Chapter 14- Jolene Woods*

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The electronic company luckily had a room full of walkers, but not just any walkers. Of course we would happen to find the company who makes the best walkers out there. A complete suit that can allow the paralyzed to walk, and the broken legged to heal over the course of days. It will obviously look weird, making weird lumps under Jason's pants, but at least he'll be able to walk. The electronic company also has a couple good radios as well, which I am currently working on getting operational. By that I mean searching for a station that's actually working.

"Anything?" Jason asks, stepping out of the bathroom. I look up past the radio, towards the door he just exited out of.

"No. How are your feet?" I ask going back to searching through stations.

"They're fine. It hurts a little to stand, but it's so much better than being carried." I smile at Jason's answer.

"I'm glad the suit works for you."

"Yeah, you have no idea how much I hated being dead weight." Jason says as he walks across the room, sitting down in a rolling chair and scooting to where he's beside me. "Can I do anything?"

"You can go find me something to eat." I answer, looking up at him. Right now I wish I could see the color of his face, even if he has brown eyes. Jason just looks at me, and makes a face as if he senses something is wrong.

"I meant to ask you.." Jason looks at his hands and then back at me, "How did you get all those burns?" I shrug and try to say it as calmly as I can, as it really isn't that big of a deal.

"I got struck by lightening." Jason looks at me, his eyes wide.

"You got struck by lightening?!" I nod. Jason reaches towards me, his hand touching my arm and making butterflies form in my stomach. "Are you okay?" I go to say yes, but then I pause.

"No, I can't see anything but white and blacks." Jason sighs and rubs my arms, making goosebumps cover my arms and legs.

"I'm sorry." Jason moves his hand, taking my hand rather than my arm. "Can I help any?" I bite my lip and look away, searching my brain for answer.

"You can help me match clothes?" I say, questioning myself on wether or not it's a good idea. Jason smiles at me, and surprisingly is sends more butterflies through my stomach.

"I can do that, yeah." Jason answers. I look at my hand, and just stare at the way our hands entwine perfectly. How nice it feels to have someone hold my hand. And how terrible my nails look. "Do you want me to do your makeup?" Jason asks. I look up at him and make a face.

"Of course, what type of question is that?!" I exclaim, getting excited to feel makeup on my face, and to not look like a slob anymore. Jason chuckles at my reaction, looking at our hands for a moment. Which I notice because his face changes shades, just like it did when he asked me to sleep with him. Jason pulls his hand from mine, and instantly my hand is cold, which makes me wish he would have never let go of my hand.

"Sorry." He apologizes quietly, looking bashfully at his hands that are resting in his lap. I want to tell him to take my hand again. I want to tell him that I like holding his hand. I want to tell him that I like him. But I don't.

"It's okay." I say blandly, feeling my heart ache. Jason looks up at me and then his face goes from bashfulness to excitement.

"So when are you going to let me pick your clothes?!" My eyes widen, and my hand goes into the air, signaling that he needs to take it down a couple of notches.

"I never said you could pick my clothes, I said you could match them." I state. Jason's face droops, making me feel bad for clarifying. "You can pick some clothes though, as long as they aren't—terrible." Jason instantly perks up, a white toothed smile crossing his face. He then lets his smile fade, letting himself become serious.

THE MEDUSA VIRUS: Book one of the Beta VirusesWhere stories live. Discover now