Chapter 8: Rumors

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 ❤️❤️❤️ Hello everyone, before I start this chapter I would like to say thank you. Since this was my 1st fan fiction I didn't expect a lot of attention. As I continued you writing I noticed views growing and kind people giving me support. These people have encouraged me to keep writing and have hope in what I create. I would like to give a special thanks to  Hibiki_Mogami, whatismylifeowo, and TheLimpingLion. These 3 left me some comments that made my day. Thank you everyone for your support! ❤️❤️❤️

 Uraraka's POV:

 The second I heard that Todoroki asked Deku out on a date I had to follow them, and I did. It was sweet and romantic and I got plenty of pictures, until they walked to the bridge. When I saw Deku's self harm my heart shattered. Deku never mentioned who or what caused this harm, but I already knew it was Bakugo. I was so mad I wasn't thinking straight and I texted Bakugo telling him to meet me behind the school.

 I walked down to the school rage flowing over my body. I heard footsteps around the corner and soon to see Bakugo's angry face.

 " What the hell do you want round face? " He said in annoyance.

 " Why are you so mean to Deku? He did nothing to you, he deserves to be happy. Deku deserves the world and yet you're so cruel to him, " I raised my hand ready to grab him if he started to walk away or use his quirk.

 " He is a damn nerd and worthless. The damn quirk-less nerd thinks he is better then me and he is not. I have to prove to him that I am #1! "

" You are the cause of Deku's depression Bakugo! "

" W-What the hell are you talking about? " He whisper, anger in his tone.

 I pulled out my phone and showed him the pictures of Deku's arms covered in cuts. He stared his expression changing into an evil smile. Without thinking I slapped Bakugo straight across the face. He froze, said nothing, just stood there.

 " That damn nerd only wants attention, you'll pay for that round face so will that damn Deku. " He said storming off, I looked down my anger flowing through my body. If he does anything to Deku, that will be the end of him. I probably should inform Todoroki on this.

 Todoroki's POV:

 I was sleeping humbly with Midoriya in my arms, listening to his soft snores until suddenly I heard my phone buzz. I carefully grabbed my phone, not to wake Midoriya. Uraraka, what could she want?

Uraraka: Todoroki!!! Bakugo knows about Deku's self harm and depression! I think he is planning to do something to him, we need to keep an eye on Deku

Todoroki: Wait how did you find out about this in the 1st place? Midoriya said I'm the only one who knows. Second, how the hell did Bakugo find out!?

Uraraka: I kinda spied on you two yesterday hehe. But that's not what's important Bakugo wants to hurt Deku!

Todoroki: You didn't tell me how Bakugo knows.

Uraraka: I was mad at him....I figured he did this to Deku and confronted him about it, and now he is mad.

Todoroki: Uraraka you can't let your emotions take over like that. For now we have to protect Deku from Bakugo. Inform Tsu and Iida on the news. I'll talk to you later.

Uraraka: Bye Todo~Kun! <3

 I sighed as I looked at Midoriya peacefully sleeping, I ran my fingers through his hair. Don't worry I'll keep you safe Midoriya. I held onto him once more and nuzzled my face into his hair waiting for him to wake up. After waiting a few minutes Midoriya started to turn and sweat in his sleep. He began mumbling and tearing up. I started to shake Midoriya trying to wake him up, soon he shot up his eyes wide and teary.

 " Midoriya are you okay? You started to toss and turn in your sleep, and mumbled a few things. "

 He sat there in silence, soon tears started pouring out of his eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug, petting his hair once again.

 " I-I'm sorry T-Todoroki... " he finally whispered, his voice was hoarse. 

 " Why, you haven't done anything Midoriya. "

 " I-I'm just a b-burden to you a-and everyone else. K-Kacchan said s-so himself, h-he is normally r-right. " He sobbed, Bakugo you will pay.

 " Midoriya, don't listen to what Bakugo says. The small amount of the time he is wrong is when he talks bad about you. Midoriya I love you, more then anything in the world please don't cry. "

 " I-I love you t-too Todoroki, " He cried into my shoulder and held onto me tightly as I continued to brush his hair.

 I brushed my hand through his hair one last time before putting my hand on his chin and lifting up his head. I saw his teary eyes shine looking at mine, a blush spreading across his face.

 " I love you, Midoriya " I whispered before slowly kissing him. I felt my face heat up as he kissed me back. I brushed my hands through his hair as we kiss and he held my face. I softly bit his lip as he opened his mouth. We kissed for about a minute more before separating for air both of our faces blushing furiously.

 I pulled him back into a hug and we sat there in peaceful silence, to soon hear Midoriya's soft, yet sweet snores. He had fallen back to sleep. Tomorrow we had school once again and anxiety filled my body worrying about what Bakugo would do to him. I soon feel asleep Midoriya snuggled closely to my chest, sleeping the entire day away with the person I love.

 Midoriya's POV:

 I jolted in at the sound of the alarm clock, I looked over remembering it was Monday. I tried to sit up only the hear Todoroki groan attempting to hold me closer. I blushed and brushed my hands though his hair until his eyes slowly opened.

 " Good morning Todoroki, " He groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes.

 " Good morning beautiful, " he said pulling me into his lap, hugging my from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

 " T-Todoroki we have to g-get ready for school, " i said flustered and he nodded.

 -Time skip to arriving at school-

 Todoroki walked into the school, our hands intertwined. I saw students from another class approach us, I greeted them with a smile. They didn't smile instead they walked up to me and kneed me in the chest. The other students kicking my sides, while one other held Todoroki down. I groaned in pain and fell to my knees. The other kids left and coughed and wheezed.

 I saw blood drip onto the ground and felt my mouth as I wheezed. Blood was dripping out of my mouth and my waste was bruised. I soon felt Todoroki gently hold me and help me up. Todoroki's beautiful eyes looked at me, they were filled with worry. Everything started to become blurry. Before I could I tell what happened everything went black and blood dripped from my mouth.

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