Chapter 25- Kit Burdine*

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I roll to a stop and am instantly up on my feet. I plant my feet and square my shoulders just in time to deflect Abby's pounce. I'm quick to toss her off to the side, sending her rolling.

"Abby! What are you doing?"

There's a growl from her as she stands and turns turns towards me. Her eyes are filled with anger and hunger, two things I hadn't seen in her eyes before. A scream escapes her throat as she begins charging towards me.

"Abby please! I don't want to hurt you!" I exclaim as I jump to the side, avoiding her long talons. I turn expecting her to be coming towards me again, but she's just looking at me. "Abby, what has gotten into you?" I ask.

"Why are you always in my way?" Abby asks, her voice ringing in my head.

"I can't-- I won't let you hurt my friends!"

Abby replies with a snap at the air. She's so much like an animal, feral in every way shape and form. It's scary to see her like this, knowing that I can't convince her to think rationally.

"Abby?" I ask taking a step towards her.

I would back off. The other me hisses when we take another step. Unfortunately his warning comes a little late. Abby jumps towards me arms outreached and ready to catch her pray. She tackles me to the ground and lets out a blood curling screech. My head collides with the ground as Abby slams me repeatedly. The contact with the ground sends waves of pain throughout my body, starting with my head and making its way down. I scream as I elbow her in the face in an effort to snap her out of this. When it doesn't work I knee her and push her off my body. But all my efforts are in vain as she scrambles back on top of me.

Okay that enough of that. The other me snaps as he forces his way to the front. In an instant he's flipped both us and Abby over so we are on the top. The other me lifts Abby's shoulders and slams her against the ground. Instantly Abby goes limp, the only thing moving being her patterned breath and her eyes.

"You will obey me from now on." The other me demands. When Abby doesn't respond she's slammed against the road again. "Answer me." We snap.

"I don't answer to half infested like you." Abby snarls.

"Wrong answer." Our fist comes in contact with her face, instantly making her go completely limp. We stand and lift her up off the ground, throwing her over our shoulders. We carry her back towards where the spider is unleashing it's wrath. However instead of walking straight into the chaos we walk around.

"Is that Abby?" Nikala asks as we approach her.

"Yeah, and she went straight for Ollie."

"Are they okay?!" Nikala asks stepping towards me. The other me tosses Abby to the ground, letting her feel the full force of gravity.

"Yeah, We saved them." I respond.

"Oh thank god." Nikala breathes.

"They took a truck north, the Canada border is only a few hours away so they should be safe soon."

"That's good." Nikala says with a nod.

"We should move before that spider thinks we are another meal."

"Should we follow Jolene and the others?"

"Do you want my honest opinion?" I ask tilting my head. Nikala nods taking a deep breath through her nose. "I think we should stay far away from them. We are just leading swarms of stones towards them which really puts their lives in danger."

"You're right." Nikala says as she closes her eyes. "But I want to be there if something goes wrong. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to them."

THE MEDUSA VIRUS: Book one of the Beta VirusesWhere stories live. Discover now