Chapter 11- The Girl Struck By Lightning*

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I sit there quietly as Kit helps Jason get changed. My arm has gone numb from the loss of blood but I don't think it's fatal. I rubbed burn cream over my arms and legs, making sure everywhere that the burns were got covered. Tomorrow they will heal, and my skin will be back to normal. The only burns that won't go away from the cream are the ones on my hands, which because of me gripping my bat earlier, are reopened. My shoulder wound is really bad, and I'm really lucky that it didn't damage my bone(by some miracle it only hit muscle, which still isn't good). All I know is I will be in pain for the weeks to come, and probably will be in pain every time I move my arm in the slightest. Not only that but I'm having issues seeing what color the clothes are that I've picked out. I see flashes here and there when I squint but it hurts my brain to squint for that long. I think that the pj shirt I chose is pink and the shorts are light blue color, but I could always be wrong.

"Jolene, you alright?" I nod and smile, looking up to Jason who is being held by Kit. Kit walks out of the bathroom across the hall and then sets him onto the bed next to me.

"I'm going to leave him here okay? I'm tired and it's dark out. So I'm going to go sleep." Kit says before he looks at me, a snicker in his throat. "Nice outfit Jolene." Kit then leaves me and Jason alone.

"What's wrong?"

"You have a yellow shirt on, and orange shorts. I thought you hated yellow." I look down at my shirt and squint my eyes. A flash of yellow comes out and I sigh.

"I'm fine, I just... suddenly like yellow." I say forcefully, doing my best not to gag when I say 'yellow'. Jason nods and smiles.

"Aright, not my choice what color you want to wear." Jason says before he lifts himself up, he pulls himself back but he yelps when his legs hit the bed again. I feel bad for him, it's not like we can heal him super fast. And I highly doubt this family has a walker. Which is what we would need in order to let him heal and walk. I stand up and head over to the door that leads to the hallway.

"Goodnight Jason." I'm about to leave, but Jason speaks.

"Wait!" I look at him.

"Yeah?" Jason's face changes shades, and when I squint my eyes real quick I see that he's blushing.

"Will you sleep with me? I mea—"

"Yes." I say sweetly. Jason smiles and I hear him sigh. I flick the switch, turning the light off, and then I head over to the bed and as slowly and carefully as I can I crawl underneath the covers, helping Jason as I do. I scoot close to him and make sure I'm careful as I lay my head on the crevice in between his arm and shoulder, in other words his armpit. I let my hurt arm go into a position where it doesn't hurt, which ends with my hand on his chest. I feel my face grow warm when my hand touches his chest, "I didn't notice you were shirtless." I admit. Jason laugh, his chest rising up and down.

"Did you not see that I took it off? I always sleep shirtless." I sigh realizing that my eyes really fail me.

"I thought it was the lighting of the room." Jason doesn't question me and instead a hum comes from him. I try my best to ignore the fact that he's shirtless, getting close to him and trying to fall asleep anyways. Eventually, after counting thirty fluffy sheep jumping over a white picket fence, I fall asleep.

I'm Linda again. But this time Linda is very panicked. She's rushing around the place we are in, yelling commands at everyone. "Nikala! I want you and your team to get the kids out of here!" Linda screams. Nikala nods.

"The team is gone, so are all the kids, you've been screaming that for the past hour! I think you're having a panic attack."

"Can't be, I haven't seen anyone leave." From Linda's view everyone is still there. But I guess our eyes are failing us.

THE MEDUSA VIRUS: Book one of the Beta VirusesWhere stories live. Discover now