Chapter 9: Figure

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 Todoroki's POV:

 I sat there on the ground shaking, holding an unconscious Midoriya in my arms. My eyes teared as I saw the blood drip from his mouth, but then I snapped out of thought and ran to Recovery Girl. As I ran down the halls I heard many things whispered about Midoriya which filled me with rage. I knew Bakugo started these rumors and he would pay for this.

 Look it's the emo kid!

 Oh no the depressed kid over dosed.

 Attention seekers 

 He just wants attention

 I heard he is quirk-less, does he really think he can be a hero?

 People call him Deku, which I heard means worthless, so I guess he is worthless!

 I heard all these comments as I ran down the halls. If I could I would fight them right here and now, they don't understand what he has been through. I eventually made it to the health room and rested Midoriya on a bed and got our my phone and texted everyone letting them know what happened.

 Todoroki: Guys, Midoriya and I got jumped. We are with Recovery Girl now, Midoriya got it bad.

 Uraraka: Oh no will Deku be okay? I bet Bakugo is behind this!

 Iida: Uraraka we must not jump to conclusions like that.

 Todoroki: I think Uraraka is right though, he said Midoriya would pay.

 Uraraka: I can talk to Bakugo again if you like~

 Todoroki: Isn't that what caused this?

 Iida: Uraraka I think for now we should continue on as normal and see what happens from there.

 Todoroki: I agree.

 Uraraka: Fiiiiine, Iida and I will be down in Recovery Girl's office soon. See you Todo~Kun!

 Iida: See you soon, Todoroki.

 Todoroki: Bye.

 I sighed and put my phone down, how could I let this happen? I was suppose to protect him, not let this happen. I let the only person I ever loved get injured like this, I should have done more. I got up and sat next to Midoriya on the bed and ran my fingers through his hair.

 " I'm sorry Midoriya... " I whispered kissing his forehead after.

 I held his hand sitting next to him waiting for Uraraka and Iida to arrive. This all reminded me of when Midoriya got hurt fighting Bakugo in the test. That was the day I knew for sure I loved him with all my heart. My thoughts were interrupted as Uraraka and Iida came running through the door, Tsu was also with them.

 " Where is Recovery Girl? " Questioned Iida.

 " She wasn't here when I got here. " I said calmly, my grip on Midoriya's hand tightening.

 " Maybe she is with the other teachers in a meeting, or getting lunch, ribbit. " Said Tsu, keeping calm like always.

 " For now should we do what we can for him? He is not gonna heal just sitting there you know, " Uraraka pointed out.

 I nodded and got up, lifting Midoriya's shirt to check for bruises and cuts. Suddenly Midoriya started coughing and wheezing, a little bit of blood drooled out of his mouth again. I looked over concerned and Midoriya was laying down his eyes slightly open and heavily breathing.

 " Deku?! Are you okay! Speak to us please! " Uraraka said in a panic.

 " Uraraka...? Is that you? Everything is blurry... " Midoriya said, his voice hoarse and trembling.

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