Chapter 4: The Plan

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Todoroki's POV:

 I couldn't keep these burning feelings inside me anymore. It's been at least a week since Uraraka and I talked about this and it wouldn't leave my mind. I always feel a knot form in my stomach when we talk, my heart speed up when we talk, and my face heat up at the mention of his name. Before I knew what happened the lunch bell rang I had spaced off the entire class thinking about it. Should I tell him after school, wait no at the schools Winter Festival Friday night! It would be perfect, I just need to ask him to come with me. I grabbed my items and walked out of class seeing Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya walking to lunch. My heart was already beating faster as ran to catch up with them.

 " Hey Todoroki! Wanna eat lunch with us today? " Midoriya questioned with a bubbly smile.

 " Ya sure, also you guys wanna go to the Winter Festival this Friday together we could all hang out and have fun. " I forced out almost stuttering.

 " Really? That sounds really fun! We can all meat up at my house Friday after school and head down together, " offered Uraraka giving me and evil grin. 

 We all laughed and headed down to the lunch room or I thought before Uraraka grabbed my tie, pulling me to the side. I looked down at her and she had an evil grin on as she slowly looked back up making eye contact. It as if she was staring into my soul and tearing it into tiny pieces. Her grin slowly turned into a frown.

 " You're planning on confessing to Midoriya on Friday aren't you? " She finally spat out shaking, her grip tightening on my tie.

 I just stared as she shook almost crying, I didn't what to say then I suddenly remembered that she liked Midoriya too. I placed my hand on her head and rand my fingers through her hair trying to comfort her.

 " Yes I am, I know you like him also, but I can't hide these feelings anymore I have to tell him. "

 She stopped crying and wiped the tears from her face then pulling on my tie. Was trying to choke me? I reached for my neck trying to loosen the tie she then flashed up at me with her evil grin returning.

 " I'm challenging you, you won't be the only one to confess to Deku on Friday night! Who ever Deku chooses gets him and that's the end of that! Deal? " She grinned at me.

 I nodded and shook her hand in agreement and we walked back together. You could feel the competition between us a mile away! I jumped back startled to see Midoriya waiting around the corner. Did he hear us? I sure hope not, we then all headed to lunch feeling anxious that Midoriya heard.

 Uraraka's POV:

 I know Deku heard us, it was all apart of my plan. About 2 weeks ago Deku told me he had feelings for Todoroki ever since the sports festival. So the 1st time I pulled Todoroki off to the side I talked to him about it hoping to make his feelings for Deku stronger knowing already he had a small crush on him. By the looks of it I did just fine he seems even more flustered around Deku then before, but still trying to keep a straight face and not become flustered. He always seemed so calm and relaxed, but I knew deep down he was just a sweet ball of feelings. After I increases Todoroki's feelings I planned on inviting him to the festival but he seemed to have beat me to it. Making things a lot more smooth. I told Deku to wait around the corner so he could clearly hear our conversation. Todoroki may have kept his voice down, but I kept mine up making mine voice clear as day to Deku. Todoroki now thinks he has a rival and is going to anything in his power to win Deku's heart. Things are going as accorded to plan. 

 -Time Skip to Friday Night-

 I stood outside my house waiting for the boys to arrive.  I had a pink frilly dress on with white leggings and matching pink shoes. I soon saw a car pull up and Iida walked out a minute later. I checked my phone and giggled to myself realizing he came exactly the second it turned 3:00 p.m the time I told everyone to meet up here. Iida had a pair of dark blue jeans on with a grey sweater I greeted him then waiting for Deku and Todoroki. 

 Soon I saw Deku and Todoroki walking together down to my house. Deku had grey skinny jeans on and a green wind breaker and a black shirt. Todoroki had black skinny jeans and a red turtle neck sweater. They looked so snazzy and looked perfect together! I squealed a little as they finally arrived.

 " You look beautiful Uraraka! " Deku said with a sweet smile, I could see jealousy grow in Todoroki's eyes.

 " Thank you Deku! You look handsome yourself, " I giggled.

 Todoroki made a quick glare at me before linking arms with Deku and started to walk down to the festival together.

 Midoriya's POV:

 I knew exactly what Uraraka was doing it was pretty obvious, but I went along with it. She knew I liked Todoroki and I had recently found out Todoroki liked me back which made my heart skip a beat. Todoroki and I walked our arms intertwined, I then suddenly became really flustered and I could tell Todoroki noticed.

 " Everything okay Midoriya? " Concern in his voice as Todoroki placed is soft hands on my head to feel my temperature.

 " U-Uh ya! I'm just tired no big deal. " I said scratching the back of my head. 

 " Tired eh? I can solve that problem. " He said picking me and placing me on his shoulders. I was now sitting on his shoulders  I felt so tall!

 " T-Todoroki you d-don't have to carry me. "

 " To late, to the Winter Festival! " He jokingly said and started running towards the schools holding onto my legs tightly making sure not to drop me. I looked behind us and Iida had picked up Uraraka and put her on his shoulders and started running. This soon turned into a piggy back race Todoroki and Iida looked at each and picked up the speed. We soon made it the school yet tripping all of us falling into a pile and laughing mess.

 I sat up to see Todoroki was under me and I was sitting on his chest. I stood up quickly helping him up flustered. His hands were soft and warm, I didn't want to let go. I could feel the awkward tension and quickly let go.

 " Let all go in now shall we? " Uraraka said pointing at the entrance. We nodded and all headed into the festival, tonight was going to be fun.

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