Chapter 12: I Love You

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 Todoroki's POV:

 As I ran to Midoriya he began to fall. I reached over the edge as quickly as possible, grabbing Midoriya's wrist. I began to calm down and he looked up at me tears flowing out of his eyes. He dangled there looking at me, I soon pulled him up. Some how I managed to not start sobbing then and there, the person I love the most almost died in front of my eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug, for some reason he didn't back.

 " Midoriya, why did you do that? " I asked worried, looking in his sparkly green eyes.

 " Y-You don't want me. I-I was never good enough for you. Y-You said you loved m-me to pity me. I-I'm sorry I couldn't m-make you happy. W-When Uraraka said y-you were cheating o-on me I didn't see a point in l-living. " He sobbed looking away.

 Those words stabbed me in the heart like a knife? Where do they keep getting the idea I'm cheating on them. I finally broke, I started crying uncontrollably.

 " M-Midoriya I could n-never cheat on you. give me life! " I said looking at him sobbing.

 " Uraraka showed me your texts though. You were telling this girl that you loved her at the end of every conversation. " He said sobbing harder.

 My mind drew a blank, a girl? I'm gay as hell though who could he be talking about?

 " Midoriya do you remember the name? " I said wiping my tears.

 " Fuyumi. " He said almost in a mumble.

 " Midoriya that is my sister.... " I said shocked.

 " R-Really? " He said amazed.

 " Yes. Midoriya I could never cheat on you. You make me so unbelievably happy, you're why I could make it through all the time I spent here. Midoriya I love you more then anything, you're always on my mind. You're my reason to keep moving forward! " I said crying and standing up with Midoriya in front of me.

 " T-Todoroki... " He said blushing and crying.

 " Izuku Midoriya, I love you. I know we're only high school graduates now but, will you stay with me forever? Even if it's not dating? " I said taking his hands.

" Of course I will! " Midoriya said hugging me.

 I leaned in and kissed Midoriya gently on the lips, it was warm and slow. After kissing we sat on the bridge looking at the water with our hands intertwined. It was quiet and peaceful before Midoriya finally spoke up.

 " Hey Todoroki, do you have any colleges you want to go to? " He asked looked down at our dangling feet.

 " Not really, I go where ever you go though. " I said, my grip slightly tightening.

 " We should go to a pro hero college, it could be fun. Some of our other friends from U.A could come as well. " Midoriya said giving me an adorable smile.

 " That sounds fun, Izuku. " I said sweetly.

 " I love you Shoto. "  Midoriya said leaning on my shoulder.

 " I love you as well. " I smiled.


 Well that's the end of this book I hope you all enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing this and I enjoyed seeing all the positive comments they made me happy. Anyways I'll try and be more active and work on my other TodoDeku book and a new book should be out soon. Anyways would you guys like a sequel to this book when they are in college? If you guys do lemme know in the comments and I'll make it happen. Sorry this chapter is short, but I'll talk to you guys later. Buh~Bye ❤️❤️❤️

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