Chapter 3: Do You Like Him?

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Uraraka's POV:

 I walk into class to see Todoroki talking to Deku once again. Ever since the power test a week ago they've been really close, as if Todoroki is his body guard. I walk over to them and say good morning to them, Deku smiled good morning back with a flustered look. I giggled soon also becoming flustered and back away a bit. Todoroki said good morning as well with his blank slate of expression. I find it funny how somebody like Deku and Todoroki became such good friends. Some times I get a little jealous of them, I wish to be that close to Deku. I eventually go back to my desk as the bell rings.

 I look over to see Deku taking notes mumbling while Todoroki stares making sure Kacchan doesn't pull anything funny. I suddenly realize I'm also staring at Deku until Mr. Aizawa calls me and Todoroki out on it.

 " Uraraka and Todoroki pay attention and stop gazing at Midoriya! " He yelled as we both looked away flustered and Deku looked up in confusion.

 He quickly looks back down taking notes also slightly flustered and his hand shaking. Everyone looked at the 3 of us confused we were all flustered before the lunch bell rang. Todoroki looked relieved as well,

 " Midoriya/Deku will you eat lunch with me today, " Todoroki and I asked simultaneously looking back at each other.

 " Why don't all eat together with Iida and Tsu? " He smiled like the pure angel he is.

 Todoroki and I nodded and the 5 of us walked to lunch together. As Iida, Deku, and Tsu walked ahead of us Todoroki tried to catch up, but I grabbed his sleeve.

 " Todoroki.., do you like Deku? As more than friends? " I asked bluntly.

 He just stared at me more flustered then I've seen him. He froze and just stared I've never seen him show emotion before. He mumbled something only I could hear, That's what I've been asking myself. My eyes widen at what he said, he didn't know? I looked down eyes teary and hands shaking and mumbled something quietly that Todoroki could barely hear, so do I. I started crying right then and there I could tell Todoroki could understand these feelings. He wiped my tears and told me it was okay, we'll find out how we really feel in time. I smiled and then we caught up with the others, Todoroki going back to his emotionless self.

 Midoriya's POV:

 After waiting forever Todoroki and Uraraka finally caught up and apologized for holding us up. We sat at a table and talked among ourselves. I was curious, what were Uraraka and Todoroki doing that took so long?

 " Uraraka, Todoroki what were you doing that took you so long? " I blurted out not realizing I said it out loud.

 The 2 just awkwardly looked at each other and Uraraka flustered starting ranting on and lost me half way through. I nodded and laughed and told her it was fine I was just curious. Uraraka was too innocent for this world, she deserved better. While Todoroki was my best friend like my knight in shining armor. I adored these 2, but I felt as they weren't telling me something. These thoughts stayed on my mind all day I couldn't focus on anything. Soon the lunch bell rang and I walked back to class lost in thought and mumbling aloud. I suddenly tripped and panicked then somebody caught me and pulled me up. I saw it was Todoroki he didn't let go of me we just stared at each other.

 His eyes they were so beautiful one as blue as the morning sky and the other a calming grey. Are faces were inches apart and I started to blush a light red feeling my face heat up.

 " U-um Todoroki...? Could you please let me go? " I stuttered extremely flustered.

 He then snapped out of it and nodded flustered and stood me up straight. We walked into class quickly and flustered and sat down hiding our faces. I saw Uraraka walk in soon after and I looked away even more flustered and she sat down looking confused. The bell soon rang and class continued as normal.

 Todoroki's POV: 

 I began to gaze at Midoriya again, thinking about what just happened. Good job me you froze and got lost in his beautiful emerald eyes. For some reason I enjoyed holding Midoriya, like he was mine I wanted to protect him. I slowly felt my face heat up and then I snapped out of it as Midoriya looked back and awkwardly waved. I was flustered and I hid my face in my book. Good going idiot. All I want to do is be with him, it makes me feel happy when I am. The bell for school soon rang and I got up rushing to Midoriya's desk.

 " He Midoriya, would you like to walk home together? " Midoriya smiled and nodded and we headed out of class.

 A few times I tried to hold his hand, but then stopped myself remembering what Uraraka had told me. She also had these confusing emotions, only she understood how I felt. I doubt Midoriya liked me back though he always gets flustered around her and she did back. 

 " Does Midoriya like Uraraka?! " I blurted out of no where Midoriya freezing and looking back at me.

 He looked so nervous and flustered and started shaking. God dang it Todoroki you screwed it up, I hugged Midoriya with out thinking. I whispered I was sorry into his ear as he slowly started to hug me back. Midoriya was so warm I wanted this moment to last forever, yet it couldn't. We continued to walk home as nothing happened I almost screwed that all up. After Midoriya got home I walked the rest of the way home by myself and got lost in thought. I really do like, no love Midoriya. He is my knight, my angel! He saved me, brought me back up to my feet and made me happy. I can't survive with out him, I have to tell him sooner or later, but when?

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