Chapter 10: Graduation

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 Uraraka's POV:

 I woke up in a daze to see my alarm clock, 30 minutes before the alarm. I sighed and rolled out of bed before remembering, today was graduation! We were no longer first years and that means summer break. A huge smile grew across my face as I got ready, thinking about all the fun we could have over the summer. I'm sure Todoroki will be with Deku every minute of it. I giggled and looked at the alarm clock, 1 hour till I need to leave so I decide to head to Deku's house. 

 Midoriya's POV:

 I hear 3 loud knocks at the door, I slowly open my eyes to see a sleeping Todoroki. I smile and then struggle to get out of his grip. Me struggling only made him hold me tighter. I could barely breathe and I quietly wheezed before seeing Todoroki slowly waking up. I cough a little before Todoroki realizes what he is doing and he lets go.

 " Sorry Midoriya, I didn't mean to squeeze you to death. " He yawned.

 I nodded, giving him a smile follow by 3 more loud knocks at the door and a sleepily stood up. I walked up to the door and saw a smiling Uraraka outside my door. She was completely ready for school and had a small box with her, she walked in and place it on the counter.

 " Good morning Deku! Good morning to you also Todoroki! " She said hyper as ever.

 " What's got you in such a good mood this morning? " Question Todoroki.

 " It's graduation day silly! I can't wait to be on summer break, can't you? I'm sure you have plans for Deku don't you? " She said teasingly, I looked over and Todoroki was a flustered mess.

 Todoroki shoved his face into the pillow blushing like crazy, soon I was a blushing mess also. Uraraka laughed and soon we joined in too. We smiled and Todoroki and I left to get dressed while Uraraka waited in the living room.

 Uraraka's POV:

 Since Deku and Todoroki went to get ready I did some investigating. I saw Todoroki's phone sitting on the counter and picked it up, lucky it had no password. I look to see a girl recently contacted my Todoroki, her name was Fuyumi. I opened their conversation to see hearts and ' I love you ' many times. They talked about business or how much they cared about each other. Was Todoroki cheating on Deku? I heard a door open and I quickly turned his phone off and put it down. I looked over and Deku was walking out of the bedroom, to be soon followed by the shower turning on. Perfect I could tell Deku with out Todoroki knowing.

 " Hey Deku come here for a second. I need to tell you something. "

 " Yes Uraraka? " He said, tying his tie.

 " I think Todoroki is cheating on you. " He froze.

 " W-What makes you s-say that...? " He said his eyes full of tears.

 " While you and Todoroki were in the other room I went to get a drink and saw message on Todoroki's phone that said ' I love you' from a girl. " I lied, he couldn't know I was snooping..

 " I-I'm really n-not good enough f-for Todoroki, a-am I? " He said as tears began to stream down his face.

 " Deku you're amazing, if Todoroki can't see that you deserve better! " I said and he nodded and sat down on the couch. The shower soon turned off and I told Deku good bye and left.

 Todoroki's POV: 

 I stepped out of the shower, but stopped I heard something coming from the living room. It sounded like sobs, was Midoriya crying? I quickly got dressed and headed out to see Midoriya on the couch, his eyes and cheeks puffy red and tears streaming down his face. Seeing Midoriya like this shattered my heart, I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

 Before I could say anything her blurted out, " Are you cheating on me? "

 " W-What? " The question caught me off guard, why would he think that?

 " Uraraka s-said she s-saw a girl t-texting y-you stuff like ' I love you '..... " He sobbed, I became even more confused. I walked over and grabbed my phone, no new messages.

 " I don't have any new messages.... " I said and he snapped his head around towards me.

 " Midoriya, I would never cheat on you, I don't know what Uraraka saw but look! Nothing! Midoriya you mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do with out you. Your make me smile, and laugh like nobody else can. When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything! Midoriya I swear on my heart I'm not cheating on you, you're the only one I love! " I said to soon be sobbing as well.

 Midoriya cried even more, he stood up and ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I looked down at him and soon hugged him back. I love Midoriya so much, I would do anything for him. I ran my fingers through his hair. I nuzzled my face into his hair and we sat there for a while. I soon lifted his face and kissed his forehead. 

 " Lets go to graduation now, shall we? " I said, Midoriya said his face bright pink.

 We walked hand in hand down to U.A, a huge smile on Midoriya's face. I could tell he was excited, during my speech I have to tell the world how amazing he is. We eventually made it and I hugged Midoriya, kissing his forehead. I wished him good luck and he sat in his assigned seat. It was sorted by last name so we weren't near each other. It was hard for me yet I'd be fine. Soon Midoriya walked on stage, I couldn't be happier to see him smile that brightly.

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