivious to our previous conversation.

Autumn sits next to Xzavier while he wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her temple. I couldn't bare watch the sight before me , I'll have to act as if nothing has happened while autumn gets hurt by my idiot older brother.

Cassandra and her selfishness is beyond me I thought she left for good but now she's back and all she wants is Xzavier. I remember what happened a few years back before she left , she did anything in her power to have my brother wrapped around her little finger until he was admitted into a mental institution for his reckless behavior that she caused when she left him and moved somewhere far away. She filled his head with lies and made him believe she was the only person that could ever love him.

I can see how much my brother has changed since that time and if Autumn makes him happy I wouldn't come between them but if Autumn doesn't want him anymore I will be there for her. She so different from Cassandra the slut who fucked all of my friends to prove a point to me and for what , I don't have a clue the bitch was just crazy.

She's obsessed with Xzavier but I won't let him turn back to being the person he was. I love him to much to see him fall into that place he was a few years ago , he's so much more and I know if anyone can change him it's Autumn.

All I have to do is get Cassandra out of the way for my brothers happiness and health.

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Woah Cassandra what are you up to girl?🤔

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