Chapter 5: Confession

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 Midoriya's POV:

 We walked into the festival with huge smiles on ours faces, except for Todoroki who had his usual blank expression. I wish he would smile more, it suits him well. We walked past all the activities until Uraraka stopped grabbing my arm and her eyes sparkled at one of the prizes.

 " Dekuuuu I want that bear! " She said with a goofy smile looking at a cotton candy pink bear with hearts on the stomach.

 " I can win that for you Ms. Uraraka! " Iida said doing his weird hand motions pulling out his wallet to pay.

 " No no no it's okay Iida she asked me I'll do it, " I interrupted walking up to the booth. It was a basic game throw the ball and hit the target, smaller the target you hit the bigger the prize. I walked up paying for 2 throws. I aim slightly activating one for all in my hand to then throw the ball smashing the smallest target and making a hole in the booth's back wall. The game owner looked in shock at the hole the in a panic just handed me the one I asked for. We walked off slightly giggling and Uraraka hugged me, jealousy flaring in Todoroki's eyes.

 We continued on walking and the festival got really crowded and I ended up getting separated from the crowd along with Uraraka. 

 " Uraraka where is Todoroki and Iida? " I said looking around, I suddenly felt Uraraka hold my hand. I looked over extremely flustered, and she giggled.

 " So we don't get separated! We don't want to end up alone do you? " She said giving me a closed eyed smile, I nodded.

 We walked around looking for Todoroki and Iida, you would think he would stand out having multi colored hair like that. I saw Uraraka being to shiver and I gave her my jacket and she smiled slightly blushing. We eventually saw familiar faces Tsu and Kirishima! We ran over to them and they greeted us.

 " Woah Uraraka did you actually ask Midoriya out? That's so manly, " exclaimed Kirishima, making me blush and become flustered. He saw she had my jacket and we were holding hands.

 " No actually we got separated from Iida and Todoroki and we didn't want to end up on our own so I suggested to hold hands. Speaking of which have you seen Todoroki and Iida? " Uraraka said keeping her happy and bubbly smile.

 How was she so calm?

 " No sorry, why don't we all look together! Ribbit, " suggested Tsu.

 We all nodded in agreement and walked off in a search for our friends. We eventually saw Todoroki's beautiful red and white hair and ran over to him to then see Iida as well.

 " Todoroki, Iida over here! " Shouted Kirishima.

 We ran up to them to suddenly be pulled into a hug by Todoroki. I could feel my face heat and a blush appear on my face. He nuzzled his face into my green fluffy hair, I could hear Uraraka squealing and Kirishima saying how manly we were. Todoroki soon let go and looked at me with his hands on my shoulders.

 " We were so worried about and were afraid we lost you! " Said Todoroki with worry in his voice, I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know it was okay and he nodded.

 Todoroki's POV: 

 I can't hold it in anymore, I need to tell him it feels like I'm going to burst! I then quickly noticed Uraraka and Midoriya were holding hands and she was wearing his jacket. Sadness then consumed my body, she confessed and he accepted. It was all over I felt my face heat up and my eyes water. I snapped out of and grabbed Uraraka by the wrist and pulled her off to the side behind a booth.

 " You confessed to Midoriya, didn't you, " I coughed up.

 " So what if I did? I told you I would be your rival tonight, " she sassed.

 " Uraraka, take care of Midoriya, he means the world to me even if it hurts to seem him go like that I just want him to be happy, " I forced the words out of me.

 " Oh Todoroki, I didn't confess we were holding hands so we didn't get separated. I know he means a lot to you. " She said with a sincere smile.

 " Urara- " I was cut off.

 " Go. To. Him. " She spat out and I nodded to then run off to find Midoriya.

 He was talking to Iida and Tsu I could see panic and worry in his eyes. Was he crying, and where did Kirishima go? I saw Iida making weird hand motions trying to calm him down and Tsu awkwardly standing there looking around until we made eye contact. She motioned her head signaling me to come there and Uraraka slowly came over with me.

 " Uraraka, Todoroki! " Shouted Midoriya hugging me and sniffling.

 " What's wrong? " I asked petting his soft hair.

 " I thought we lost you guys again, I got really anxious about I'm just glad your back, " he sniffled.

 " Midoriya, we need to talk could you come with me for a few minutes? " I wheezed out.

 Midoriya nodded and I grabbed his hand and dragged him along. I looked behind me to see his sparkling green eyes. Iida and Tsu tried to follow us but Uraraka stopped them, I nodded thanking her and continued walking. We eventually made it to the field outside of the festival. The blue night sky was clear with not a cloud in sight, just stars. Midoriya's eyes twinkled as I turned to face him with anxiety in my eyes.

 " So what did you want to talk about Todoroki? It must be important to travel this far away to talk, " he giggled his adorable laugh.

 " Midoriya, you mean everything to me. You're my world the reason I'm happy with myself, the reason I have friends, the reason why my life is better then ever before. Midoriya I will also be grateful for what you did for me, nobody has ever cared for me like you have. I always feel warm and happy around you and I want to always be with you. " I rambled looking at Midoriya his eyes shined as his face began to blush.

 " Midoriya, I love you. "

 He just stared his face even more red then before. His eyes began to tear up as he fell to his knees. What did I do?

 " M-Midoriya!? What's wrong did I screw up? " I said in a panic sitting down in front of him.

 " N-no it's j-just I love y-you also b-but I was afraid y-you could never l-like somebody like m-me back, " he stuttered.

 " Midoriya, you are perfect in every way of course I love you I said holding his hands looking into his beautiful green eyes to soon be pulled into a warm hug. We stayed that way for a while until we stood up again.

 " I love you Todoroki, lets head back to our friends, " he smiled sweetly and I nodded. Our hands intertwined, his hands were so soft and warm. We headed back, holding hands with a warm smile on both our faces. Could tonight get any better?

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