CHAPTER 24 - Happy Family

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12:32 NN, October 11, 2005, One day after the Incident at Nuclear Power Plant, Mandaya City.

Czarlize holds the book he wishes to give with Vince.

The Life of Island Lost.

She was thinking while signing the front page of the novel with her name and present date.

Czarlize: …it’s our story, Vince.

She then followed.

Czarlize: …and Carmelita is our daughter.

For no reason at all, Czarlize never told Vince for a long long time about this things. She went to Australia and pregnant already with Carmelita before.

Carmelita P. Balacina

Carmelita however was unaware of the situation. She never knows that her father was Vince. She just thought that her real father was dead. However, she’s happy with her step-father who takes care of her like a real daughter; Starcy also treats her like a real sister.

On the other hand, Czarlize thought that Vince had gone something important to do.

Czarlize: …it’s maybe the reason why he did not called me.

Czarlize never thought of calling the Miyami Nuclear Power Plant for Vince. She doesn’t even know the mobile number of Vince, she just handed her a calling card in the cocktail.

She murmured.

Czarlize: Vince might be going out of the country... busy as always, just like the old times...

She then paused for a while.

Czarlize: …I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have left you...

Feeling regrets.

She then returned to her laptop and touched the mouse. The laptop returns alive from hibernation. She continued typing.

She was almost finished with her newest novel.

Meanwhile, Sophie and Angeline calls Starcy, they are on their way to the terminal.

Starcy was wearing a blue skirt and black pants.

Starcy: Mami, my pack is ready; I will meet some of my classmate …

Starcy continued.

Starcy: …we will be going to …on a project…

She intently discontinued. She’s actually going to a photojournalism contest with her friends, she knows Czarlize won’t allow her because she had examinations the day after, and she hasn’t reviewed her lecture notes.

Czarlize replied while typing.

Czarlize: who will come with you?

Starcy: Sophie and Angeline, mami.

Czarlize was feeling worried.

Czarlize: …and how about Light? …won’t he come?

Starcy: No mami, he is preparing on the photo-journalism contest.

She almost slipped her tongue going there. Suddenly, someone’s voice began to interrupt, her daddy.

Glen was washing dishes at their cuisine, lunch was over.

Glen: do Sophie and Angeline have a vehicle?

Starcy: None dadi,

Starcy replied while getting some water to drink.

Glen: …then I will take the three of you there, we have a car.

Starcy: it’s alright dadi, we’ll be riding in a bus, in the Roku terminal.

Sgt. Glen L. Montes became silent, finishing his work.

Czarlize: ok then, take good care ok.

Starcy: yes, mami!

She replied while approaching Chubi.

Carmelita and Chubi was still sleeping, feeling tired.

Starcy murmurs silently to Chubi.

Starcy: bye chubi chubby.

Starcy left their house.

Glen finishes the dish washing;

Suddenly, a glass slipped on the hands of Glen and fell out on its place; the glass was broken into pieces.

Czarlize upon hearing what was happened, shocked a little.

Czarlize: Honey, what was that?

Glen: Nothing honey, I can fix this.

Glen takes the broom and the dustpan, he cleans the area.

Czarlize heart suddenly pounds, as if there’s something bad will happen, an omen, but after a while, she then shook her heads and continued typing.

Suddenly, Glen approached Czarlize, surprised and hugs her tightly while she’s typing.

Czarlize: Ayy! (in a surprised mode)

Glen: …come on sweet heart, let’s do something.

Czarlize was still busy typing. He then naughtily kissed her ears.

Glen: …c’mon sweety, you can finish that later.

After a while, she was finished with her newest novel.

Czarlize: I’m done!

Typing the last word ‘end’.

She then stands up and turned around to Glen, she kissed him.

Glen then embraced her. He then said.

Glen: I love you, honey.

Czarlize replied.

Czarlize: I love you more...

Then she followed the statement in her thoughts.

Czarlize: ...Vincent.

I Love You More - by Lizelle TabaqueroWhere stories live. Discover now