Chapter 7- Jolene Woods*

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It's so hot that my makeup is melting.
I'm running through the flaming burkingwood mall searching to the best of my ability for Jason. I can barely see past a foot because of how bright the flames are, and because of how much ash there is. Ash, it's everywhere. Including some stones which have no interest in me but rather in saving their own. My white shoes get caught on something soft, but I fall to my knees anyways. I don't stand up because the air is better down here and I can breathe without coughing as much.

A cough escapes my throat as I still search. But just like when I started searching I see nothing but stones. I begin to loose hope as I pass the food court. But I know deep down Jason has got to be in here somewhere! He's just got to be! I stop moving and rest up against one of the metal chairs. I cough into my hand. I'm so tired, and I just got done sleeping, how is that even possible?

There's a cracking sound above me and when I look up, parts of the roof begin to fall down. As soon as I see it, I'm up on my feet running away. Behind me the pieces hit the floor with a loud thud, and I know that would have been me underneath that rubble had I not paid attention.

I don't sit down, because I don't want to sit down. Although my body yearns for me to sleep, I know I can't. I have to get to Jason. I push hot rubble out of the way, burning my hands, but I don't react because they are all ready burnt. I actually can't feel anything anymore, only the sweat that is running down my face and down my back, and down my chest. I cough into my burnt hands again and stumble a few more steps before I crash to the ground. I'm starting to get dizzy, all of this fire is eating up the oxygen like crazy.

"Jason!" I yell, even though I know he won't reply. It's too loud now, as the wind is starting to pick up, making the flames even worse. One of them catches my arm, making me regret ditching my sweatshirt back at the entrance to the mall. I'm now just in a tank and my jeans and my once white shoes.

"Jason!" I yell again, but this time I think he'll hear me, even though he doesn't. I stand up shakily and begin walking again.
Where's the entrance again? My mind is fuzzy and I can't breathe.
Who am I searching for again? My head hurts and I can't walk anymore.
I'm so tired. I collapse to the ground, the energy and oxygen completely gone or in a small amount.
I just want to sleep, go be Linda again. I fall to my side in the ash, it covering me like a blanket and feeling like a pillow.
I'm going to sleep now. I close my eyes. But then I stop. Something tells me to get up and scream his name one more time. Something tells me to go one more minute. And as I stand and begin to move, it tells me to go another, and another, and another. With a huge breath of the poisoned air that burns my lungs, I scream.

"Jason Brock!" I scream so loud that my voice hurts afterward. When I stop screaming it, I pause and try to listen for a reply.

"Jolene!" It's so loud and clear, "Jolene—" cough, "I'm over here!" I turn to the voice and I sigh, relieved at the sight of Jason. He's covered in ash and looks like he's been burnt on his arms, but he's never looked so attractive. Even though I'm about to pass out from lack of oxygen, my mind corrects me. No, don't think like that. Thinking like that gets you hurt. But I don't care. I think about how happy I am to see him anyways. I take off running towards him and when I reach him I plant a kiss on his warm, dry, ash covered cheek. Seeing him again is like a breath of fresh of air, instantly my mind is cleared. 

"Come on!" I yell through the wind and crackling flames. "The entrance is this way." I grab Jason's hand and lead him through the fire towards where I think the entrance is. Just as I see the suns light against the flames of the tornado which is right outside, the roof begins to completely crash in. Me and Jason run harder, trying to escape the rubble coming down behind us. But we're too slow. The rubble comes down on top of us, and the only thing that saves me, is Jason pulling me underneath some rubble shaped like a pyramid.

THE MEDUSA VIRUS: Book one of the Beta VirusesWhere stories live. Discover now