Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

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Todoroki's POV:

 As Midoriya and I walked back hand in hand, I noticed Uraraka in the distance squealing. She was freaking out doing hand motions like Iida normally did while running around. Kirishima, Iida, and Tsu just awkwardly stood to the side. His hands were so soft and warm i never wanted to let go of him, I just wanted to protect him. Uraraka of course being her curious self grabbed my hand my other slowly releasing Midoriya's. After a few seconds I already felt empty and as if I was alone all over again,

 " We will be right back I need to ask Todoroki something! " Giggled Uraraka.

 We continued walking to soon turn back into the spot we were in earlier.

 " Midoriya really said yes?! That's is absolutely amazing, take care of him okay? " She winked.

 " I will protect Midoriya with my life, anything for is well being, " I said with a serious tone.

 " That's sweet and all, but I doubt anything bad will happen soon to Midoriya. Now, the night is still young lets have some fun! " She shouted to then run off back to the group.

 I walk back slowly behind her while my mind was racing telling me to go back to Midoriya and hold him close. I got back to see Midoriya shivering, after all he only had a t-shirt on and Uraraka had his jacket. I walk up in a heart beat and hold his hand with my left hand using my quirk to warm him up. I looked over to see a warm smile form with a slight blush, his face is way too innocent for this world. We continue walking in a big group Midoriya and I hand in hand once again feeling comforted by his presence. 

 -Time skip 2 hours later- 

 As we walked around I checked my phone, midnight. We should head back home, but it's so late and so dark we didn't want to go home alone. Uraraka offered to have a giant sleep over with all of us at her house. Tomorrow being Saturday we all nodded in agreement and walked to Uraraka's. We all walked in took off our shoes and sat down on the couch together. On instinct I pulled Midoriya into my lap and hugged him from behind. He blushed bright red and I made a small smile before returning back to my normal expression.

 " Since it's a sleep over let's play a game. How about a traditional game of Truth or Dare? " Offered Uraraka. We all nodded in agreement even though deep down I knew this wasn't going to end well.

 Uraraka's POV: 

 I looked around noticing Iida sitting neatly, Kirishima looking very relaxed and a flustered Midoriya on Todoroki's lap. Lets start this off fun, maybe even get Todoroki closer to Midoriya!

 " Midoriya! Truth or dare, " I slyly grinned.

 " U-uh dare! "

 " I dare you to get off of Todoroki and sit by me, I wanna see how long he can last. " I said as sadness filled Todoroki's eyes. Midoriya came over to me and sat by me on the floor.

 " Kirishima, truth or dare? "

 " DARE! " We all laughed at his enthusiasm. 

 " I dare you to call Kacchan and tell him you love him! " We all gasped as Kirishima blushed and nodded. He typed in Bakugo's number then called, putting him on speaker so we could listen.

 " What do you want you damn rock head? "

 " I just w-wanted to say t-that I l-love you B-Bakugo. "


 " Oh Bakugo you know you love me back, you can't hide it. " He said in a loving and calm tone.

 " Oh what ever so what if I do? I'll see you tomorrow rock head.... I love you.... "

 We all sat there wide eyed and our jaws dropped. Did Bakugo just say he loved Kirishima!?! We all started crowding Kirishima excitedly and asking him many questions as Todoroki sat on the couch looking sad. Now I feel bad for taking Deku away, he seems so broken. He may now be showing those feelings but I can see it in his eyes. We soon all calmed down and sat back to where we were.

 " Now that that's all over, Todoroki truth or dare? " Kirishima said still flustered.

 " Dare. "

 " I dare you to hug Midoriya the rest of this night. " Todoroki's eyes lit up and he swiftly ran over to Midoriya and held him close. They walked to the couch Midoriya back on his lap and Todoroki hugging him from behind. Things got pretty calm for a while until Kirishima asked me a question.

 " Uraraka, did you ever have actual feelings for Midoriya, if so how do you feel knowing he loves somebody else? " I stayed silent for a second thinking about this carefully. 

 " Y-yes. When I realized Deku like Todoroki I stopped myself and decided to help Todoroki fall for Deku. Yet he already liked him back, I just had to get him to confess. " I sighed giving them a sad smile

 " I'm so sorry Uraraka, I didn't mean to hurt you like that is there anything I can do to make it up to you? " Offered Midoriya.

 " Wellll there is one thing. " I evilly laughed.

 Midoriya's POV:

" W-well what is that exactly? " I question anxiety consuming my body.

 " Kiss Todoroki! Show us you really love him! " She said with an evil grin, I blushed furiously. I felt Todoroki's grip tighten around my waste, to suddenly be followed by him kissing my cheek. I blushed even harder covering my face as Todoroki's tiredly rested his head on my shoulder.

 " Not like that I meant like on the lips! Anyone can kiss Deku on the cheek! " Whined Uraraka. I blushed even harder my face was on fire, Todoroki placing his hand on my face cooling me off.

 " U-Uraraka it would be our 1st kiss and I d-doubt Todoroki would w-want to waste that o-on me. " I said looking down.

 Suddenly Todoroki turned me around so I saw facing him staring into is beautiful eyes, still sitting on his lap. I started blushing furiously.

 " Midoriya, I love you more than anything I would love to use my 1st kiss on you. " He whispered into me ear. Before I could realize what was happening I felt Todoroki's warm soft lips touch mine. My eyes widened in shock as they slowly closed as I kissed back. I could hear everyone cheering us on in the background. Todoroki ran is fingers through my hair as we slowly pulled apart. I looked at him blushing more than ever and he made a small grin. I covered my face as Todoroki pulled me into a hug I hid my face in his neck not wanting to look at anyone. I soon drifted to sleep in Todoroki's arms and I felt his grip tighten keeping me close.

 Todoroki's POV:

 I hear soft snores in my ear I realized Midoriya had fallen asleep. I hugged him tighter holding him close, tonight was amazing. I enjoyed kissing Midoriya his lips were soft and warm and tasted like candy. We continued truth or dare as I held Midoriya keeping everyone down not wanting to wake the sleeping angel.

 " I can't believe you actually kissed Midoriya! You guys are way to cute together. " Uraraka giggled.

 " I wanted to kiss him. Simple as that. " I said plainly.

 She nodded and we talked for a little while longer, it was 3:42 a.m and Iida and Kirishima fell asleep. Later Uraraka finally fell asleep. I drifted into a humble sleep with Midoriya in my arms. This is going to be the 1st time I get a peaceful night of sleep. Midoriya I love you so much, I'll never let you go. I made a small smile until I became fully unconscious.

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