Chapter 37

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As I lay under Xzavier I feel happy , This has been the best week ever especially with him babying me the whole time.

We didn't do much but play games , lay under each other , he fed me and I him , we slept , took long naps , had mind blowing sex, and lastingly loved each other. It felt so right going to bed and waking up in his arms to i it all over again.

He didn't once ask me why I was being such a brat because I know I did sometimes just to see what he would do but instead of complaining about it he smiled and obeyed my every command only if he thought it was good for me though.

Right now I'm dreading going home. All I want to do is lay under him for another week maybe then I'll be content.

"What's on your mind kitten" I snuggle deeper into him as I try and find a comfortable spot on him , every spot was comfortable on him but I needed that perfect one. I get up from my spot and lay down on his chest instead, he hugged me closer to him and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't want to leave" I whine to him.

"You don't have to leave , if you want to stay then you can kitten I won't stop you" I could hear the smile in his voice , I knew it meant a lot to him when I wanted to stay close to him.

"Just for another week" I assure him , I smile and kissed his clothed chest before laying back into my previous place.

"As long as you want what's mine is yours" I adored him so much it seems like whatever I do he always found a way to pull at my heart strings.

It was the middle of the day on a Friday night and instead of going out we stayed inside. Rain started to pour down causing the sky to turn a darker shade almost black.

We both stare out the window watching as the heavy rain poured down , I couldn't deny the love I had for rainy days like this one especially now that I have Xzavier to lay under all I wanted. It was perfect.

"Do you like the rain?" I ask him , we both still stare out the window taking in the scene. The house was dark not a television on neither were the lights , it was just us and the rain. Occasionally lightning would strike and gives us a little light but overall it was the peacefulness of the dark.

"Yes , do you?"

"I do"

"Why do you like the rain kitten?"

"Because it's calming to me, I like how when it rains I could just sit and stare at the water pouring helplessly on any and everything , I like the sound of it hitting the roof top sometimes it soothes me to sleep"

"That's exactly why I like the rain also" he kisses my head , I smile and snuggle into his chest. We have so little in common but the things that we do have in common always made me feel closer to him.

Don't get me wrong I love the things that we don't have in common , I get to learn new things about him and experience them with him it's refreshing and new to me the things that my boyfriend has up his sleeve can scar someone but not me , never me.

I become to attached to him to not love every single flaw he has , he could commit murder and I'll still see him as the boy I feel in love with.

"You know I'd love to have a-" my phone cut him off mid sentence, I placed a kiss to his lips before answering it.


"Autumn honey your mom she's... she's in the hospital somethings wrong come right away!" I could hear the fear in my dads voice as he rushed out his words.

"Of course I'm on my way!" I stand from the bed quickly taking off of Xzavier's shirt and into my own along with some jeans , I search the whole house for my shoes so that I can hurry and leave.

"Where are you going"

"My moms in the hospital I need to get there like now" I scramble around until I finally find my other shoe.

"I'll take you , let's go" he picks me up but right now I didn't want to be cared for , my only focus was on my mother and if Jacob was okay.

I wiggle in his arms but he refused to let me go until I was safely inside of his car , he starts the engine and take off down the street to the hospital.

My hands become sweaty and my brain scrambled , please let her be okay.

I run into the hospital not bothering to talk to a nurse instead I run down the halls until I see my dad pacing the floor. Rushing over to him with Xzavier hot on my tail I embrace him into a bear hug.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know they won't let me in there!" I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to murder the doctors who told him to stand outside of the hospital room.

"What happened dad?"

"I don't know we were having breakfast and then we went for a nap , later she started bleeding everywhere and it wouldn't stop. once we got here she was in so much pain they took her into the emergency room and won't let me inside" his voice cracks at the end and a tear slips down his face , I know how much my dad loves my mom and if something were to happen it'll break him in half.

I was freaking out , she was bleeding and I wasn't there to help. How was Jacob , was he okay?

Thoughts cloud my mind while I was on the verge of tears I felt Xzavier's warm arms circle around me. He picked me up and rest my head onto his shoulder while he soothes me , it felt right but I knew my father was standing right there so I got down.

I could see that he wanted to comfort me in the best way possible but I couldn't let him pick me up and rock me like a baby while my dad was right there it was just awkward.

The doctor finally came out of the room and told my dad something , he immediately went inside while I stayed in the waiting area with Xzavier.

The way he soothes me was working but caused a couple of people to stare at us longer then they should have so I got off of his lap and sat in the seat beside him.

"What are you doing kitten come over here"

"People are staring Xzavier" I whisper yell to him.

"Who cares you need me and I'm not going to let you go until your fine again" he picked me up out of my seat as if I didn't weigh anything.

He placed me in his lap and rocked me back and forth while patting my hair, he kissed all over my face and told me sweet nothings as I felt content.

Hours later I was fully relaxed onto Xzavier's lap while he continued to kiss my lips whispering to me , he did one hell of a job to calm me down. I didn't even know I needed him to do what he did to me but he knew and he did it if I wanted it or not.

I think this will be my favorite way to calm down from now on.

The door to my mothers room open and my dad comes back in scrubs with blood all over him. I saw the tears streaming down his face faster then they did before.

I rushed to him carful not to get any blood on me what so ever , he just looked at me and continued to cry his eyes out on my shoulder.

Oh no! What happened!

"Dad what's wrong?"

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