Chapter 1: Rescued

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Todoroki's POV:

 I was humbly sleeping until I heard a small sound. I slowly opened my eyes as my red and white silky hair dropped covering my eyes. Being half asleep I didn't realize what I was doing and burned the alarm clock and got up to get ready for school. As I got dressed I couldn't stop thinking about the U.A sports festival, what Midoriya did he injured himself severely to save me. Even if this was years ago I couldn't get it off my mind. Why? After I finished getting ready I walked down the sidewalk to U.A with my blank slate face I always had, emotionless as ever. I opened the door quietly and headed to my seat in the back of the room while everyone talked among themselves in small groups around the room. Bakugo screaming as always and Iida complaining about how he needs to show more respect to our school and blah blah blah. The bell rang and everyone walked to their assigned desks. I stared at Midoriya as he sat in his desk I barely could pay attention to what they were teaching I couldn't stop thinking about that day.

 Before I knew what happened the bell rang and every body left for lunch in small groups like this morning. Me being a loner I walked by myself looking at the ground. Not paying attention I bumped into somebody I was so lost in my thoughts I couldn't tell who. I apologized quickly and walked off as fast as possible. I should pay more attention, stop thinking about him he was just being the sweet, nice, and caring person he is. Stop fawning over him he's kind to everyone you're just lucky to have met his kind soul. 

 I entered the lunch room and gazed around focusing on Midoriya a slight blush coming to my face and my eyes lighting up. He then looked over and saw my staring but I was so lost in thought I didn't realize until he made an awkward smile and waved at me. My face turned red and embarrassment, I waved back and walked off covering my bright red face.

Midoriya's POV: 

 I was so confused, why was Todoroki looking at me? His face was bright red, was he mad or flustered? He seemed rather startled when I looked back at him. I'll check on him later I hope he's okay and that I didn't do anything to upset him. I went back to eating lunch and talking with Uraraka and Iida.

 " What was that about? Did you do something to Todoroki? " Uraraka said looking puzzled.

 " I honestly don't know, from what I remember I didn't do anything wrong to him. Unless he is mad from the sports festival still and me getting involved with his family issues. " I admitted.

 " I highly doubt that, he thanked you for saving him though. You're like Todoroki's hero, you saved him maybe that's why he was gazing at you. " Stated Iida with confidence in his voice.

 " I hope that's the case, I'm going to talk to him about it later and make sure he is okay. "  I stated eating the rest of my rice.

 The bell rang and we all headed to class and I saw Todoroki with a blank expression, as if he was spacing out. I walked up to him and nudged his shoulder shortly. I guess he was spaced out because it seemed to have startled him and he jerked his head up. I stared at him back startled by his reaction then we just stared in awkward silence.

 " So Midoriya did you need something? I didn't mean to startle you. " Todoroki questioning breaking the awkward silence between us.

 " U-uh ya actually! I saw you staring at me in the lunchroom earlier. You're face was red and I wanted to make sure you were okay.

 " Oh ya about that sorry I was spacing out and ended up staring at you. I didn't mean to stare I was just lost in thought. " He said slightly embarrassed.

 " Okay I just wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me or sick. Glad to hear you're good I'll see you around Todoroki! " I said happily walking away. I heard Todoroki sigh in relief as I walked away.

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