Chapter 23- Kit Burdine*

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I shove my fist into the water, gripping the fish tightly. Behind me I can hear mine and Nikala's pack growling in approval. I toss it back to the group closest to the water. Instantly the fish is ripped apart and devoured, just like all of the other fish I've caught. I look back to the water and let my super senses come forth once more. My head tilts as my superhuman eyes scan the water for any movement. My feet dig into the earth, eager to feel some vibrations or movement under the water.

There's a flash of silver beside me and instinctively my hand plunges towards the water. I barely catch the fish by the fin and I'm quick to toss the flopping creature up onto the ground of the woods. All of the stones from my pack growl and lunge for the flopping fish and I watch as it's ripped to pieces. My eyes flicker to Nikala's pack in the water, all of whom are fully capable of catching their own food.

"Look at that one!" One of Nikala's pack members exclaims. My head snaps back to the water and I instantly see the big sucker. It successfully swims past all of Nikala's pack, moving back and forth avoiding all their deadly claws. However, it's still got me to pass. I wait until the fish goes back to swimming straight before making my move.

I leap forward arms outreaches and claws ready to attack. I land in the water and feel my hands crush it, the warmth of its blood seeping through my fingers. My body instinctively sits up and takes a breath before digging into the fish. The flavor instantly hits my tongue, making the other me dig into the fish faster.

A growl comes from the left of me where my pack is standing and my eyes move to its source. Surely enough it's Abbey. She's hunched over, almost like she's ready to pounce. She tilts her head and growls again, insinuating that she wants a piece of my fish. I hiss back and turn my head back to the fish. I bite into the fish again and look back to her.

"Mine." I growl. Abbey's face changes, and my eyes widen in terror. Soon enough I'm in the water and the fish is being ripped out of my hands. I scream and nearly choke when the water rushes back into my throat. The other me makes my knees come up into Abbey's side, but she's already got the fish and is crawling over me.

I shoot up and before I can take a breath my body shoots out of the water towards Abbey. The other me opens his arms and quickly closes them around Abbey when we're close enough. Abbey and me go rolling across the ground, her taking most of the impact from the tackle.

Abbey screams a blood curdling scream as she sends her fingernails into my arm. I hiss and slam her shoulders against the ground, instantly making her hands drop to her sides. Abbey's and mines breath fills the air as I sit on her stomach. Abbey looks at my arms pinning her to the hard ground.

"Let me go." She growls.

My head tilts and I lean towards her face, "I told you the fish was mine." The other me pulls the fish out of her hands and soon gets off, leaving her on the ground. I finish most of the fish before tossing the leftovers to her. She looks at me on her knees and growls quietly before digging into the fish.

What a pussy. The other me scoffs in my head. I sigh before turning to Nikala who's sitting on a stone eating a abnormally large fish. "Hey Nikala."

Nikala holds up her finger not parting from the fish. I watch her carefully peel a piece of the fish away before she sinks her pearly whites into its pink flesh. Her platinum mid back hair flows into the way of her mouth, which makes her hiss. Nikala pulls her hair out of the way and pushes it behind her shoulder before going back to the fish.

She looks so peaceful, even if she's just got done hunting for a fish. It's almost like she's completely in control, unafraid of everything that's happened this week.

Nikala throws the bone of the fish away and takes a deep breath before looking to me, "Hey Kit. There something you need?"

"How do you do it?" I ask.

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